November 26, 2014




"We are grateful for the blessings of faith and health and strength and for the imperishable spiritual gifts of love and hope. We give thanks, too, for our freedom as a nation; for the strength of our arms and the faith of our friends; for the beliefs and confidence we share; for our determination to stand firmly for what we believe to be right and to resist mightily what we believe to be base; and for the heritage of liberty bequeathed by our ancestors which we are privileged to preserve for our children and our children's children." 


-John F. Kennedy, October 27, 1961


 We Wish You a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Day Holiday


Have you seen our November Newsletter? Here

View all "Dear Members" features. Here

Security Traders Association | 1115 Broadway | NYC 10010 | 855-603-1348 [email protected]