In This Issue
Federal Policy Update
State Legislative Session Outlook
Important Dates

Quick Links

April 29, 2016  

The Iowa Afterschool Alliance regularly monitors policy at the federal, state, and local levels to encourage supportive practices and policies for afterschool at all levels. This bi-weekly publication will keep you up-to-date on the activities of the Iowa legislature, as well as federal legislation, through adjournment as well as a final legislative update after the Governor's 30 day signing period. We hope this communication is beneficial to you as you seek to advocate for and support your program at home. 
Federal Policy Update
The U.S. Department of Education issued a Dear Colleague Letter on April 15 to states, school districts, schools and education partners on how to maximize federal funds to support and enhance innovative science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education for all students.
The letter serves as a resource for decreasing the equity and opportunity gaps for historically underserved students in STEM and gives examples of how federal funds-through formula grant programs in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act-can support efforts to improve instruction and student outcomes in STEM fields.
State Policy Update
Leaders in both the House and Senate are hopeful that the legislature will be able to pass the remaining appropriations bills and reach an adjournment soon. The target adjournment date passed last week, which means that per-diem expenses have expired for legislators and assistants. A few appropriations bills are still awaiting passage and are highlighted in the Legislation section below.

Appropriations bills for Economic Development and Education have passed the legislature. You can read highlights from each bill in the Legislation section below.

Want to know more about the budget process? This chart outlines it for you. 
 Senate File 2323 -- Education Appropriations bill. Funds College Student Aid Commission, Department for the Blind, Department of Education, and the State Board of Regents. Passed the House 52-41 and the  Senate 27-22. Highlights:
  • Requires the Department of Education to submit a report on current and future antibullying programming.
  • $600,000 for Early Head Start project
  • Area Education Agencies: $2,000,000
    • including $1,000,000 for AEA support system for local school districts
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Collaborative Initiative: $5,200,000
  • Provides a one-year delay for intensive summer reading programs required by school districts to be offered to student not reading proficient by third grade as well as the retention of eligible students who do not complete said summer reading programs.
House File 2460 - Health and Human Services Appropriations bill. Different versions of the bill have been passed by the House and Senate, currently in a conference committee. Highlights:
  • Healthy Children and Families programs: $5,593,774
    • Iowa First Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative: $3,381,059
  • Appropriates $50,000 to study the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on children.
  • PROMISE JOBS Program: $10,553,408
  • Eliminates appropriation for statewide Child Care Resource and Referral Program; this program will now be funded using federal funds.
House File 2455 - Economic Development Appropriations bill. Funds the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), the Iowa Workforce Development (IWD), Iowa Finance Authority (IFA), Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), Board of Regents (BOR), and Regents institutions. Passed the House 88-6 and the Senate 27-23. Highlights:
  • Skilled Worker and Job Creation Fund: a new appropriation of $1,000,000 to the IEDA for internships in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) with eligible Iowa employers.
  • Total amount appropriated to IEDA: $15,116,372 which includes:
    • Economic development appropriation
    • High Quality Jobs Creation Assistance
    • Economic Development Energy Projects
    • Iowa Individual New Jobs Training (NJT) 260E fund
    • Small Business Credit Initiative fund
  • $358,464 for the Offender Reentry Program to provide offenders with employment skills; IWD to partner with Department of Corrections.
Senate File 2196 (successor to Senate Study Bill 3046) and House File 2422 (successor to House File 2119 and House Study Bill 545) Relates to reading and literacy requirements for practitioner preparation programs. Sponsored by Department of Education and passed the Senate 50-0. Sponsored by Representative Staed and passed the House 96-0.

Senate File 2299 (successor to Senate Study Bill 3128) Relates to the Early Childhood Iowa Initiative and modifies an appropriation. Sponsored by the Senate Committee on Appropriations. Passed House Appropriations Committee.

House File 2413 (successor to House File 2229) Provides that a student in kindergarten through grade three who is not reading proficiently must be provided intensive reading instruction by the school district and requires ongoing assessments for progress. Sponsored by Representative Ruff. Passed the House 97-0. Passed the Senate 42-7.
House Study Bill 548 Relates to education funding by extending the period of time for collecting sales tax for deposit in the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) fund, modifying allocations of state sales and use tax revenue collections, specifying uses for certain funding received from the SAVE fund, creating a district levy reduction fund, and making appropriations. Sponsored by House Ways and Means Committee, referred to subcommittee.
Important Dates
April 19           Target Adjournment Date
100th calendar day of the session and the date per-diem expenses will end.
This update is a bi-weekly publication intended to share information and resources regarding legislative activities, events, and bills related to afterschool issues in Iowa. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Gracie Brandsgard at
or 515-237-0340.