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Active partners in our church's mission
When you support your congregation through regular financial offering, your congregation sends a portion of this as mission support to your synod and churchwide organization. This simple act makes ministry possible beyond your congregation and actually returns to congregations in the form of services, programs, resources, or grants. Learn more about the where your offering goes through Stories of Faith in Action, a free, annual publication that highlights how God is changing lives through ministries funded by mission support. Similarly, download bulletin inserts, Mission Support FAQs, and a poster to share in your congregation here.  

On the eve of an anniversary
Mark your calendars and join Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton on Thursday, October 27, from 8-9 pm EST for a live webcast. This particular webcast will explore ecumenical and interreligious witness on the eve of the Reformation anniversary: What was the Reformation, and what does it mean for Lutherans and ecumenical partners? What is "Declaration on the Way," and why is it significant for Lutheran-Catholic relations? What might ecumenical and interreligious relationships look like in the future, and what does this mean for our faith community? Learn more about the webcast here and see what is happening in our synod here
In the News...

Watch Antonia Clemente, Executive Director of The Healing Center, Brooklyn share their mission and ministry with BRIC TV.
Read about Trinity, Astoria remembering 9/11 with a special mass in the Queens Gazette

Out and About

Warm welcomes
Bishop Rimbo and the synod staff appreciate the welcome hospitality provided by our local congregations and partner organizations as we visit and help proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and share the mission of our ministries each week. In the past week, our staff was warmly received by the following communities:Transfiguration, Bronx; New Hope for All Saints, Bronx; St. John's by the Sea and Ascension Table, Long Beach; Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia; New Hope, Jamaica; Fordham, Bronx; Abiding Presence, Bronx; ELCA Churchwide Organization, Chicago; St. Peter's, Port Jervis; Trinity, Wyandanch; Good Shepherd, Roosevelt; and Wartburg, Mount Vernon. Thank you!
Synod Council Meeting
The Synod Council began their all-day meeting with a brief devotion and an opportunity to share a personal story by council member, something that will continue at each meeting. Our Synod Council then acted to extend calls to specialized and interim ministry as well as to grant on leave from call status and retirement status. Tom Massey, our strategic plan consultant, worked with the council to see where we've been with our strategic plan and where we are headed as we look to refresh the plan and its initiatives. Reports were given from staff, strategic plan committees, the Stewardship and Mission Support table, and follow up from previous assembly actions. The council also voted to create supporting organizations, a resolution that was referred back to the Synod Council by the 2016 Synod Assembly, and took action on pending property contracts. We spent longer time looking at the financial reports as many of the council members are new to the council. The minutes from this meeting will be available after they are approved at the October meeting. 
Synod Assembly News

Special Fall Assembly
As announced at our May assembly, the Synod Council has called for a special assembly on October 15, 2016 to address appeals of congregations. Our hope continues to be that we may find resolution early in the process, especially as our experience has been that time and financial resources are being expended at enormous rates. Click here to see more and confirm your attendance if you were a seated voting member in May. Once the Consultation Team completes their work, we will be able to provide further details about this special assembly.
Business Matters

New Overtime Rules
The U.S. Department of Labor has adopted new overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which go into effect on December 1, 2016. Among other changes, these regulations increase the minimum salary for exempt employees from $23,000 to $47,476. Many congregations, synods, and other ministries of the church have questions about how this impacts their employees and ministries. Does it apply to churches? What about pastors? Youth workers? Sextons? How about schools? Or camps? Join the ELCA Churchwide Organization for a free webinar on how the new regulations will affect religious institutions where they will try to answer many of these questions. Learn more here.
Our Wider Church 

Wider Church Fund grants available
Do you know of a 501(c)3 organization that could benefit from a Wider Church Fund grant?  These grants are intended to help fund programs outside of our synod's regular operating budget. The application deadline for 2017 grants is November 30. Learn more and download the application here.
Voting is one way in which we live out our affirmation of baptism to "serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus," and "to strive for justice and peace in all the earth." As we approach the voter registration deadline on October 14 in New York State, you can put faith into action by hosting conversations and reminding people to register to vote. Find resources here
For Rostered Leaders

Get your "Little Red Book"

"The Little Red Book" has served Lutheran leaders as a practical, handy, pocket-sized date-keeping reference. The print edition contains space for daily entries, festivals and commemorations with liturgical colors, and areas for notes and reminders. Scripture citations for each Sunday and festival are included, plus miniature calendars for 2016 and 2018. The 2017 book is available now; order here or download the free digital edition.

