OACAA Briefing
The latest news from OACAA and Ohio CAAs
March 2016 - In This Issue:
CAC of Pike County. Find out more in Network News.

The Community Action Agency Network is made up of more than 1,100 local, private, non-profit and public agencies, created through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. 


Ohio is made up of 48 agencies serving all 88 counties in the state. 


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The Community Action Promise
"Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other."
Gov. Kasich helps CA keep children warm this summer
Thanks to Governor Kasich and the Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, this week Lawrence County Early Childhood Academy, part of the Ironton-Lawrence County Community Action Organization, was able to surprise the five Lewis family children with brand new coats! 
2016 Annual Summer Conference
Three Ohio CAAs awarded more than $1 million total for substance abuse services
Congratulations to CAA of Columbiana County, CAC of Pike County and Ironton-Lawrence CAO for their recent awards from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to expand substance abuse services. 

"Ohio's community health centers are the front lines of the opioid crisis, so we must give these clinics the tools and resources they need to combat addiction in their communities," said Senator Sherrod Brown. Read more.

Akron community groups receive $1.5 million for new programs to battle infant mortality
(Photo Source: Akron Beacon Journal)
SUMMIT COUNTY - Four new projects aimed at curbing infant mortality in Akron - which has the highest rate in Ohio - will receive a little more than $1.5 million of new state funds over the next two years.

John McCarthy, director of the state's Medicaid program, and state Rep. Emilia Sykes announced the news Monday after working with community members since August to figure out new ways to combat the issue, which especially impacts the black community... Read more
CAC Early Childhood Program receives awards
The Community Action Committee (CAC) of Pike County Early Childhood Program has been awarded a five star Step Up To Quality rating for all five early learning locations in Pike County... Read more
Exemplary Programs Awards
OACAA recognizes one of the factors that makes Community Action unique, is our agencies' ability to create programs just as unique as the communities they serve. Because of that, the Best Practices Committee chose to reevaluate the awards process to ensure it remained an accurate representation of our network. The result was the development of two separate recognitions: Exemplary Programs and Best Practices.

Exemplary Programs Award Nominations are now being accepted until April 29, 2016 for program years 2014 and 2015. Please visit our website for more information, including forms and previous award winning programs.
Community Action Month Coming Soon!
Is your agency planning something special for Community Action Month in May? Join the conversation in the Community Action Month 2016 forum to share your ideas with the network, or email Kathryn
LACCA helps customers meet their goals with Steps to Success
The Steps to Success Program at LACCA helps participants secure employment and meet career goals. In September 2015, Randywas referred to LACCA's program in Auglaize County. He had difficulty securing a job that would allow him to care for his children and meet his child support commitments. Not only did he have the goal of quickly finding stable employment to better care for his family, but Randy also had aspirations to work for a specific employer-AAP St. Mary's Corp, a local automotive wheel manufacturer... Read more.
Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies | 50 W. Broad St. | Suite 1616 | Columbus | OH | 43215
P: (614) 224-8500 | F: (614) 224-2587