
Join us in gratitude for 19 years with you -- our family, friends and clients! Cheers to many more!

Greetings to all and Happy Thanksgiving Week!

As we head into that "oh so busy" time of year, we want to take a moment to thank you for being part of our Silva Capital Solutions, Inc. family. We begin our 19th year and have found success, happiness and joy because of our relationships with each of you.

Beyond the annual dinner table tradition, expressing thanks is a powerful tool that leads to a more fulfilling life. It is easy to focus on what we do not have instead of all that we do. Setting the "default" button is very different from cultivating an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude. What we focus on expands and therefore what we appreciate appreciates -- which means we got more and more of the good stuff!

Wishing you a safe Thanksgiving Holiday! We look forward to working with you in December and in 2015!

Wanda, Beth and Anvesh

Silva Capital Solutions, Inc.

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