UUCP Compass
December:  Living a Life of Faith 
5:30 PM  Family Service
Service Leaders: Susan Frederick-Gray and Anne Byrne


6:30 PM  Cookies and Cider Fellowship Hour
Please bring cookies to share


7:30 PM   Lessons and Carols Service
Service Leaders: Susan Frederick-Gray and Linda Lawrence

Spend your Christmas Eve with music, community and candlelight at UUCP. Both our services will be filled with the singing of carols and the lighting of candles. The early service includes a children's play and the later service will include the music of the congregational choir.  Everyone is invited to bring cookies and share in fellowship 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM.


*Child dedications will be offered at both services*

Child Dedications

December 24 at 5:30 and 7:30 PM 

In Unitarian Universalist congregations, child dedications are an opportunity for parents to bring their young children to be blessed and welcomed into community. It is also a way for the community to offer their blessings and support to the parents and children. Child dedications are done with a rose and a sprinkling of water and words of blessing for the child. For more information, please email Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray.

THIS SUNDAY AT 9:30 AM & 11:15 AM
December 21:  Faith is Showing Up:  Light One Candle
Service Leader:  Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray 
Faith isn't something we think much about when all is going well. It's when things are falling apart, when we feel lost that we need faith. Perhaps this is why so many religious rituals, from Solstice, to Chanukah to Christmas speak of hope and faith.

Center for Hope

UUCP's Share the Plate beneficiary for December is the Center for Hope. Center for Hope serves homeless, pregnant women with substance abuse and mental health disorders with a continuum of services including behavioral health treatment, housing, prenatal care, parenting education, children's services, and employment assistance. Women, their newborn infants and children, and other family members end their homelessness, and build sustainable recovery and strong families capable of thriving in their community through their work at the Center. The Center will provide Christmas support for 100 families with today's contributions. Any unspecified contributions to the offertory on Sunday, December 21, will benefit the Center for Hope.

December 28:  Hymn Sing!
Service Leader:  Benjie Messer
This is a season of music and singing!  Together we will make a joyful noise as we sing some of our favorite hymns and some especially for the season. 
Featured Events

UUCP Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, January 30, at 6:30 PM

We invite all members to observe the monthly Board of Trustees meeting in the Johnson Room.  Socialize and get to know us at 6:00 PM, business starts at 6:30 PM.  Questions or comments?  Email Linda Bellantoni or call her at 602-626-5889.

Share the Journey! Grow the Spirit! Be a Worship Associate!

Are you interested in helping to create and lead Sunday morning worship at UUCP? Maybe Worship Associates is for you! Beginning in the spring, selected worship associates will collaborate with Reverend Susan and Benjie Messer in creating and leading Sunday services. Applications are being accepted until January 18, 2015. Associates will be trained in February. Check the website for more information, or email Rev. Susan.

Exploring UU Values in Short Fiction

7:00-8:30 PM (January 21, 28, Feb 3, 10, 17, and 24) 

Literary stories touch deep, universal human experiences. They call us to evaluate them in light of UU values; make visceral, intellectual, religious, human, and spiritual connections; then share thoughts with others. Participants are expected to read one short story/week and be prepared for discussion. Prerequisite: A love of reading. Non-academic approach. At least one story written by Gary Lawrence. Different stories than Jan/Feb 2014 session. Caution: Stories/themes discussed are often mature and/or graphic. Click here to register.

Upcoming Auction-Related Events

Margaritas and Folk Music Jam - January 17

5:00 PM on January 17

Join Anne Byrne and Denise Selvey for tamales, green chili and margaritas followed by a friendly folk music jam. Saturday, January 17, 5:00 PM at Anne's house. $30 per participant. Click here to register.

Tea, Tour, and Telemann - January 24

On Beyond Bells at Cosanti with Lynne Haeseler and Jeff Stein, afternoon of Jan.24th at 2 PM Enjoy an afternoon private tour of Cosanti, the studio and residence of architect Paolo Soleri, located in Paradise Valley. Soleri began work on the experimental buildings of Cosanti in the mid 1950's. Designated as an Arizona Historic Site, Cosanti presents a unique bio-climatic architectural environment. Its structures feature many imaginative design elements, reflecting Soleri's innovative construction techniques.  Tea and light appetizers will be served. Pianist Lynne Haeseler will perform Baroque music outdoors in the garden area. $25 per participant. Click here to register.

Welcoming all in building religious community, called to 
share journeys,
grow in spirit,
advance justice.