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In This Issue
Advent Mission Fund
Annual Report to the Bishop
Meal Packing Extravaganza!
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The world needs the Lutheran church.

At last Saturday's Leaders Retreat, over 100 participants came together to discuss the ways in which our congregations are engaging with their communities and learn more about our synod's strategic plan. Participants heard about the progress made so far, from working with a communications consultant to appointing a Pastoral Care Team to surveying all the ministries taking place across our synod. See some of the ways our strategic plan is unfolding and view pictures from the quadrant visit. The final Leaders Retreat for Queens and Brooklyn (Quadrant 3) will take place on March 8.


hands in prayer Lord, teach us to pray

Many want to deepen their lives of prayer, but sometimes don't know how to start. Others may desire help in leading others in prayer. Still others may wish to widen their horizons of understandings of prayer. Everyone is welcome at "Lord, Teach Us to Pray" on March 22: a day to pray and learn more about prayer. Our day will begin and end with prayer services. Synodical leaders will offer reflections on their understanding of prayer and how they pray. There will be a number of workshops on prayer, especially ones that help expand our understandings of prayer. Download the flyer and register here. The cost is $15, which includes breakfast, lunch, and a T-shirt.

Synod Assembly News


Synod Assembly 2014 Come, Holy Spirit

Registration for the 2014 Synod Assembly is open for all participants. Register before April 15 to receive a $50 discount on the registration fees. Start your registration here. On our assembly webpage, you can find links to make hotel accommodations, submit nominations, and learn more about the ways you can prepare for assembly.

Our Wider Church

Advent Mission Fund

Advent, Manhattan established a mission fund to provide support to church and community ministries, particularly those focused on poverty, education, Lutheran ministries, and crisis recovery. Learn more about the fund and download an application here. Proposals are due April 15.

For Rostered Leaders

Annual Report to the Bishop
We serve an interdependent church and our interdependence is realized, in part, through regular communications and reporting to one another. That's why the annual report to the bishop is so important. Access the annual report forms here by clicking the "Synods" tab. Your confidential report is due February 15. Please send it to annualreports@mnys.org with your full name in the subject line.  



Meal Packing Extravaganza!

Nearly one in five children in America can't count on having enough to eat. They lack the energy to learn, grow and thrive. On Saturday, March 8, join us at St. Luke's, New Rochelle as we pack and prepare to distribute 20,000 meals to food pantries throughout our synod. All ages and abilities of volunteers are welcome--there is room for everyone at this Synod-wide Service Day! Financial donations are also invited. During the packing event, there will be learning labs; afterwards, there will be worship and a communal meal. If you have questions, contact Pr. Danielle Miller or sign up to volunteer here. Together, let us use our God-given gifts to make a difference in the world! 


Invitation to Reformation's final worship

With thanksgiving to God for 116 years of ministry, the congregation of Reformation, Brooklyn (105 Barbey Street) announces that it will be closing this month. You are invited to the closing worship, held on Sunday, February 23 at 3pm, which will also be a memorial service for the life and ministry of Pr. John Huneke. Bishop Rimbo will preside and preach; a reception will follow the service.

From Our Committees

Into the Wild: A Lenten Liturgy and Intergenerational Study on Hunger

This new five-part program follows the story of Jesus' temptation in the wilderness and explores what it means to live out our faith in a world of hunger, suffering, and hope. How does faith move Lutherans to respond to human needs, especially hunger? Each session is divided into small group and large group settings and can be adapted to fit your congregation's educational forums, workshops, or mid-week gatherings. There is also a follow up family discussion guide. Download this resource here and click on the Lent & Easter tab.


View the complete synod calendar.  

New on www.mnys.org

Congregational Events: Dr. Cornel West and "The Struggle to Free Oscar Lopez" at Trinity (46th Street), Brooklyn; Introduction to Poetry Writing classes at St. Jacobi, Brooklyn

We're Praying

  • For the friends and family of Pastor Kenneth Fahlman, who died in Christ on January 30
  • For the friends and family of Aron Thomas, who died in Christ on February 3
  • For comfort for those affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan, and strength for those who come to their aid
  • For health and healing for Walter Straub, husband of Deacon Carol Straub, who was diagnosed with cancer and will be undergoing treatment
  • For ELCA Young Adult in Global Mission Katrina Hanson, serving in Malaysia
  • For ELCA missionary Sandra Braasch, serving in Guatemala
  • For Bishop Steven Delzer, the staff and people of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod
  • For the care of God's creation
  • For the unity of this church and its mission

Download the synod prayer calendar here.

This e-letter is intended to convey information from synod staff, committees or auxiliaries, and we reserve the right to edit all submissions. All items must be received by the Friday before publication. Items normally run for two weeks. Send submissions to Sarah Gioe.