by Rory O'Kane, KCG

Hello, I am Rory O'Kane from KCG and the 2015 Chairman of the Board for the Security Traders Association (STA). As we begin a new year, I would like to wish all of you good health and success. Undoubtedly, 2015 will be characterized by continued debate and review of our industry. As you look for accurate and unbiased information on the issues, we hope that you will turn to the STA. Being a part of this association for over twenty years, and the organization has evolved greatly over this time. This evolution has brought changes to what STA does, but not to what STA is or what it represents. As an association of individuals serving individuals, we believe that relationships matter. They always have, and always will.
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  Capitol Hill_PJD

SEC Announces Members of New Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee, ("ESMAC") Press Release

SEC Chair White announced the members of an advisory committee described in her June 5, 2014 speech at a Sandler O'Neill & Partners Conference. The newly formed EMSAC  is comprised of 17 industry experts. Stephen Luparello, Director of the Division of Trading and Markets will be designated federal officer on the committee. 


New Voice on a US Financial Transaction Tax, "FTT"

Rep Chris Van Hollen (D MD) Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee issued an Action Plan on an FTT which would raise tax revenues, "at the same time, however, it would rein in the kind of computerized high-speed trading that skims value from regular investors  while adding no value to the economy". Full Plan


House Committee on Financial Services Announces Republican Subcommittee Assignments

Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R TX) announced the subcommittee assignments for the committee's Republican members.  The Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Subcommittee, which has oversight of the SEC and CFTC will be chaired by Scott Garrett (R NJ) and will see the return of Rep David Schweikert (R AZ). Freshman

members include; Rep Bruce Poliquin (R ME) and French Hill (R TX) All assignments here


Williams & Jensen Washington DC Weekly Update for Jan 16 - Here





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Happy Birthday, Elvis Presley - January 7, 2015

by Jim Toes

I have family in Memphis so "the King" has always held a special place in my life. So much so, that Blue Christmas plays all year round in my car. If Elvis were still alive he would be turning 80 tomorrow. Unfortunately, his life ended short like so many other talented artists of his generation. There is a less known fact about Elvis' career that our industry could benefit from as we begin a new year in search of opportunity and growth; either as individuals or as a firm. Over the course of his 22 year career, Elvis recorded more than 600 songs but he only wrote or co-wrote less than 10.




STA Florida 2015 Annual Conference

Buyside Panel Moderator

John Russell, SVP

Franklin Templeton

February 5-7, 2015


The STA Events calendar keeps you informed on both national and  local STA events.  Join other security trading professionals to connect, learn and be inspired by the wide variety of panel discussions, keynote speakers, exhibitors and networking opportunities.

 Brought to you by KCG

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