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In This Issue
Praising heaven and earth
Pope Francis has established an annual day of global prayer "for the Care of Creation" to boost support for the environment on September 1. The Metropolitan New York Synod is joining our brothers and sisters throughout the world in commemorating and celebrating this day. Compiled by members of our Environmental Stewardship Committee, we invite congregations and individuals to use these resources on September 1 and the days surrounding this commemoration.

Daring confidence in God's grace
We are a church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work. Whether it is volunteering at a shelter for people and families that are homeless, gathering food items to fill shelves at a local food pantry, or advocating for peace and justice in communities, your service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: That all of our life in Jesus Christ - every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life - flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Learn more about the upcoming "God's Work. Our Hands." Sunday on September 13, 2015.

In the news...
The preschool at Our Saviour's, Brooklyn is featured in this Wall Street Journal article about the expansion of half-day Pre-K slots in New York City.
            Messiah, Brooklyn has partnered with "No Lights. No Lycra" and gets a mention in this New Yorker profile.
            Pastor Peter Rustico, St. John's, Middletown, to provide the benediction at a Patriot Day September 11th Remembrance Ceremony.
Out & About

Warm welcomes 
Bishop Rimbo and the synod staff appreciate the welcome hospitality provided by our local congregations and partner organizations as we visit and help proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and share the mission of our ministries each week. In the past week, our staff was warmly received by the following communities: All Saints/Todos Los Santos, Southwest Queens; New Hope for All Saints, Bronx; Grace, Uniondale; Saint Peter's, Manhattan; Ascension, Franklin Square; Redeemer, New Paltz; St. John's, Poughkeepsie; Our Saviour, Manhasset; St. Peter's, 219th Street, Bronx; St. John's, Lindenhurst; Good Shepherd, Plainview; Christ, Wantagh; St. John, Bellmore; St. Paul's, Bronx; Grace, Yorktown Heights; Koinonia, Highland Lake; Emanuel, Pleasantville. Thank you! 
Our Wider Church
Lutheran Crusader Fund
Lutheran Crusader Fund
The Grant Selection Committee for LuHi's Lutheran Crusader Fund is now accepting applications for the 2015-2016 grant cycle. The deadline for all proposals is November 1. Congregations can also apply for the Congregation of the Year program. Find more information here.

Invitation for African Descent Young Adults 
The African Descent Lutheran Association is extending a special invitation to all young adults of African Descent between the ages of 18 and 35 to join Walking Together, Past, Present, Always. ADLA is sponsoring an early lunch from 12 to 1 pm with Rozella White, Program Director for Young Adult Ministry in the ELCA. They are seeking to increase the active participation of young adults of African Descent in ADLA a
nd synodical events. You can help by identifying, encouraging, and supporting young adults within your congregation to join us on September 12. Please RSVP for this lunch by emailing adlametrony@gmail.com.

David Lose at Preaching the Lectionary
Preachers, do you need new inspiration? Save the date of November 17 as Dr. David Lose offers exegetical highlights for preaching on the texts and the liturgies of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany at the next "Preaching the Lectionary" seminar. Dr. Lose is the president of Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Click here to register.
20/20 Focus
As part of the strategic plan, the Sent Committee highlights ministries and partnerships proclaiming the Gospel while responding to societal needs.  

CPE: A match made in heaven? 
You may or may not know about the exciting training of future leaders in the church that happens day in and day out throughout the year in this synod. Lutheran Services New York Alliance (LSNYA) sponsors a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program which had 12 students that were trained and nurtured in active listening skills, spiritual discernment, and pastoral care for those in hospitals (NYU Lutheran), nursing homes (Eger and Wartburg), social service agencies (LSSNY), and maritime ministries at Seafarers International House (SIH). CPE director, Rev. Silvia Misina, capably leads this initiative and for the past three years has trained scores of theological students in the art of pastoral care while helping the synod's social ministry organizations. LSNYA, with its new director, the Rev. John Havrilla, seeks to be a voice for the marginalized throughout our synod by sponsoring the CPE program and other outreaches within the synod.
An example of how this is a good match is in Jonathan Westerlund, a MNYS candidate for ordained ministry and student at Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Jonathan just completed his summer internship through Seafarers International House. For 12 weeks he called on ships in the ports of New Jersey and New York with SIH port chaplains. This is a win/win for all:  Area social ministry sites receive much needed additional pastoral care help while future leaders are nurtured in their ministerial gifts. 
We're Praying
  • For health and healing for Christopher Vergara, member of the Executive Committee, who is recovering from ankle surgery
  • For our partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land as they live amidst the continued Israeli-Palestinian conflict  
  • For health and healing for Ira Nebrasky, husband of Pastor ElizaBeth Nebrasky, who is undergoing treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma 
  • For ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission Daniel Purtell, serving in Hungary
  • ELCA missionary Rev. Jacalyn Griffin, serving in Central African Republic 
  • For Bishop Mark Holmerud, the staff and people of the Sierra Pacific Synod
  • For the care of God's creation 
  • For the unity of this church and its mission 

  Download the synod prayer calendar here.

This e-letter is intended to convey information from synod staff, committees or auxiliaries, and we reserve the right to edit all submissions. All items must be received by the Friday before publication. Items normally run for two weeks. Send submissions to Rebekah Thornhill.