Cape Getaway 2013
tourismZA Newsflash
An exceptional GETAWAY show opportunity for
Logistics, display structure, set up, breakdown and Getaway visitors database update all sorted on your behalf FREE!
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Intro to tourismZA
Join us at Getaway
This 49m2 display has increased to 200 m2
Getaway Stand 2011

Meet Peter Van Kets

  Expedition Video
Mike Horn's Pangea Expedition

If you have no idea of how adventure expeditions make a difference, do yourself a favour and

Pay attention to the stats at the end.

Think about how  would have benefited by being part of it. 
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Please contact us for more information

Tel:    021 8555 246


Welcome to 2013! I hope you had some time off over the festive season. May 2013 be an exceptional year for you and the team at .


I have been asked to re-send this email; it was originally sent to you on 21 December but we have had quite a large request for us to re-send; some because they were away on leave, others because they were hectic over the festive season and it fell through the cracks.


If you have already gone through this info my apologies. If not, please reply as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements to accommodate you.

Cape Getaway Show 2013
On "your behalf" tourismZA has confirmed Stand No.017 (click here to see the floor plan) at the Cape Getaway Show 15th to 17th March 2013.


Our expedition themed display at the last Cape Getaway Show was a resounding success; winning an award was great, being exposed to 17,000 visitors was also good, however, the biggest success for us was that 792 new adventure enthusiasts that opted in to tourismZA's newsletters taking us past the 6000 mark.


Such was the response and success at the last show that Getaway has increased our Expedition Zone from 49 square meters to almost 200 square meters! And, we have the prime position. We invite you to join us so that you can connect with the contacts we make at Getaway.  


INTRO & RATES (2 page pdf) 

Participating is easy - we are also open to your suggestions

What's in it for you?


You will be able to grow and update your "outdoor enthusiast" contact lists with all the contacts we make at the Getaway show. You will be able to stay in touch with them at your leisure into the future. Make this your best Getaway show to date!


There are two parts to our plan for Getaway: 


1.  An informal social gathering of like-minded adventurers


We are setting up another expedition expo at Getaway (Stand 017). This year we focus on world acclaimed adventurer Peter Van Kets and the Capri-X expedition.  


Adventure enthusiasts will be invited to attend a series of interactive workshops that demonstrate how expedition/ adventure equipment works. Also, they will be invited to shoot the breeze with Pete and other high profile adventurers like Braam Malherbe (who ran the Great wall of China) and find out first-hand what they did to make their expeditions a success. Their larger than life experiences are powerful and motivating - attending presentations like this normally cost an arm and a leg, they will be presented with our compliments at Getaway to attract people to


2.  Get selected for an all expenses paid opportunity of a lifetime!!


tourismZA will be selecting 50 "Earth Ambassadors" to join Peter Van Kets for an adventure in 2013 (Destination details are a secret for now). Of the 50, some will be invited to take part in small sections of the expedition as it travels around the World. When was the last time you had a draw-card like this to associate with ? 


Why are we doing all this? 

Capri-X Earth Ambassadors Expedition is a 40 000km circumnavigation of the southern hemisphere following the Tropic of Capricorn without the use of motors.


We have an initiative called DOT an acronym for Do One Thing; if we all collectively do one thing every day for this planet we can change the world. The DOT initiative will form a critical part of the expedition as it will commit people to doing something to help curb climate change.


Our participation at the Cape Getaway Show is one of the interventions we are using to start creating the DOTs and then connecting them to you.


Your participation couldn't be easier!!

  • can exhibit with us. We have 200 square meters available - if you are interested you need to email us as soon as possible so we can send you info. This space will be snapped up.
  • If you can't make it to Getaway you simply subscribe to tourismZA's online network and you will be able to reach the contacts we make at Getaway / during the Capri-X and other expeditions we manage. There are a few options here, again if this is of interest to you simply reply to this email.

This is a lot of information. This is a BIG, on-going project. Please reply to this email if you would like to participate in any of the above options and we will call you back.


Mike Baker

& all of us here at tourismZA 

Some of the participation options for you at the Cape Getaway Show 2013

Intro - email us for more info!

You can add prizes to the lucky draw so we attract more subscribers


We will reflect your prize with a hyperlink to your website in the monthly tourismZA newsletter for a minimum of three months.


Enter YOUR contacts in the Capri-X selections

You are welcome to enter the new contacts you make at Getaway into the Capri-X selections

Join forces with us to motivate visitors to give you their contact details


We will capture the resulting contacts for you - First name; Last Name; Email address; Tel Number; Mobile Number; City


Email all the contacts you made at Getaway

(This email to you is a very simple example of some of these email marketing / newsletter capabilities.) 

You can test drive tourismZA's email marketing platform and send a follow up email to all your Getaway contacts. This is arguably the most effective, state of the art email marketing platform on the World Wide Web. (You provide content)

We will design, set up and send your follow up email AND YOU track all your results live on your computer

We can activate an email marketing platform for you. You will receive a user name and a password. You can send as many emails as you like!