This Sunday, June 19
Strength to Love: Looking at how Masculinity is Evolving
Service Leaders: Emrys Staton
Sunday, June 19 at 10:30 AM
Strength is something that we all seek in our lives. And yet there are so many stories and metaphors about strength - some which are harmful or misleading. What are the ways we can look at strength that help give us courage but also flexibility for this divisive time in which we live?
Two Celebrations
Sunday, June 19, after the service
After the service on June 19, we have two celebrations for transitioning staff:  one for Emrys Staton in the Johnson Room and one for our pianist Lynne Haeseler around the piano in the sanctuary. Everyone is encouraged to go back and forth between both.

After nine years at UUCP, pianist Lynne Haeseler has accepted a job as Music Director at the Granite Peak UU Congregation in Prescott. She will continue living, teaching and performing in Phoenix, but will only have the chance to be at UUCP occasionally. Lynne's boundless energy, virtuosity and sense of humor have enlivened our services since the fall of 2007, and while we celebrate this new job with her, we will miss her at UUCP! Lynne has loved being a part of our community and hopes to stay connected and continue collaborating with us from her new congregation.

Emrys Staton is completing his internship and beginning a new job, both at UUCP. This is unusual; interns are normally expected to leave a congregation after completing their internship. Because of the Rev. Susan's candidacy for the UUA Presidency, we were given permission to hire Emrys as a Director of Pastoral and Justice Ministries. We congratulate Emrys on completing his internship, and celebrate that we won't be saying goodbye to him just yet!
Emrys Feel Good Box
At our June 19 service we are celebrating Emrys Staton's completion of his ministerial internship.  We will have an "Emrys Feel Good Box" at the back of the sanctuary at our service today and next week, and in Office 2 all week. 

Please contribute any sayings, favorite quotes, poems, lessons of life, or just "notes to Emrys" that he can draw on in the future.  Even if you won't be at the service, please contribute-you can email Jan Kaplan at [email protected] on the Ministerial Internship Committee, or send a card via UUCP to Emrys with "ATTN:  Emrys Box".

Next Sunday, June 26
Talking Resiliency into Being
Service Leaders: Vince Waldron
Sunday, June 26 at 10:30 AM
UUCP member Vince Waldron explores the idea that resilience is not so much of a personal trait, rather it emerges from the social practices and relationships that help us bounce back after adversity.
Upcoming Classes and Events
Orlando in our Thoughts and Actions
This Sunday, our offering will go to support the families and victims of the shooting at Pulse Nightclub. A coalition of Orlando community agencies have come together with the GLBT Community Center of Central Florida to raise funds to respond to the crisis. 100% of proceeds will go to victims and their families. 

I am grateful to the UU Church of Orlando who has opened their doors to house the counseling services being provided through this coalition of agencies.

Rev. Susan
Live Screening of the UUA Presidental Candidate Forum
Saturday, June 25, at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary
Please join us as the candidates standing for election in 2017 to be the next President of the Unitarian Universalist Association participate in their first General Assembly forum, sharing their respective vision of the future with us. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask the candidates questions. Moderated by Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti.

UUCP will setup a live streaming of this forum in the Sanctuary. We will have a potluck lunch. Sign up for potluck will be posted soon.

Visit Rev. Susan's campaign website:

Visit Rev. Alison's campaign website:

Summer of Action
Saturday, June 18, at 8:00 AM in the Johnson Room
OneCommunity has partnered with the Equality Federation, the Movement Advancement Project (MAP), and Freedom for All Americans on a historic community education project called the Summer of Action.

This summer we'll be having thousands of conversations in Phoenix and Scottsdale to address myths and stereotypes and reduce prejudice of gay and transgender people. We'll be practicing conversation tactics pioneered by the LA LGBT Center's Leadership Lab and developing an LGBT Volunteer Leadership pipeline in Arizona to carry these important conversations beyond the summer. 

Members of your Congregation can join our movement by filling out the volunteer sign-up form here.  We will be launching Saturdays (6/18, 6/25, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23) from the Johnson room and welcome everyone who is interested to join us!
Manuel's Family
After more than two years in immigration proceedings, UUCP Janitor Manuel will be welcoming his family home in early July.  His wife, 13 year old stepson Estuardo, and 26 month old daughter Nelly will be traveling here from Central America.  If you would like to share card or gift with the family please drop it off in office 2.
Addiction Recovery Group
Monday, June 20, at 7:00 PM in Annex C
Some anonymous members of the congregation are opening a addiction recovery meeting on Monday nights at 7:00 PM. It will be based on UU Principles and have a free form type of orientation. This will be a discussion group of like minded individuals who are seeking recovery from drug and alcohol addictions. Any members who wish to participate can call John Moats at 602-300-4743. We will be meeting at 7:00 PM on Monday evenings in Annex C. So come one come all because your love and gratitude are always welcome.  
Congregational Literary Magazine
Poikilos, the congregation's literary magazine, will be coming out again in the fall.  It's time to prepare your  poetry, short stories, essays or music lyrics for submission by Sunday,  September 4, 2016.  Please bring or send your work to the Poetry Coffeehouse box in the volunteers office at church. Questions? 
call Tish Gauntt at 602-544-8330. 
Women's Solstice Ritual
Tuesday, June 21, at 6:00 PM in the Johnson Room and Patio
Members of the Cakes for the Queen of Heaven class will lead a solstice ritual open to all women. If you are curious or interested in earth based/pagan spirituality this is a perfect opportunity. We will gather at 6:00 with ritual to begin promptly at 6:30. If you are new to ritual please try to arrive at 6:00 for a brief orientation. Please bring a snack to share at the feasting after ritual. You may want to bring a small token to put on the altar. Questions call Pat at 847-967-1672.
General Assembly From Home
If you can't make it to General Assembly (GA) in Columbus, Ohio, this year, consider registering as an off-site participant. In addition to watching all the events in the session hall - like the Ware Lecture, the Service of the Living Tradition, and the banner parade, which are available to the public - you'll be able to participate in 8 workshops via video and live chat and watch video of an additional 20 workshops. You can also be an off-site delegate for your congregation. Off-site delegates can watch, speak in, and vote in all business sessions including mini-assemblies. Don't miss GA just because you can't make it to Columbus! Register on our website, and learn how to show GA video in your congregation! Visit the link below for more information.