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In This Issue
Difficult decisions provide resources and hope
When our synod embarked on a new ministry in the Bronx, it wasn't expected to be easy. As the neighborhood changed and new challenges were faced, our Synod Council and staff looked for all available options. While St. Thomas House is closing, learn how we are using this opportunity to support neighboring ministries in this recent News Feature

Care for our leaders
We are blessed to have initiatives in our church that care for our leaders. Not only are leaders encouraged towards healthier behavior and stronger financial wellbeing, it is rewarded! As a result of over 65% participation in Portico's annual health assessment, our synod received monies that we then put back into supporting the wellness of our pastors. Last week's Bishop's Retreat was provided at no cost and aimed to equip our pastors spiritually, physically, mentally, and professionally. Read more about the retreat here and see photos here
In the News...
See Trinity, Staten Island's recent St. Nick's Fair which featured some fair and responsibly made items from around the globe in SILive.
            Read about a local school helping to support the Emergency Food Pantry, a ministry shared between 7 churches including St. Andrew's, Smithtown from the Long Island Exchange and LongIsland.com.
            St. Lydia's, Brooklyn has begun a Waffle Church to attract families and kids. Find out more about how they are joining others in rethinking Sunday school in The Wall Street Journal
            Learn about Pr. Fred Eckhardt, a WWII veteran who was called to ministry and served their first call at Holy Trinity, Manhattan in The Carroll County Times. Pr. Eckhardt is also the father of MNYS pastor Fredi Eckhardt.
            See how St. Jacobus, Woodside worked to clean up their neighborhood with others in The Woodside Herald.
            Read how Salam, Brooklyn hosted their annual dinner dance for unity in The Brooklyn Home Reporter.
Pr. Samuel Cruz from Trinity, Brooklyn shares a Latino pastoral perspective in The Huffington Post.
Out and About
Warm welcomes 
Bishop Rimbo and the synod staff appreciate the welcome hospitality provided by our local congregations and partner organizations as we visit and help proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and share the mission of our ministries each week. In the past week, our staff was warmly received by the following communities: St. Paul's International, Floral Park; Incarnation, Cedarhurst; New Hope, Jamaica; Atonement, Saugerties; Holy Cross, Commack; Gloria Dei, New Hyde Park; Christ's, Woodstock; Holy Redeemer, Brooklyn; New Hope for All Saints, Bronx; St. John's by the Sea, Long Beach. Thank you! 
Business Matters
Anti-Racism Task Force
We are looking for persons interested in helping to lead our anti-racism efforts through a newly formed task force. This task force is a part of the 2015 Synod Assembly Resolution calling for a continued commitment for addressing racism in church and society.
Worship: Beyond Style  Susan Briehl
Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary is offering their annual Week of Renewal event under the theme, "Worship: Beyond Style." Susan Briehl will lead a workshop on stewarding the words we use for worship, Songleader and composer Jonathan Rundman will lead an interactive discussion about worship and congregational participation, and Kyle Schiefelbein will facilitates conversations among the two workshop leaders and participants about connecting liturgical language and participation with the larger Lutheran traditions that we do and will encounter. Click here for more information and to register.

Building Men for Christ workshop
Lutheran Men in Mission's Building Men for Christ workshop is an all-day event designed to help congregations increase the participation of men through intentional ministry. LMM will be conducting this workshop at Good Shepherd, Somerville, NJ on Saturday, November 21 from 9 am to 4:30 pm. Find out how to register and download the flyer here
From Our Committees
Give a different type of gift 
The MNYS Hunger Committee encourages you to support ELCA Good Gifts this holiday season. You can start by making a display for your church: Decorate bare branches, evergreen branches, or a Christmas tree with ornaments representing ELCA Good Gifts-a goat, school supplies, a tree-seedling, and so on. Next, encourage individuals, families, or congregational groups to select a gift they would like to give, make a donation in that amount, and sign their name to the back of the ornament. Packages of 30 ornaments can be ordered free of charge here.
WELCA Witness newsletter
The Winter 2015 Witness is available from the Metro New York Synod Women of the ELCA. Download the newsletter here to read about their Bible study in Nassau County or their efforts to support a women's shelter in the Bronx. 
Seeking Space
Parsonage for rent by clergy
Redeemer, Queens Village, seeks clergy for use and occupancy of parsonage with brand new kitchen, carpeting, and paint. The parsonage includes a finished basement, washer and dryer, window A/C units, wi-fi connections, front and back yards, and off-street parking. It is accessible by public transportation and major parkways and costs $2500 monthly. Call 718-468-8868 for more information.
Pr. Lena Warren has been called as pastor of Good Shepherd, Pearl River. She is from the New England Synod.
Pr. Peter Swan (retired) has transferred to the Rocky Mountain Synod.
Pr. B. John Hagedorn (retired) has transferred to the Florida-Bahamas Synod.
We're Praying
  • For those affected by the recent terrorism attacks and those who come to their aid
  • For health and healing for Pastor John Backe, who is recovering after heart surgery this week
  • For health and healing for Pastor Richard Mueller, who is recovering after surgery and multiple strokes
  • For refugees and those who come to their aid
  • For our partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land as they live amidst the continued Israeli-Palestinian conflict  
  • For health and healing for Ira Nebrasky, husband of Pastor ElizaBeth Nebrasky, who is undergoing treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma 
  • For ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission Emily Haskins, serving in Madagascar
  • For ELCA missionary Rev. Linda Johnson Seyenkulo, serving in Liberia
  • For Bishop James Mauney, the staff and people of the Virginia Synod
  • For the care of God's creation 
  • For the unity of this church and its mission  

Download the synod prayer calendar here.

This e-letter is intended to convey information from synod staff, committees or auxiliaries, and we reserve the right to edit all submissions. All items must be received by the Friday before publication. Items normally run for two weeks. Send submissions to Rebekah Thornhill.