OACAA Briefing
The latest news from OACAA and Ohio CAAs
March 2017 - In This Issue:
LFCAA receives history grant for Rutherford House. See more in Network News.

The Community Action Agency Network is made up of more than 1,100 local, private, non-profit and public agencies, created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. 


Ohio is made up of 48 agencies serving all 88 counties in the state. 


Learn more

The Community Action Promise
"Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."
Foundation Level Seminar Series
2016 Annual Summer Conference
Family Development Specialist Certification
Board of Trustees Meeting
OACAA's next board meeting will be held on April 21, 2017 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Sheraton on Capitol Square. Please RSVP your attendance to Neva Dunn.
Lancaster-Fairfield CAA receives history grant for Rutherford House 
On March 1, 2017, Kellie Ailes, executive director of Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Agency, along with Donna Fox-Moore, housing director, joined six other organizations at the Ohio Statehouse on Statehood Day to accept Ohio History Fund Grant awards. LFCAA was awarded $15,000 to repair and rehabilitate the original windows of the former Fairfield County Children's Home, now known as Rutherford House... Read more
Trump budget cuts put struggling Americans on edge
HIGHLAND COUNTY - (New York Times; Sabrina Tavernise & Trip GabrielRegina Feltner, a retired nurse, was recovering from side effects of radiation therapy when she got the notice that her heat would be cut off. It was a bone-cold January day. The snow was so high that her daughter had to come over to take the dog out.

"I have lung cancer and it's the dead of winter," she remembers thinking. "What am I going to do?"

Help came in the form of a heating subsidy: money from the federal government, delivered by the Highland County Community Action Organization, a small nonprofit in rural southern Ohio, where Ms. Feltner lives... Read more 

The Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies, in cooperation with Community Research Partners (CRP), released the 2016 State of Poverty: A Portrait of Ohio Families this afternoon during a press conference at The Ohio Statehouse. The report highlights trends and factors contributing to poverty in an effort to better understand the circumstances that affect Ohioans... Read more.

News Coverage Highlights:

FY2018 CSBG Dear Colleague Letter: Support Funding for Community Services Block Grant
What should I do? Learn more from NCAF
  • The deadline for collecting signatures is this Friday, March 31. 
  • Please contact your Congressional representative's D.C. office and ask them to sign on to the Costa/Fitzpatrick CSBG Dear Colleague letter.
  • If your member is a Republican, have them contact Representative Brian Fitzpatrick's office: Charlotte Pineda - (202) 225-4276 - charlotte.pineda@mail.house.gov
  • If your member is a Democrat, have them contact Representative Jim Costa's office: Scott Petersen - (202) 225-3341 - scott.petersen@mail.house.gov
National Webinar on the President's Proposed Budget
Join NCAF, CAPLAW, and the Community Action Partnership for a webinar overview of the President's proposed budget and how your Community Action Agency and/or State Association can best respond. April 5, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. EST. Register today.
Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies | 50 W. Broad St. | Suite 1616 | Columbus | OH | 43215
P: (614) 224-8500 | F: (614) 224-2587