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Clear Lake Tea Party Newsletter
 April 27, 2013 Issue 71
Larry Schumacher 
Current passed President of Galveston County TEA Party, a very active member of the Clear Lake Tea Party, a patriot, and a friend.

  As you may know, Larry Schumacher passed away suddenly on Thursday from a heart attack. Larry had served as a Precinct Chair in La Marque since 2012.  Many of us had just seen him Tuesday evening at a meeting of the Galveston County Republican Party Executive Committee meeting. 

Our deepest sympathies have been extended to his parents, Lawrence and Hazel Schumacher of Texas City. 

Arrangements will be handled by Crowder Funeral Home, located at 401 Texas Avenue in La Marque.

Their phone number is 409-935-2401.  

Visitation will be Tuesday April 29th at 5pm, and will be immediately followed by a funeral service at 6pm.

Please keep the Schumacher family in your prayers. Rest in peace patriot, until we meet again.




 Giuliani: Abrupt Halt to Suspect's Questioning Is 'Mind-Boggling'

Republican outrage is rising over the decision to read teenage Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda rights just as he was beginning to open up about the blast that killed three and injured about 270 people.  Read More......    


'Armed and Dangerous': Beck's Latest Revelations on Saudi National Once a 'Person of Interest' in Boston Bombings


For the past week, Glenn Beck has been investigating a Saudi national once identified as a "person of interest" in the Boston Marathon bombing.  The story has taken a number of alarming twists and turns, but on his radio program Wednesday, Beck released some of the most interesting information yet.

But first, here are a few background points on how the case developed:

  • A Saudi national originally identified as a "person of interest" in the Boston Marathon bombing was set to be deported under section 212, 3B - "Security and related grounds" - "Terrorist activities" after the bombing on April 15
 Read More....... 

Rep. Tom Cotton speaks on the Obama Administration's counterterrorism efforts
Rep. Tom Cotton speaks on the Obama Administration's counterterrorism efforts


Glenn Beck continues his effort to prove that the Saudi national initially considered a suspect in the Boston bombing is an al Qaeda "control agent" being protected by the government.
Bring it on!
Glenn Beck - Bring It on. It Doesn't Make Facts Go Away

Glenn Beck -

Bring It on. It Doesn't Make Facts Go Away


  CAIR Director: Radical Islam is Not Primary Driver of Terror in the World
CAIR Director: Radical Islam is Not Primary Driver of Terror in the World 

Singer Amanda Palmer Writes Love Poem for Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Singer Amanda Palmer Writes Love Poem for Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev 



     Fishing at Rollover Pass.jpg EBB TIDE FOR ROLLOVER PASS 


Eminent Domain Petition 


I've started the petition "Galveston County Judge and Commissioners: Do not take Eminent Domain action again Rollover Pass" and need your help to get it off the ground.

Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:


Here's why it's important:

Rollover Pass is used by thousands of fisherman, families, elderly, handicapped persons from all over Texas and the Country. To use Eminent Domain is a abuse of private property rights

You can sign my petition by clicking here.

Ted Vega


   Gilchrist Community Association Stands Up Against Eminent Domain Threat 


A treasured coastal area of Texas known for amazing fishing and recreation is in danger of being closed by the state, and the two organizations who own and maintain the area, the Gulf Coast Rod, Reel, and Gun Club and the Gilchrist Community Association, are not planning on idly standing by without making their voice heard. Rollover Pass has brought millions of visitors to Bolivar Peninsula for over 55 years to experience world-class fishing in Texas and now, the Texas General Land Office wants to forcefully close the pass against the wishes of the property owners and countless other Texans who cherish this state treasure.  More Information  


3rd Annual Crawfish Boil at Rollover May 4th, 2013 


DOUBLE TAX: Texas lawmakers vote to use property taxes to build toll roads

    While the Texas House and Senate are busy competing over which chamber can come up with the most funding for public schools, another top priority of state government has taken a back seat -- roads. Though roads are needed to get to school, work, and make our economy thrive, state lawmakers continue to demonstrate that roads are NOT a top funding priority for state government. Instead, lawmakers are content to push the state's obligation to fund our state highway system down to the local level by using LOCAL sales tax and property tax to build STATE highway projects.

Senate Bill 1110 that passed the Texas House today will go straight to Governor Rick Perry's desk. The bill gives local authorities the ability to use property tax and sales tax to build TOLL projects. So the road would be built with tax money, but Texans would be charged a toll to actually use the road.

