The Afterschool Advisor 

December 2013

In This Issue
21CCLC Grant Reviewers Needed
2014 Impact After School Conference
Grant Opportunities
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities


the Afterschool Advisor

The Afterschool Advisor is a publication of the Iowa Afterschool Alliance for practitioners seeking resources to improve, sustain, and develop their afterschool program.

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Grant Reviewers & Facilitators Needed! 


Help Wanted! 
Do you have experience in youth development, education, parent supports, or a related field, and experience writing or reviewing grants? Want to make $150 or more? Apply to review Iowa 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant applications!
(Experience with 21CCLC programs is not needed.)

The new deadline to apply is Friday, January 17, 2014 by noon.

Follow these links for more:
Iowa 21CCLC Reviewer and Facilitator Expectations
Iowa 21CCLC Reviewer and Facilitator Application

Contact Stacie Bendixen at or 515-237-0338 with any questions. A Microsoft Word version of the application can be provided upon request. 

2014 Impact After School Conference Call for Presenters and Vendors  

Save the Date!


Impact After School Conference

April 24-25, 2014

Stoney Creek Inn and Conference Center, Johnston, IA  


Expanded to two full days!

Iowa AND Minnesota 21st Century Community Learning Centers grantees attending!

Beneficial professional development for any afterschool provider! 

We are now accepting submissions for presentations and exhibitors. Please click on the appropriate link, depending on your interest, below:


Call for Presentation Submissions  


Call for Exhibitor Submissions:   

Participant registration coming soon. Please contact Indira Blazevic at with questions or information requests.

Grant Opportunities

Ordered by Deadline
New York Life Excellence in Summer Learning Award
Deadline: Feb. 14, 2014
This $10,000 award is given annually based on an application and interview process that elicits information on a program's history, mission, goals, operations, management, staff development, partnerships, results, and sustainability. Programs are measured against the National Summer Learning Association's Comprehensive Assessment of Summer Programs

See the application information form and application. For more information, contact Larry Smith at 443-509-0551 or

LEGO Children's Fund Grants

Deadline: Various

The LEGO Children's Fund awards grands to qualified nonprofit organizations in these areas: 1) Early childhood education and development that is directly related to creativity; 2) Technology and communication projects that advance learning opportunities.  


Learn more and apply here.


Federal Funding Guide for Reading Proficiency 

The Finance Project has developed a guide to federal funding sources for reading initiatives, LEARNING TO READ: A Guide to Federal Funding for Grade-Level Reading Proficiency.  


This guide to more than 100 federal funding sources helps state and local officials, leaders of community-based and national organizations, school leaders, and private investors find funding to strengthen and sustain grade-level reading programs and services for children from birth through third grade.


Child & Adult Care Food Program

Reauthorized by Congress under the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010," this federal program provides meals and snacks for school-age youth in afterschool programs.  


Find out more by visiting the Iowa Department of Education website.   


Iowa Grants Guide Online

The Iowa Grants Guide is a web-based directory of Iowa grant-making organizations. Program information only is provided; grant applications are not. Click here for the Iowa Grants Guide. Federal Funds Search Engine

Click here to search federal grant opportunities with a tool that lets you filter results by topic, such as Afterschool, Positive Youth Development, or Service Learning.  


Spark Grant Finder Tool

This online tool locates national and state-specific grants for physical education, afterschool, early childhood and coordinated school health programs. Search for grants here.  

Professional Development Opportunities
Ordered by Scheduled Dates
The Iowa Afterschool Alliance keeps a calendar of opportunities regularly updated on our website. Visit it at
'Next Generation Science Standards & Environmental Education' Seminar
Jan. 25, 2014; Story County Conservation Center, Ames  

The Iowa Conservation Education Coalition (ICEC) invites K-12 teachers and informal educators to a one-day seminar, "Next Generation Science Standards and Environmental Education," Saturday, Jan. 25, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Story County Conservation Center, 56461 180th St. Ames, IA. The fee is $40.00. It is anticipated that Iowa will soon adopt the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). How will our current environmental education programs and resources be affected by these standards? Join ICEC for a seminar devoted to this topic. Learn how ICEC and other environmental education groups plan to help Iowa's teachers implement today's new teaching requirements. Informal educators are encouraged to attend this seminar. See the flyer and contact Linda for more information or to register. 

Beyond School Hours Conference by Foundations, Inc.

Feb. 12-15, 2014; Atlanta, GA

In many ways, Beyond School Hours is a celebration of you. Educators and administrators from across the country will join you to share successes, learn, and laugh together. The camaraderie is electric. And no celebration with us would be complete without big surprises. Special guests, frequent giveaways, spontaneous activities, exciting entertainment - you don't want to miss a minute. Register online here.  


2014 National Science Teachers Association National Conference

April 3-6, 2014; Boston

The National Science Teachers Association is asking you save the date for its national conference in April 2014! The current "strands/tracks" planned are: Science and Literacy: A Symbiotic Relationship; Teaching Elementary Science with Confidence!; Leading from the Classroom; and Engineering and Science: Technological Partners. Learn more and register here.

2014 Iowa Impact After School Conference
April 24-25, 2014; Johnston, Iowa
Save the date for this second annual conference for afterschool coordinators, administrators, front-line staff, and educators! We're expanding to two full days of professional development in wide-ranging areas like STEM in afterschool, engaging youth, program management, sustainability, and many more.

Look for more details and registration in the coming months! Please contact Indira Blazevic with questions or topic requests.


Online Courses for 21CCLC Professionals
Short online courses are available for 21st Century Community Learning Centers program staff through You for Youth, the U.S. Department of Education's website for 21CCLCs. Courses cover topics like Project-Based Learning, Aligning with the School Day, STEM, and Strengthening Partnerships. Each course takes less than an hour and is available 24/7.  

The Iowa Afterschool Alliance seeks to improve access to high-quality afterschool programs for all Iowa children, youth, and families through policy and partnerships, practice support and outreach and engagement.

To contact the IAA:

Michelle Rich, Iowa Network Coordinator 
2910 Westown Parkway, Suite 302
West Des Moines, IA 50266
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