May 29, 2015
City Manager's Friday Update


The community yard sale is in full swing!  My mother is a yard sale fan, and we hit 15 or so today; I have narrowed the list down to 59 for tomorrow.  Okay, maybe we will need to whittle it down a bit more.  All in all, 103 families in American Canyon are hosting official yard sales this weekend, plus dozens more that did not register with us.  If you love yard sale shopping, this is your weekend. 


Some important details to remember:  tomorrow, Saturday, from 10 AM to 2 PM, we will have a "pit stop" at the Senior Center (2185 Elliott) complete with a water station, snacks and access to restrooms.  We are also going to have water conservation staff on site to help answer your questions about drought restrictions and water conservation.  


On Sunday, from noon to 4 PM, the Corp Yard (205 Wetlands Edge Road) will be open for you to drop off recyclables (including ewaste).  If you have clothing and household goods that are in good shape, (maybe yard sale left overs?), drop them by our donation station at the same time and place. Check the website for maps and more details. Consider this your weekend for Spring Cleaning!  

On the Agenda...


On Tuesday, June 2nd, the City Council will meet at 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall.  The agenda is short this time; however we will hear from Creighton Wright, Parks and Recreation Director, about the preliminary results of the recently completed parks and recreation needs survey.  You can find the full agenda HERE.


At their last meeting on May 19th, the City Council adopted an ordinance imposing restrictions on water use.  These are the same restrictions you have already heard about (but check our water conservation page HERE just to be sure!).  These restrictions limit yard irrigation to two days a week and prohibit other wasteful uses of water.  The City Council also held a hearing and started the process to limit the use of single-use plastic bags in American Canyon.  The City Council is planning on finalizing this new policy at their meeting July 21, and new policies, similar to those already in place in Napa, will go into effect January 1, 2016.  Have questions?  Check out the FAQs.  You have plenty of time to give us feedback before the City Council finalizes this policy.  Sign on to Engage AC now to join the conversation, and plan to attend the July 21 City Council meeting.  If you would like to watch the May 19 City Council meeting, see a video here


And don't forget that every City Council has a time set aside to hear from the community on any topic of interest.  This public comment time is scheduled very early in the meeting, so plan on arriving at City Hall at 6:30 PM for City Council meetings.  Finally, your Mayor and City Council can be contacted by email or by calling City Hall at 647-4360.

The Broadway District Specific Plan Website is Launched!

Follow us on-line with a new Broadway District Specific Plan website.   We know that Broadway Street (Highway 29) creates a "first impression" of the community to the many tourists, commuters, residents and commercial traffic that uses the highway each day. What kind of first impression do we want? As vacant land is built, bringing in new residents and businesses, what do we want the new development to look like? The Broadway District Specific Plan will address these and many more issues.  But We Want Your Help! Please visit the new website to stay informed and work with us to craft ideas about developing and improving the Broadway District.  Click here to visit the site.
Quick Links
In This Issue
Moooonlight & Fireworks Hike


4th of July 7 PM

Bay Area Ridge Trail Lynch Canyon


Click here for more information and to register.

Free Composting Class 

Learn how to compost at home! City staff will also be at this event to provide information about water saving rebate programs we offer and answer questions about the water restrictions now in place.


Saturday, June 20th

2185 Elliott Drive

9 - 11 AM


Click here to register or for more info


Do you know what's going on around town?
What are your thoughts about single use plastic bags?
What do YOU want the Broadway District to look like?
Free Kids Lunches During Summer

From June 10th through July 14th the Napa Valley Unified 
School District Food Services will be offering free lunches to children up to age 18. This service will be offered five days a week at five sites including Canyon Oaks and Donaldson Way Elementary Schools in American Canyon. No registration or documentation required, and children must be accompanied by an adult. 
The details are here, in English and Espanol.
Saving Water 


City staff visited Mid-City Nursery earlier this month to provide information about water saving rebate programs (Cash for Grass, Toilet Retrofit, and Clothes Washer Rebate) and answer questions about the new restrictions on water use. Click here to visit our website to learn more about the guidelines on how we can make the most of our water use. They'll be back at Mid-City Nursery on July 11th. Stay tuned for other events throughout the summer! 


