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Latest REDD+ News and Information: 5 September '14
News Articles
Journal Articles & Publications
Other Info
News Articles | 04/09-14
La actividad, organizada por la Organizaci�n de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentaci�n y la Agricultura (FAO) para Mesoam�rica y la Comisi�n Nacional Forestal (Conafor) de M�xico, se inici� el martes y culmina hoy con dos mesas de discusi�n, detall� la FAO en un comunicado. 

WWF | 04/09-14
A week long south-south international exchange workshop on Community Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (CMRV) recently came to a close in Guyana as practitioners from around the world who had gathered to share lessons around forest monitoring headed home. The workshop was organized through a collaboration of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Guianas, the WWF Forest and Climate Programme, the Global Canopy Programme, and the Global Forest Observation Initiative's Carbon Silva Program.

Caribbean News Now | 03/09-14
A south-south international exchange workshop on community measurement, reporting, and verification (CMRV) was hosted in Guyana from August 22 to 28, 2014, to share lessons amongst practitioners from around the world.

WWF  03/09-14
From 19 to 20 August 2014, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, hosted the gathering of 15 WWF staff and six external observers to discuss and share insights on the question of benefit sharing arising from conservation efforts. The learning session was a joint effort by the Forest and Climate Programme, the Heart of Borneo initiative and WWF-Indonesia.

Forest Peoples Programme | 02/09-14
According to a recent press report, the nine main Indonesian government agencies concerned with lands and forests have declared their support for indigenous peoples' rights. The Declaration was issued jointly on 1st September 2014 by the Coordinating Ministry of People's Welfare, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of the Environment, National Land Agency (BPN), the National Geospatial Information Agency, National Commission on Human Rights, and the national REDD+ Agency.

UNDP | 02/09-14
Whether among leaders here in Apia, diplomats at the UN, or in meetings with neighbors, villagers, and townspeople, many will have noticed a gap between the expectations of people and the size of government budgets. Severe natural disasters, economic volatility, high levels of debt, and slow growth are constraining the ability of many SIDS to invest as much as they would like to in human development.

Pulp and Paper Technology | 01/09-14
The agency for Reducing Emissions From Deforestation and Forest Degradation is auditing 18 companies to check for proper licensing, Heru Prasetyo, head of the REDD+ office in Jakarta, said in an interview. The country's laws and the way they are enforced need to be changed, said Prasetyo.

Sustainable Brands | 01/09-14
Deforestation can pose significant operational and reputational risks to businesses, and we at EDF are seeing companies start to take action in their supply chains. Deforestation accounts for an estimated 12 percent of overall GHG emissions worldwide - as much global warming pollution to the atmosphere as all of the cars and trucks in the world.

A newly established collaboration agreed between the Republic of Indonesia and United Nations (UN) agencies will hopefully foster a knowledge exchange to share lessons learned and best practices in promoting green education across Indonesia.

Journal Articles & Publications

UNEP | 2014
Since the mid-2000s, governments, multilateral organisations, non-governmental organisations, indigenous and local communities, research centres, universities and corporations have been working toward the establishment and operationalization of a common set of policy approaches and incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and support the conservation, sustainable management, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+).

CIFOR | 2014
In an effort to make this discussion clearer for a general audience, we created Table 1, which provides (i) some samples of research questions that are likely to be relevant at any given site; and (ii) a division of relevant sample questions by scale.

Literature Review of Participatory Measurement, Reporting and Verification (PMRV)
CIFOR | 2014
We conducted a literature review of participatory monitoring and existing PMRV approaches to identify strategies and conditions that support the development and implementation of sustainable PMRV in the REDD+ context. To identify data and processes that should be included in PMRV, we reviewed MRV requirements in the REDD+ context. 

Other Info & Tools

MRV Mexico | 09-14
Entrevista con Oliver Cartus, Especialista en Sensores Remotos del Woodshole Research Center, sobre el mapa de biomasa para M�xico desarrollado en conjunto con CONAFOR, CONABIO y la Alianza M�xico REDD, con financiamiento del USAID.

WWF | 15/09-14
In this learning session, Dr. Mairon Bastos Lima will present on the important role of forests and land-use in tackling climate change in light of the upcoming UN Climate Summit later this month. He will also a discuss a landscape view of REDD+ and the meaning and scope of non-carbon benefits and why they matter for the future success of REDD+ and forest conservation.

GHG Management Institute | 09-14
Many countries and subnational jurisdictions are constructing REDD+ reference levels for carbon stores and fluxes in forests and other land uses. This course will provide students with the skills needed to build statistically rigorous REDD+ reference levels and terrestrial carbon accounts that can be eligible for pay-for-performance funding. The course will follow the IPCC Good Practice Guidelines and help students learn and master World Bank Forest and Carbon Partnership Facility methodological guidance on REDD+ reference levels.

WWF | 29/08-14
My work on a daily basis consists of coordinating with the office of natural resources of the regional Madre de Dios government. I provide technical support for measuring carbon, data analysis, and in creating a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system.