Eastlake High School PTSA Wolf Tracks Newsletter 9.13.15
In This Issue
Quick Links


Important Contacts

EHS Main Office:

EHS Absence Line:

PTSA Co-Presidents
Julie Carper
Julie Olson
Resource Center:

Like us on Facebook
Eastlake High School PTSA
400 228th Ave. NE
Sammamish, WA  98074

Powered by PTSA: 

EHS PTSA welcomes Colin James 
as this years' Student Rep.  

  Representatives of EHS PTSA:
Sarah Frankum, Mary Pat O'Neil , Irene Russo, Karen Cox, Wendy Arnett, Ed Keith, Julie Olson, Deb Knaus, Michelle Bickford, Julie Carper, Sue Lauer, Kerri Nielsen, Megan Bigbee  



Wolf Strong 
Pack Strong!


Happenings at a Glance
Tuesday, September 15
Math Lab, 5-7 pm Room C224

Wednesday, September 16 
PTSA General Meeting + Principal Wolf Chat 6:00 pm
Curriculum Night 7:00 pm

October 3

October 11
Fear Free ACT Test Date 9:00 am

October 14
PSAT Testing at EHS 7:30 am-12:00

October 31
Fear Free SAT Test Date 9:00 am

LWSD 2015-2016 Calendar - click here
EHS Tandem Calendar -  click here
Message from your PTSA President 

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at Curriculum Night this Wednesday.  Parents who are new to EHS will most likely make every effort to be there.  But why come if you assume you have heard it all before? (because I know that's what some of you are thinking!)
  • This is really your very best chance to put teachers' names with faces and get context and first-hand perspective on what is happening in class.  If a problem ever comes up, you will have more insight on ways to guide your student through their issues and get the preferred contacts for teachers.
  • There are curriculum, policy, and technology changes every year, so trust me, you will hear something new.
  • You will likely see other parents you know in your student's classes.  When issues come up this can be handy knowledge.  (And armed with the PTSA directory, you or your student will be able to contact any of them.)
  • And maybe most importantly, your attendance sends a message to your student that their education is important and worth your investment of time!
Plan to arrive at 5:45 to grab a good parking spot and some Zeek's Pizza and sorbet to eat while you attend the PTSA general meeting at 6:00 and have a chance to ask Principal Bede questions, and then head to classes at 7:00.  Make sure to say "hello" and introduce yourself to PTSA leadership (we'll be the ones wearing grey PTSA t-shirts!).


Julie Olson, 
Co-President EHS PTSA


Curriculum Night This Week!
Please join us at 6:00 pm this Wednesday, September 16, for our PTSA General Meeting. We will be approving our budget, new officers, mission statement and goals, and more. Click here for our agenda. Principal Bede and the EHS Bookkeeper will be present to answer questions followed by Curriculum Night at 7:00 pm.  

No time for dinner? Stop by the Zeek's food truck from 5:45-7:00 pm for a slice of pizza (cheese and pepp pepperoni) plus sorbet for $3 each.  Cash only, a portion of the proceeds goes to support EHS PTSA.

Eastlake Angels will be collecting new and gently used teen clothing at Curriculum Night (Wednesday, Sept. 16).  There will be labeled bins right when you walk in the door.  Thank you for your generosity!  Questions - email angels@ehsptsa.org.
Nominating Committee Volunteers Needed
Eastlake PTSA is seeking volunteers to join our Nominating Committee to select officers for next year's Board of Directors. Why so early? This gives 
the committee plenty of time during the year to 
find qualified candidates. Please contact
president@ehsptsa.org if you are interested.

Ever wonder where the money goes?
EHS vs. ASB vs. PTSA vs. Booster - click here
to learn about each and how your financial support is used AND appreciated! 