Tips to Save Drips - Send your water saving tips to and we'll publish them in the next update! 


City staff and special guest Wesley will be at the Citywide Yard Sale Pit Stop tomorrow (Saturday) at 2185 Elliott Drive from 10 AM to 2 PM. They will have the rebate program information and answers to your frequently asked questions about water restrictions. Stop by for tips on how to save water from one of our irrigation specialists, pick up rebate applications, and best of all to meet the newest members of our team, "Wesley, the Water Saving Camel" and his trainer Nicole Scott!  

Mid-City Nursery 
Johnny Ortega & Nicole Scott

Our New Team Members "Wesley, the Water Saving Camel" and his trainer Nicole Scott
Farmer's Market Survey and Grant Application


During the Visioning Process a year ago, we heard over and over again that the community wants a Farmer's Market in American Canyon.  The City Council made this a high priority for 2015. Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture announced a grant opportunity to help cities like us start up new Farmer's Market. We conducted a Feasibility Study and a Community Survey in order to quickly apply for the grant. 


The Community Survey attracted 970 responses in less than 1 month.  The community was overwhelmingly in favor of a market.  Click here for the full Community Survey results.  Click here for the Business Survey Results.  The grant application was submitted on May 16th and we should know the outcome by September, 2015.  If successful, the first Farmers Market Season will run from May - October 2016. Click here for more information.

Public Works Updates

This week City staff, along with the contractor, began construction of the handicap ramp upgrades at the corners of Los Altos at Rio Del Mar and Eucalyptus.


The contractor continued work at the Park & Ride (next to the library), completing the paving work and is on schedule to be finish the project in June.


The Kimberly Flood Control, Clean Water and Park Improvement Project is out to bid now and the City will award the contract in mid-June. This project will mitigate long-standing flooding problems for the area, and improve the park and playing fields at Kimberly Park.

Parking Lot by Library
Los Altos and Rio Del Mar Curb Ramps

Parks and Recreation News

Program and Event Highlights



We have the programs and events to help make your summer fun and exciting!  Bring your family and join your friends at Movies in the Park, Friday nights starting June 5th for Maleficent (PG).  Thank you to our generous sponsors, American Canyon Orthodontics, who will provide free popcorn and Refuge Church who will provide a bounce house. 


Save the date - 4th of July is just around the corner!  Mark your calendars and plan to attend our 4th of July Celebration.  Festivities will include the Boy Scouts Pancake Breakfast, Parade, Flag Raising, Festival and amazing Fireworks Show.  Please visit our website for more information. Hope to see you there!



Upcoming activities:   




Activity Date/Time




Movies in the Park


All Ages


Friday nights beginning June 5th - Maleficent (PG)

Showtime at Dusk
See Flyer for Schedule





Main Street Park

Open Swim

All Ages

Everyday beginning
Sat., June 6th!

Sat & Sun: 2-5 PM
Mon-Fri: 2-4 PM

Residents: 12 & under $2;
13 & over $3
Resident Passes:
Youth 10 punch $18
Adult 10 punch $25
Family of 4 summer pass $80


Phillip West Aquatic Center/100 Benton Way

Teen Trip - SF Exploratorium and Pier 39




Sat., June 20th

9 AM-4 PM

$25 (ticket & transportation) 

Bring extra money for food and souvenirs!


Departs and Returns

100 Benton Way

Summer Day Camp

(Please register in person at the Parks & Rec Office)

Canyon Kids Grades: Entering

Camp Take Charge for Teens
Grades: Entering

Registration Now Open!
All 9 weeks of Summer: 6/8/15-8/7/15
Mon-Fri: 8:30 AM-5 PM
(Early Bird & Late Owl Care Available)

Canyon Kids: Residents: $80/Week(Full Camp Rate: $600)
Camp Take Charge:
Residents: $60/Week
(Full Camp Rate: $480)
*Non-Res Rates Vary

Community Center Gym

100 Benton Way


For more information contact us at: (707) 648-7275