 Read more: Legislators pass law to use property tax to build TOLL roads 

   CSCOPE Cscope,Curtain
commom core



   Cscope definirion



NYC Public School Mandates Arabic Language Studies for All 2nd Through 5th Graders  




There's No Opting Out of Common Core


It's Official: The Feds Control Common Core 


AFP-Texas Supports CSSB 2


As conservatives, we know  women as leaders in our communities, heroines in our culture, and most likely veterans of epic battles on topics ranging from curfews to cash. But we're here to recognize their most important job of all -- one that's so obviously important it shouldn't require a defense, yet needs one against the constant barrage of attacks from cultural and political spheres: motherhood.
Not only have the women we've profiled been world-class ambassadors for all facets of motherhood, they show espousing conservative ideals doesn't put limits on what women can accomplish. You see, conservatives believe motherhood is as empowering as any top job at a Fortune 500 company.
So as we prepare to celebrate Mother's Day, this is our thanks to the women who have unapologetically taken on the toughest job in the world ......being a mom.   

Bud Pix
Bud Caldwell
Publishing Editor


   obama-and-food-stamps Obama Administration Paying People To 'Recruit' Folks Onto Food Stamps...


FORT PIERCE, Fla. - A good recruiter needs to be liked, so Dillie Nerios filled gift bags with dog toys for the dog people and cat food for the cat people. She packed crates of cookies, croissants, vegetables and fresh fruit. She curled her hair and painted her nails fluorescent pink. "A happy, it's-all-good look," she said, checking her reflection in the rearview mirror. Then she drove along the Florida coast to sign people up for food stamps. Read More...... 



Dan Bongino @ Guns Across America Rally in Annapolis, MD
Dan Bongino @ Guns Across America Rally in Annapolis, MD


   Cross on hill

Seven Percent Only
Seven Percent Only

Bud Pix
Bud Caldwel
lPublishing Editor

This Video was made around Easter but I thought it would be interesting to several of you.  Watch and form your own opinions:
Special Report : Dolan & the Dolanites
Special Report : Dolan & the Dolanites

Agenda 21
New World Order UN
Agenda 21 is evil
H-GAC Meeting - Tuesday 6:30p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Dickinson High School  

Message from Katrina Evenhouse of the TX Bay Area 9/12 Group:

We need to stop this taking of property and implementation of transit and bike paths to slow us down..


Too bad they don't ask us our opinion on changing the speed limit on hwy 99 to a speed limit of 45 on the section of the Dickinson overpass in League City. Again slower speed limits!!! And there was no reason for this............

We need to get help getting the word out about the meeting:

Tuesday evening at the Dickinson High School by H-GAC from 6:30 to 8:30.


This is going to put up the barriers just as we stopped for 518, closing off the center turning lane and putting the barriers up and U-turns will be a way of life, they will be putting in bike paths and Slower speed limits.  This will go down Hwy 3 from 518 to Hughes Rd in Dickinson and then from Cemetery Rd (almost to Alvin) to Gum Bayou (almost to 146) on 517.. Who wants to ride a bike to work when it's pouring or 100 degrees out?  The bikers have a big lobby and are very aggressive in getting what they want. They say it is to stop friction, but it is a big inconvenience. They also will be taking property for Transit.  In the Survey below they also mention 95% of the people want wetlands, wildlands, and preserving  our coastlines which all of this is taking peoples property...


Remember they don't give you an opt out.  Check out the presentation!

The next transit meeting is July 11, 2013 as many people that can be there, need to be there.


 Please check out the links 


Benghazi Gate -House Issues Benghazi Report Faulting Fmr. Secy. Hillary Clinton - Lou Dobbs 
Benghazi Gate -House Issues Benghazi Report Faulting Fmr. Secy. Hillary Clinton - Lou Dobbs

White House Dodges Question On The Failures Of Fisker & Solyndra
White House Dodges Question On The Failures Of Fisker & Solyndra
10 Reasons Even Democrats Oppose the Internet Sales Tax

PJTV: Enemies of the State
 Enemies of the State
Featured Article

 Bill Whittle walks viewers through the efforts by liberals to politicize murder and terror.  



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Click on link to read Founding Fathers quotes on the Second Amendment


Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves.

Joseph Warren, Boston Massacre Oration, March 6, 1775

Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.

Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833

Mailing address:

CLTP, Inc 

2951 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 130-394

League City, TX. 77573


This calendar is for information purposes only.  Candidates, events, or organizations posted are not necessarily endorsed by the sender or  the Clear Lake Tea Party.





 **Any organization, or vendor, wishing to participate in any CLTP sponsored event, please gain information and approval of the Executive Board.  
Please feel free to copy or forward this newsletter to all on your personal contact lists.  It is important that we get accurate information out to all grassroots Americans that we can. 
Do not limit it to just Texas addresses but feel free to send it to everyone. 
The newsletter is currently being seen in several states.  It would be great to expand the coverage to even more. Help us to Take Back America!   
Any questions about this newsletter or contents please contact:

Bud Caldwell
Bud Pix
 Bud Caldwell



Clear Lake Tea Party
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