Little Effort = Major Gain for your Student 
Low-Effort Fundraising is about helping the EHS PTSA earn funds without a lot of effort from our supporters. When you shop at the participating stores below, we get cash back from the retailers based on your purchase amount.  Little effort but major gain for EHS! Questions? contact loweffortfundraising@ehsptsa.org
  • Bartell's B Card, sign up at the store and log in to www.eScrip.com to register your card.
  • Everything Party, mention Eastlake BEFORE you begin to check out and we earn 10% back.
  • Target REDCard, EHS earns 1% cash back, and you get a 5% discount on purchases. Win Win!
  • Amazon. Register for your AmazonSmile account. EHS PTSA automatically receives .5% cash back on your purchases made when you log into AmazonSmile first.  The more people who join this program, the more money we make. Go to www.amazonsmile.com  and select "Eastlake High School PTSA 2 8 88" as your charity. (The city says Tacoma, but it really is our account.) 
3 SAT/ACT Fall Practice Tests Offerings
EHS PTSA wishes to acknowledge the following businesses for not only their financial support, but their continued support of our mission and goals. 

Fear Free SAT/ACT Practice Tests -
Princeton Review at EHS click here to register 
October 11 for ACT and October 31 for SAT.

HuntingtonClick here to register
October 3 for ACT and October 10 for current SAT and October 11 for New SAT. Test taken at Huntington Learning Center in Issaquah.

SATPrep - Click here to register
September 16 for SAT at EHS

ABC's of College Testing
Are you a little confused about which tests your child should be taking?  The ACT, SAT, PSAT, Fear Free ACT & SAT - yikes! Don't worry, you're not alone! Here's a link to an explanation of each exam and which grade it's designed for. Now you can make some sense of all these dates and sign-ups being offered by Eastlake, the PTSA and our Community Partners and make sure your student is well-prepared for the college application process.

Staff/Volunteer Spotlight
Nominations Request - In future issues of Wolf Tracks we will feature a staff member and/or volunteer and provide a brief account of who they are and how they help to make Eastlake an outstanding environment for our students. Please submit names and a brief reason why for nomination to awards@ehsptsa.org. Everyone likes to be recognized and appreciated!
Reflections 2015
Calling all artists - the Reflections Art contest has started. The theme for this year is " Let Your Imagination Fly."  There are new rules and more info on the PTSA website under Programs. Entries due November 2. Any questions, please email Bettina Thrun or Khawar Ahmed

Student Feeling Confused? Come to MATH LAB!
Starts Tuesday September 15.  Super teachers Mrs. Skiba and/or Ms. Everson will help make it all clear. Class is every Tuesday, 5-7 pm, Room C-224. All levels welcome including AP and UW.  It's FREE to use...just another program "powered" by your EHS PTSA!

EHS Community News

LWSD has a new system to make you aware of events happening in our area.  It's called Peachjar.  Click here to view.  You will find it on EHS Website home page. It's updated regularly and includes information and links to events and groups in our area. Currently you will find information regarding Eastside CHADD, Seattle Sounders, Long Term Facilities Task Force, and Parent/Teen Book Club. 
Classical Music Concert - September 15
Hansel & Gretel - October 24
To learn more about these productions and more visit:
*Community news items have been submitted by members of the greater Eastlake High School Community; EHS PTSA does not sponsor, endorse, or recommend any of the organizations, services, or activities described within this section. Inclusion of community news items in Wolf Tracks is made on a case-by-case and space-available basis. 
Note to Wolf Tracks readers


If you are receiving this newsletter and no longer have a student at Eastlake, please unsubscribe from this list (the unsubscribe button is on the bottom of this newsletter). We pay for this email newsletter service, which bases its rates on number of subscribers. Please help us keep our costs down by "unsubscribing" if you no longer need to receive Wolf Tracks. Thank you! Meanwhile, current and past issues of the newsletter are posted on our PTSA website.      
This email is provided as a courtesy of the EHS PTSA. For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official LWSD and Eastlake High School websites.
For a more complete listing of community information and events, please refer to the

Submissions to Wolf Tracks: Email all pertinent information to
communications@ehsptsa.org. Please note the weekly deadline is Thursday at noon.
If this newsletter does not display properly, visit our PTSA website
to access a Web-based version. Please allow 24 hours to post.

Carlene Camera and Sue Lauer,
Co-VPs, EHS PTSA Communications