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Service League Green Bay

February 2013  
Service League of Green Bay Newsletter
In This Issue
"Get to Know Us"
Big Blue Bash
President's Message
Special Feature: Service League and Encompass
Associate Corner
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Get to Know Us: Heather Weller


I am originally from Manitowoc and went to college at UW - Milwaukee, where I received a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), majoring in Finance and Marketing, and minoring in Psychology. My husband attended and graduated from UW - Green Bay, getting a job there when he graduated. So, when we got married, I moved up here and we bought a house in De Pere, which is where we currently live. I have been in the financial services industry for 13 years and am a Certified Financial Planner (CFP�). I currently hold the position of Trust Officer with Baylake Bank.


I am lucky enough to be married to my very best friend, Terry, and we just celebrated our 10th anniversary in December! We don't have any children yet, but we have three very cute little dogs, who are essentially like children to us at this point. Their names are Lexi (5), Macy (3), and Mia (1).


I love to read, and often have 2-3 books in process, at any one time, bowl (even though I am not good at all), go dancing, and volunteer. I serve on the board of Management Women, Inc. and am a counting team leader at my church, St. Mark Lutheran in De Pere. I also enjoy watching movies and all types of stage productions, including musical acts, musicals and plays. And, of course, I love to spend time with my family and friends - talking, laughing, and playing board or card games.


I am currently the Treasurer for Service League and serve on the Big Blue Bash Committee. In past years, I served two terms as the Chair of Basic Necessities, one term on the Community Gifts Committee, and one term on the Rummage Sale Committee.

I am especially proud of the changes Crystal Uebelher and I instituted in the Basic Necessities Program, making it more efficient - monetarily and time-wise. 


The Big Blue Bash is Less Than a Month Away! 


If you haven't done so already, don't forget to mark your calendars for the "Big Blue Bash: Blue jeans, BBQ and Bluegrass" on March 2, 2013. As in years past, the event will take place at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, begin at 5:30 pm, and this year it will be nothing short of extraordinary!


Our live auction will feature a private dinner for six in the Glass Room at Republic Chophouse; a bathroom remodel by DeLeers Construction; a Packer Tailgate, complete with beer, food, and tickets to the game; a private dinner in your home by Chef Bob Bouthilet; trips and more! You may also find exactly what you're looking for in our silent auction, which has a variety of wellness packages, an American Girl Doll, guided fishing trips on local waterways, cooking baskets, home decor and MUCH more!


While you're perusing the auction and mingling with your friends, your senses will be lifted up by the live music of Bent Grass, an authentic bluegrass band with Green Bay roots. Many area businesses have been stepping forward to contribute to the magic of this event, including Prevea, Element Creative, The Business News, DeLeers Constructions, Festival Foods, Waseda Farms, Sash & Bow, Buds 'N Bloom, The Cupcake Couture, and MANY, MANY more! From the decor to the dinner, every detail of the event will exceed your expectations. This year's "Big Blue Bash: Blue jeans, BBQ and Bluegrass" is surely going to be a night to remember, so make sure you send in your RSVP!


Tickets are $50.00 per person and ALL the proceeds of the event directly benefit the children of Brown County through all of Service League's projects. If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to contact the event chair, Deb DeLeers at (920)362-3517 or


Welcome to the February 2013 edition of the Service League of Green Bay newsletter. We cannot believe that our annual fundraiser, The Big Blue Bash, is now only a few weeks away. We hope you all will join us this year as it promises to be a fun and exciting event! We have a new theme, a new band, new live and silent auction items, and even a new emcee to host our evening - Bill Jartz from Channel 2! So make sure to visit our website or contact any of us to get your tickets today. We hope to see you there!


Enjoy and happy reading!

As always, please share this newsletter with your friends and family by clicking "Forward" at the bottom of this email, and let us know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. Make sure to check out our website and Facebook page as we are always updating both of them!
President's Message: Courtney Peirce



"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

 ~Winston Churchill~


Did you know that 45 of our 50 active members work outside the home? Kudos to all of our members for making Service League a priority with busy work, family and social lives! I hear time and time again "Service League is such a time commitment" - and I will admit - it is. However, the more time you invest, the more you get out of it! Your service does not need to be altruistic - your reason for initially joining or staying involved can be as simple as to get out of the house, to meet people, to learn about the community, to expand your business, or love for the Back to School Store! I have met wonderful people whom I would never have met without Service League and my work on various committees. I see new connections, both business and personal, happening every day amongst Service League members and associates. This is evidence of passion for our projects and support of each other. We are doing our best to stay current and roll with the times, while keeping our founding principles in place - volunteerism, sense of community, and support for children in need. If you are looking for a sign - let this be it! Perhaps you already gave your five years of service, but are looking to get involved in something - Rejoin us! Maybe you LOVE the Basics for Babies Program - come back - we can find ways for you to help. Or maybe, just maybe - you are looking for a good fundraiser and a FUN time - join us at the Big Blue Bash! We will welcome you with open arms.


