Good Morning!  STA WIF on family and other news highlights from January.  
Highlighted Articles
On Family Leave
Governor Cuomo, Joined By Vice President Biden, Kicks Off "Strong Families, Strong New York" Campaign to Pass Paid Family Leave in New York State - 2/1/16
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, joined by Vice President Joseph Biden, today kicked off the "Strong Families, Strong New York" campaign to push for passage of the Governor's paid family leave proposal in New York State. The Governor has proposed that New York enact a 12 week paid family leave policy - which would be the longest benefits period in the nation for such a policy - to help working families care for a new child or seriously ill relative.
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Did Mark Zuckerberg Really Take 'Paternity Leave?' - Entrepreneur 1/27/16
Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire trailblazer in so many ways, could have been the perfect example of the benefits of family leave. Instead, what he became an exemplar of how very difficult, if not impossible, it is to balance the demands of leading an organization with caring for a child.
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New Family Leave Policies: Not All Created Equal - 1/11/16
Family leave policies unveiled in 2015 by a number of employers in the technology and financial services sectors are bolstering the push by proponents of federal legislation that would require companies to extend this benefit to all U.S. workers.
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New Steps to Advance Equal Pay on the Seventh Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - The White House 1/29/16
"It is fitting that with the very first bill I sign...we are upholding one of this nation's first principles: that we are all created equal and each deserve a chance to pursue our own version of happiness." - President Barack Obama, January 29, 2009
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Women in finance are doing it all wrong - efinancialcareers 1/26/16
Where are the women? Not on the trading floor (even though they make better traders). Not in hedge funds. Not in private equity, and not in investment banking generally. Unsurprisingly, they are also rarely to be found on the boards of financial services firms and rarely to be round on executive committees.However, there are some senior finance jobs where women are abundant. It's just that they're not the ones that come with the highest prestige and that command the most massive salaries.
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How More Women On Wall Street Could Have Prevented the Financial Crisis - Fortune 1/5/16
If Lehman Brothers had been Lehman Sisters, would the banking giant still be around today?
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The STAC Women's Collective
The STAC Women's Collective is about recognition and empowerment. We seek to grow organizational membership and purview, while complementing existing STAC core initiatives and values. By targeting this currently underrepresented group, STAC continues to increase its prominence as well as advance new opportunities for collaboration. Throughout the year, the Women's Collective will sponsor several events, introduce guest speakers, and highlight the achievements of women in finance. 

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