Wartburg 150th Anniversary
Join Wartburg in honoring their past, celebrating their present, and building their future. Rev. Dr. Robert Rimbo, Bishop of The Metropolitan New York Synod ELCA will be presiding and Rev. Derek G. Lecakes, Bishop/President of The Atlantic District LCMS will be preaching at this worship celebration on November 5. All members of the clergy are invited to vest.  Color of the day is white. Learn more here

Register now for the (free!) Bishop's Retreat
Pastors and interns are invited to join us for the Bishop's Retreat, October 25-27. As we anticipate the 500th Anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation, what does Lutheran identity mean half a millennium later, now that Lutheranism has found its way from Europe to the rest of the world? What is it to be a Christian in a Lutheran key in our globalized, multi-cultural reality today? During this retreat, we will hear the testimony from some of our own pastors, representing the diversity that blesses our life together. The retreat is free, but participants must reserve a spot by October 16. Register here.

Religious Corporations Conference
The Interchurch Center and Cappell Barnett Matalon and Shoenfeld LLP are joining to host a free educational conference to help equip pastors, administrators, and leaders on October 20. This year the Bronx Borough President, Hon. Ruben Diaz, will be the keynote speaker and feature presentations by the Office of the Attorney General, The New York City Department of Finance, as well as leading church administrators. A wide range of topics will be covered, including tax exemptions, selling or leasing properties, a panel with church administrators, and overall best practices. Learn more and register here.
From our Committees

Disaster Relief Committee
Disasters can strike at any moment. Making sure we are prepared is just one step towards limited damage and more effective responses. The Disaster Response Task Force is being formed and will maintain familiarity with the Disaster Plan and ensure the Disaster Response and Planning web page contains current information and links, and assist the bishop and synod to assess the nature and scope of a disaster and appropriate synod response. Download a nomination form for the task force here.
Job Corner

Organist and Choir Director needed
Cross of Christ, Babylon is looking for a part-time Organist/Choir Director. It is a salaried position starting at $15,000, which will commensurate with experience and capabilities. Responsibilities include Sunday service at 9am, closing hymn for the 8am service, and other Holy days. The choir meets on Wednesdays at 8pm. There are other optional musical duties for additional compensation. Cross of Christ has a well-maintained, 2 manual, 16 rank pipe organ with a recently rebuilt console and new electronics. Please email resumes to organist.job@cclchurch.com

Pr. Nicholas Sollom has been called as Chaplain to Bellevue Hospital, effective August 15.

Prs. Carla Meier and Gaylon Barker have been called as intentional interims at Good Shepherd, Brooklyn. They began on August 1.

Pr. Arden Strasser has been called as interim pastor at St. Andrew's, Yorktown Heights, effective October 10.

Pr. Craig Miller has been called as Assistant to the Bishop in the Upper Susquehanna Synod, effective October 3.
Pr. Francis Bonadonna has retired as associate pastor at St. Luke's, Farmingdale, effective March 1.
Pr. Jerome Taylor is retiring as pastor at Good Shepherd, Roosevelt, effective November 1.
Pr. Michael Thomas has retired, effective September 1.

Pr. Diane Wildow is retiring, effective February 1.
New on mnys.org

Reformation 500 Events: Kick Off Event at New Hope, Jamaica. Add your event here

Synod Council: Latest approved minutes

Reusable Equipment: Grand Piano for sale by Advent, Manhattan
We're Praying
  • With thanksgiving for the birth of Cian Carter, grandson of synod staff member Sue Brandt and Pr. Joel Brandt, on September 22
  • For refugees and those who come to their aid
  • For those attending and planning anti-racism trainings throughout our synod
  • For our partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land as they live amidst the continued Israeli-Palestinian conflict  
  • For health and healing for Ira Nebrasky, husband of Pastor ElizaBeth Nebrasky, who is undergoing treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma 
  • For ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission Mycah McNett, serving in the United Kingdom
  • For ELCA missionary Brent Wilkinson serving in Japan
  • For Bishop Thomas Aitken, the staff and people of the Northeast Minnesota Synod
  • For the care of God's creation 
  • For the unity of this church and its mission

This e-letter is intended to convey information from synod staff, committees or auxiliaries, and we reserve the right to edit all submissions. All items must be received by the Friday before publication. Items normally run for two weeks. Send submissions to Rebekah Thornhill.  

Metropolitan New York Synod | 475 Riverside Drive | Suite 1620 | New York | NY | 10115