Respectfully yours,

Courtney Peirce

Special Feature: Service League and Encompass
By Suzy Pfeifer and Brookh Lyons 

 Can we both really be that old...and still be friends???


Service League of Green Bay and Encompass Early Education & Care, Inc. share a very rich history and very similar and mutual fulfilling missions: helping children in our community become all that they can be. Service League was founded in 1932 and is a mere 81 years young compared to Encompass' 94 years old. In 1932, Encompass was known as Green Bay Day Nursery and many long-time members of Service League have very fond memories of helping out in GBDN. In the 1950's, Service League actually supervised GBDN. There is no doubt that Service League played a major role in the lives of so many children and helped Encompass grow to become one of the largest and oldest child care centers in North America.


In order to weave the two organizations, two Ladies from Service League serve on the Board of Directors for Encompass, in order to encourage the sharing of information. The two work together on many projects including Encompass' "The Big Event for Little Kids", which is held in April every year. This year marks the 25th year of this event, where for a whole day thousands of children get to play, learn and explore under one roof! For the event, ladies in Service League collect, clean, organize and sell stuffed animals for "adoption", as well as sell gently used books.


Service League also supports Encompass through the Giving Tree program. Every year there are families at Encompass who need a helping hand in supplying Christmas gifts for their children. In November, Service League members organize the children's requests and choose a wish list or two to buy for. The gifts are wrapped and ready for pick up by the parent or guardian before the holidays, so the children will enjoy the merriment and wonder of opening gifts just for them.


Oktoberfest is yet another way in which Encompass is connected with Service League. It is held in September, and while it's a fundraiser for Encompass, Service League members are encouraged to attend. As with the Big Blue Bash, hosted by Service League in March, the two organizations share a common love of children, and working together we can accomplish so much more. Indeed, the Green Bay area is unique in the way it lovingly cares about children we have never even met.

Congratulations to Service League of Green Bay and Encompass Early Education & Care, Inc. for working together for a greater good.


Associate Corner - Bonie Elfner

Service League Class of 1974

A question and answer with Bonie Elfner


Q: What years were you in Service League?

A: 1974-1979

Q: What was/were your favorite project(s)?

A:  Of all the organizations wherein I was a participant/officer, I had never experienced one so well run. My favorite projects were any that involved children in schools.  


Q: Any favorite Service League memories?

A: My memory was and is my heightened awareness of our personal family blessings as I shared hugs, smiles, learning and playtimes with the children involved in League projects.
Q: What sorts of things have you been doing since Service League? (community based, work, family, etc)

A: I am presently a member of the Education Faculty at St. Norbert college. I supervise Sophomore student teachers as they are placed for five weeks, all day and every school day, in a local classroom. They are so great with their students and give me positive certainty for our future. Other participation includes/included in-service workshops on creativity for establishesd teachers, Chair of Advisory Committee for Dudley Birder's Music Theatre, St. Mary's Hospital Toast of the Town Chair, Board of Friends of St. Mary's. and Resurrection Catechist.

Q: Any suggestions for getting people involved in community work and or Service League?

A: It was a wise, and perhaps necessary, adaptation when League increased the age of eligibility for members, which had been age 35. It was always a touch ironic to engage babysitters for my young children as I left home to assist other children of Brown County. (One League meeting day, I had left our reliable third grader at home, as he was all but recovered from a bad cold. He accidentally cut himself with a new Scout penkniife, called our neighbor, who got very concerned and called 911. The officers and the neighbor arrived at our door to find our son with but a scratch from the knife and BIG blue eyes...yikes! Someone did call the meeting's hotel to tell me, but our meeting had begun behind closed doors and the hotel personnel did not knock to notify me. In the Press Gazette police calls the following day, there it said, "____ Elfner, left at home!" Great.)

We come to today. Service League is a vibrant group with such enthusiastic and capable leaders and members. Women who see you in action, as did I at a recent active/associate luncheon (do invite guests to meetings...perhaps you already do so) will be inspired!

Plaudits to you all, Bonnie Elfner



**Wondering what your former Service League friends and colleagues are up to now? Send us an email with their name and we will add them to our Associate Corner feature list where they can be highlighted in our newsletter! Feel free to email us directly about yourself too - we'd love to feature YOU!

Thank you all for your continued support of Service League and all we do. Your dedication to our organization and our mission is what makes it all possible. Warm wishes from all of us at Service League!

Katie DuBois
Marketing Chair

Service League of Green Bay

P.O. Box 372

Green Bay, WI 54305 



Calendar of Events

February 4th: Big Blue Bash Meeting - 6:30pm
February 6th: General Membership Meeting - Oneida Country Club 11:30 lunch, 12:00 meeting
February 11th: Big Blue Bash Meeting - 6:30pm
February 18th: Big Blue Bash Meeting - 6:30pm
February 25th: Big Blue Bash Meeting - 6:30pm
February 27th: Board Meeting - Harmony Cafe 9:00am - 11:00am