Good Morning!  Today we feature highlighted articles from the first half of February.  And please take some time to take Financial News' Women in Finance Survey!

Highlighted Articles
Female Coders Are "More Competent" Than Males, According to a New Study
 - MIT Technology Review 2/12/16
A study of 1.4 million computer programmers on GitHub suggests that women are better coders but face a persistent gender bias.

Why Women Need to Fight for Paternity Leave - Time 2/11/16
A study just released by the Peterson Institute for International Economics found that countries with mandatory maternal leave did not have more women on those countries' corporate boards. However, countries with more generous paternity leave did.

College Degrees Aren't Serving Women and Minorities - Fortune 2/9/16
According to a report, a college degree is a more lucrative investment for a white man than women or minorities.
Full article >

One way women have it better than men at work - The Washington Post 2/8/16
As the number of breadwinner moms quadrupled over the past half-century, stereotypical gender roles began fading away. A dad who does his kids' laundry is no longer an adorable anomaly. A mom grinding toward the corner office is just another ambitious employee. The workplace, however, hasn't transformed with the changing ideals of workers.
Full article >

Companies Where More Women Lead Are More Profitable, a New Report Says
 - WSJ Blogs 2/8/16
Where are the women? Not on the trading floor (even though they make better traders). Not in hedge funds. Not in private equity, and not in investment banking generally. Unsurprisingly, they are also rarely to be found on the boards of financial services firms and rarely to be round on executive committees.However, there are some senior finance jobs where women are abundant. It's just that they're not the ones that come with the highest prestige and that command the most massive salaries.
Full article >

Featured Video

Can we "have it all"?

Public policy expert Anne-Marie Slaughter made waves with her 2012 article, "Why women still can't have it all." But really, is this only a question for women? Here Slaughter expands her ideas and explains why shifts in work culture, public policy and social mores can lead to more equality - for men, women, all of us.

Industry Survey

Financial News: Women in Finance Survey 2016

This is FN's sixth Women in Finance Survey, which seeks to gauge how women in European financial services believe their gender affects their working lives. The closing date for responses is February 26. Results will be published in the spring.

Deadline is February 26.
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