OACAA Briefing
The latest news from OACAA and Ohio CAAs
June 2016 - In This Issue:
First block party a success. Find out more about the Ironton-Lawrence partnership in Network News.

The Community Action Agency Network is made up of more than 1,100 local, private, non-profit and public agencies, created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. 


Ohio is made up of 48 agencies serving all 88 counties in the state. 


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The Community Action Promise
"Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."
Last change to register!
Make a greater community impact with strategic planning
Scenario: A group of adventurers gathers to identify the best place to set up camp on an island. They divide into teams and report back on what they have decided.
  • Team A decides that it would be best to follow the river through the center of the island and pick a spot along the way.
  • Team B decides that each group should go out in different directions and set up separate camps wherever they choose.
  • Team C decides they need to gather more information about the island and more information about the members of the group. They will then use this information to describe the characteristics of the ideal location. Finally, the group will determine how to move the group from its present location to the ideal camping location.
In case it is not clear, Team C is engaging their team members in a Strategic Plan process... Read More
First block party a success: Shows off event community collaboration
LAWRENCE - A collaboration between the Ironton-Lawrence County Community Action Organization, Ironton aLive, Friends of Ironton, Ironton in Bloom and the City of Ironton put on a community block party at the Ironton Farmers Market Monday evening, complete with free food for all to enjoy...Read more.
Greene County celebrates Community Action
GREEN COUNTY - CAP of the Greater Dayton Area celebrated Community Action Day with lunch, program and services information and a partner awards presentation.Click here to view the photos.
2015 Annual Report Released
Last week, OACAA released the 2015 Annual Report. Throughout the report, you will read about the tools, training, and technical assistance developed for our members last year. You will also see how Ohio's agencies help people increase their job skills, get their children a Head Start in school, and even buy their own home. The Community Action Network approaches poverty holistically and with innovative solutions. We are proud of this network and your accomplishments. We hope you enjoy the report. Read more now or download the PDF
OACAA commends Kasich veto of polling hour extension bill
COLUMBUS - The Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies (OACAA) commends Governor John Kasich's veto of S.B. 296 on Thursday. The bill would have created voting barriers by making it more difficult to obtain polling hour extensions through a court order... Read more.
Next Board Meeting
OACAA's next board meeting will be on August 19th beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Sheraton on Capital Square. Please RSVP your attendance to neva@oacaa.org
Successful tax filing assistance program brings money back to the community
Taxes can be complicated. With changing rules, guidelines, and instructions, it's easy to understand why even professionals have a hard time keeping up. Fortunately for many Ohioans, Community Action Agencies are prepared to help low- to moderate-income households figure it all out with the Ohio Benefit Bank Tax Assistance program and trained volunteers. Funded partially with CSBG dollars, HHWP Community Action Commission program helped customers file their taxes and meet their tax obligation. They even helped families access eligible tax credits to bring money back to their communities.

Mary*, a single mother of two sons, was barely getting by week to week. Her oldest was working on his first year in college... Read more
Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies | 50 W. Broad St. | Suite 1616 | Columbus | OH | 43215
P: (614) 224-8500 | F: (614) 224-2587