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Latest REDD+ News and Information: 19 July '13
News Articles
Journal Articles & Publications
Other Info
News Articles
The ROW report: Recommendations to Conserve Tropical Rainforests, Protect Local Communities, and Reduce State-Wide Greenhouse Gas Emissions is the final version of the report produced by the group after receiving public comments on its draft released in January.
Ecosystem Marketplace |  18/07-13
More than four dozen representatives of major corporations, global NGOs, and indigenous communities from around the world have signed a letter of support for including carbon credits from programs that save endangered rainforest in California's Climate Policy - provided those credits meet certain criteria.
Reuters AlertNet 17/07-13
As the pressing need for private sector finance to help support REDD+ becomes clear, so too does a major sticking point: businesses say they need evidence of effective forest governance before they invest.
Mongabay |  17/07-13
80 percent of the rainforests in Malaysian Borneo have been heavily impacted by logging, finds a comprehensive study that offers the first assessment of the spread of industrial logging and logging roads across areas that were considered some of Earth's wildest lands less than 30 years ago.
Reuters AlertNet |  17/07-13
A new researchproject launched by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) aims to determine the amount of carbon stored in Zambia's forests in order to assist policymakers and forest practitoners in developing a national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).
Ecosystem Marketplace |  15/07-13
With US President Barack Obama's recent pledge to REDD+ in his Climate Action Plan, the US joins a number of nations and corporations committed to using the UN mechanism to curb tropical deforestation and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Ethiopian Press Agency |  14/07-13 12:13
A Workshop on The Validation of The Need of Information for the National Forest Resource Inventory was held July 11-12, 2013 at Nexus Hotel.
...(MoA) and other local and international organizations, including FAO and REDD+projects. The Five-year Growth and Transformation Plan of the country...
News Agency of Nigeria |  13/07-13 13:15
 Mrs Oluremi Bakare, the Chief Executive Officer of Nigerian Forest Carbon Company (NFCC),has said that the Federal Government can generate more than one million jobs through investment in forest conservation activities.
...with the Federal Government to Reduce Emission Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) project, which means managing the forest. ''We will ... |  12/07-13 13:16
Un atelier sur le r�le de la soci�t� civile dans le processus APV/FLEGT, sa strat�gie et sa position par rapport � la gestion communautaire des for�ts s'est tenu du 10 au 11 juillet � Brazzaville. Au terme des travaux, les participants, notamment les repr�sentants des organisations de la soci�t� civ
...des cahiers de charge et � d autres processus comme le processus REDD + reste marginale ; le fonctionnement de certains organes APV, notamment ...
El |  12/07-13 06:43
Quintana Roo particip� este jueves en la Primera Reuni�n del Grupo de Trabajo de Gobernadores para el Clima y Bosques-M�xico (GCF, por sus siglas en ingl�s), realizada en Tuxtla Guti�rrez, Chiapas.
...esfuerzos para reducir las emisiones de la deforestaci�n y la degradaci�n forestal (REDD ), como parte de su sistema de cumplimiento de GEI. El...
Journal Articles & Publications
ROW |   18/07-13
The REDD Offsets Working Group (or ROW) report offers guidance to the state on establishing "gold-standard criteria" for tropical forest states that cut their greenhouse gas emissions by reducing deforestation and wish to receive credit in California's climate change program.This is the final version of the report produced by the group after receiving public comments on its draft released in January.
UNDP |  07-13
The report provides vital baseline data and analysis on the current state of forest governance under REDD+. In addition to identifying challenges and areas for  further strengthening in forest governance, the PGA report contains detailed policy recommendations, outlines a roadmap, and provides monitoring instruments that can all be used to improve forest governance in Indonesia.
CIFOR |  07-13
Esta colecci�n presenta los resultados de una investigaci�n preliminar, basado en tres a�os de estudio en diez pa�ses de tres regiones diferentes -Am�rica Latina, �frica y Asia- financiado por el Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el desarrollo (IDRC por sus siglas en ingl�s) y la Fundaci�n Ford, con apoyo del Programa sobre Bosques (PROFOR) del Banco Mundial.
Solutions Journal |  06-13
Policies promoted under the banner of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) propose to achieve that goal, in combination with the conservation or sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, through the establishment of robust markets for forest carbon. 
Other Info & Tools
UNDP |  12/07-13 08:15
Development Area :OTHER Reference Number :11918 Documents : Terms of reference Technical & Financial proposal form General Conditions of Contract-for the services of IC's P11 form-for SC's & IC's Procurement Notice Overview : 1. 
...constraints). A mechanism for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) being developed through the UNFCCC provides an opportunity to...
World Agroforestry Centre |  18/07-13  
The World Agroforestry Centre and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, together with the Indian Society of Agroforestry and Global Initiatives, will hold the Congress in Delhi, India 10-14 February 2014.
WWF |  09/07-13  
Minnie Degawan is the Senior Advisor for Social Safeguards with WWF's international Forest and Climate Initiative (FCI). She works directly with indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) to ensure that they participate in REDD+ dialogue and decisions both at the national and global levels.