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In This Issue


Drug Take Back Day a Huge Success


The Police Department participated in a county-wide Drug Take Back Day when unused or expired prescription drugs were dropped off for disposal.  We collected 38 pounds of drugs, a 58% increase from last year.   



 A New Face at Police Department


We welcome Sgt Pat McMahon to the American Canyon Police Department.  


Sgt. Pat McMahon 
(Not Sgt. Greenberg as reported last time - sorry about that Pat!)


He will be replacing Sgt Mike Jarecki who is transferring to the Courthouse. Thanks Mike, for your service in American Canyon! 


I'm Julia,

Wanna Adopt Me? 

Click here!

Community Garden Water Conservation Workshop

Saturday, May 10th
9-11 AM

City staff will be available to answer your questions and provide tips and tools on conserving water. 

Click here for more information.



May 2, 2014


It's just too nice outside for me to be sitting here writing - I should be outside playing bocce ball.   So let's get right down to business.  For several years now, the City and a dedicated group of volunteers have been raising money and working hard to complete four bocce ball courts at Veterans Park.  They have raised money, purchased supplies, poured foundations, installed bumper boards and opening day is not too far away.  Why do I tell you this?  Because we need all hands on deck tomorrow, Saturday, May 3rd at 9 AM to mix and fill the courts.  This is your chance to create a new, and much needed, recreational amenity for our town.  Be honest, have you ever grumbled under your breath that the city needs more recreational facilities?  Well, here's your chance to make it happen.  Bring gloves at a minimum, along with knee pads (if desired), rakes and shovels, if possible.  And don't forget a hat and sunscreen to protect your skin.  Water, coffee, snacks and lunch will be provided.  Yes, it's work.  But it's also great fun and very rewarding! 



On the Agenda....  

The next City Council meeting will be Tuesday, May 6th at 6:30 PM.  The complete agenda is available here.  This week the council will be asked to tie a bow on the Community Vision Statement and Strategic Plan.  We have been working on this very important project for one year, received input from over 1,200 community members and discussed it several times in this newsletter.  Please click here  and scroll to page 132 to learn more.  Jason Holley, our Public Works Director will be making a very important presentation to update the council and community on the water situation.  As you know, the entire state is having to deal with the record dry year and lack of water. His report is available here (page 168).



Kite Festival at Lynch Canyon Open Space Park


May is National Kite Month and the 6th annual Lynch Canyon Kite Festival is this weekend, May 3rd, 11 AM - 4 PM.  Lynch Canyon is adjacent to our own Newell Open Space and this is always a fun and free local event - you could even take a picnic and enjoy the sun.  All ages and abilities are welcome.  For more information see the flyer

Lose Your Lawn


Two workshops are scheduled for May 10th by the Bay Friendly Coalition to discuss ways to convert your lawn to drought tolerant yet beautiful landscaping without breaking your back or your wallet.  Landscaping professionals will provide design and plant selection advice.  Check out their website for additional information and the exact locations.

Saturday, May 10th

Vintage High School, Napa

10:00 AM


Saturday, May 10th

Vallejo People's Garden

10:00 AM


Remember that the City has a Cash for Grass program that pays you to convert your lawn.  Maybe with the ideas you get from the workshop, you can earn yourself some extra cash! Check it out!




Public Works Week


National Public Works Week is coming up this month! It's a celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women in North America who provide and maintain the infrastructure and services collectively known as Public Works. This year's theme, "Building for Today, Planning for Tomorrow," recognizes that what we do today is vital to a sustainable and vibrant tomorrow. Public Works plays a key role in the planning, building and maintenance of infrastructure projects in their communities that will allow future generations to enjoy a higher quality of life. Click here to learn about these "Everyday Heroes".  


Here are the latest updates from our own Public Works Department: 

  • The City received $250,000 in grants to complete the remaining gaps in sidewalk on Theresa Avenue providing a safe pedestrian path from the Rancho Del Mar neighborhood to Napa Junction Elementary School. This work should be completed by the end of this year.
  • We have implemented a coordinated traffic signal timing plan on Highway 29. Residents should notice longer green lights and shorter travel times. We are continuing to monitor the changes and welcome any input from the community.
  • Vision 2040: Moving Napa Forward is the countywide process currently underway to prepare a long-range transportation plan for Napa County. Take the countywide transportation survey HERE, it only takes about 5 minutes to complete.
  • As a follow-up to the pavement rejuvenation seal  that was completed last year, we will be hiring a contractor to re-stripe the streets where needed. This work will occur over the summer.
Parks & Recreation News
contact us at (707) 648-7275
100 Benton Way 


Fun in the Sun!


Join us for some fun in the sun with your friends and family by attending the first Open Swim of the season on Sunday, May 4 from 1 PM - 4 PM.  If you are looking for lessons, our summer swim registration (swim classes starting in June) opens for Residents on May 19th and for Non-Residents online on May 26th and in office on May 27th.


Upcoming activities:   




Register by

Activity Date/Time


Flag Football Camp



June 2nd

June 9, 11, 13

Mon, Wed, Fri

9 AM -12 PM



Junior Guard


Tuesday, June 10th

June 10-July 3

Tues & Thurs

11 AM - 2 PM



Adventure Boot Camp

18 and up

Friday before the session begins

May 12-May 23

Mon, Tues, 

Thurs, Fri 

5:15 - 6:15 AM



Summer Day Camp:






Entering Kindergarten, 




Friday before the session begins


Week 1 

starts June 16



see links*

*Whole Summer Discount: Buy 6 weeks, get 1 free!

See something we should know about?
A pothole, graffiti, landscaping issue, a streetlight out, etc....
Tell us by clicking on the truck! 

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We appreciate your help!

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