First Friday Art Walk 
The Talk of the Walk                                                             
 November 2012  
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November Highlights
Family Art Night at the Y
Abundant Life
Art Inspired
The Creamery
DB Design Salon & Art Gallery
Drury Pool Art Center Gallery
Evangel Bellwether Gallery
Farmers Gastropub
Fresh Gallery
Good Girl Art Gallery
Hawthorn Galleries
Hollywood Theaters
Kiss My Gas Scooters!
MSU Brick City
MSU Center of International Programs
MSU Student Exhibition Center
Obelisk Home
OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz
Park Central Branch Library
Randy Bacon Photography
Revel Advertising
Springfield Brewing Company
Springfield Hot Glass
Springfield Pottery
TAG Media
University Plaza
YMCA offers Family Art Night program
Family Art Night at the Y
  The Downtown Y provides affordable child care the first Friday of each month via Family Art Night. Serving children ages 3 months to 12 years, 6:30-9 p.m., the cost is  $10 per child with pre-registration, $13 per child without pre-registration. Kids enjoy healthy activities and snacks, story time and a hands-on art project to take home. Call (417) 862-8962, ext. 149, to pre-register
Y Arts Academy Begins June 22

First Friday Art Walk 2012 Gallery Links
The Gillioz Theatre
Gillioz logo
Visit The Gillioz
Wil Fischer Cos.
Visit Wil Fischer Co.
It's All Downtown
It's All Downtown
Springfield Regional Arts Council
Visit the Arts Council

First Friday Art Walk 2012 Gallery Links
The Gillioz Theatre
Gillioz logo
Visit The Gillioz
Wil Fischer Cos.
Visit Wil Fischer Co.
It's All Downtown
It's All Downtown
Springfield Regional Arts Council
Visit the Arts Council

First Friday Art Walk 2012 Gallery Links
The Gillioz Theatre
Gillioz logo
Visit The Gillioz
Wil Fischer Cos.
Visit Wil Fischer Co.
It's All Downtown
It's All Downtown
Springfield Regional Arts Council
Visit the Arts Council

First Friday Art Walk 2012 Gallery Links
The Gillioz Theatre
Gillioz logo
Visit The Gillioz
Wil Fischer Cos.
Visit Wil Fischer Co.
It's All Downtown
It's All Downtown
Springfield Regional Arts Council
Visit the Arts Council

First Friday Art Walk 2012 Gallery Links
The Gillioz Theatre
Gillioz logo
Visit The Gillioz
Wil Fischer Cos.
Visit Wil Fischer Co.
It's All Downtown
It's All Downtown
Springfield Regional Arts Council
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Fractured by Daniel Flodin
Daniel Flodin returns to Art Walk as part of the new display at University Plaza in November!
        Another First Friday, another action-packed evening of art and entertainment in Downtown Springfield!
        Join Art Walk in 28 participating venues 6-10 p.m. Nov. 2. Don't miss our last minute additions:  a brand new show at Springfield Brewing Company featuring
Karla Breeding Trammel, Jon Henry Thompson, John Payne and Emily Million, AND a new collection of fine artwork at University Plaza by Daniel Flodin, Mary Hamilton, Brian Mooney, Justin Gault, Carl Glasemeyer and John Payne.
        Exciting shows abound for November! Don't miss Art by Nick Tarr and a FREE concert with Delta Sol Revival  at The Gillioz at 8 p.m., part of its new First Friday Live! event, plus Monte Toon at The Creamery, Outstanding Missouri Women at Drury Pool Art Center Gallery, a cappella music by the Springfield Metro Chorus at Art Inspired and much, much more! Check out all the details below.

Abundant Life presents Fall Photography in November
Abundant      Abundant Life Covenant Church, 157 Park Central Squarepresents Fall Photography by Chris Wood, Harold Patterson and Dr. Annette Wardell. Plus, LIVE music  and FREE refreshments.  (417) 864-4971  Office hours 9-4:30 p.m. M-F; Services 7:30 p.m. W, 10 a.m. Sun
Enjoy Art Inspired's theme of Landscapes and Sill Life,
with a cappella music by Springfield Metro Chorus

Art Inspired          Art Inspired, 310 S. Campbell, adjoining Springfield Hot Glass Studio, presents the theme Landscapes and Still Life for First Friday in November, plus, enjoy an a cappella performance by members of the Springfield Metro Chorus, starting at 7 p.m., and be sure to check out Art Inspired's themed show, 417-868-8077 Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. M-Sat   

Canvas presents Artist John Casillas in November

canvas         Canvas, 315 South Avenue, presents Featured Artist John Casillas in November. A fairly new addition to the Springfield scene, Casillas originally hails from Colorado. His work comprises Portraiture Architectural Commentary as he sees it, communicated through drawing, painting and digital media.Canvas is designed to connect people relationally through the creative arts and to see the city transformed through Performances and Visual Art, Dance, Music and Writing. (417) 869-4138 Open on First Fridays and by appointment 

Midwest Watercolor Artist Monte Toon
stages solo exhibition, workshop at The Creamery
Village Gate         The Creamery Arts Center, 411 N. Sherman Parkway, presents Midwest Watercolor Artist Monte Toon in November.Enjoy the opening reception for Toon's solo exhibition at The Creamery 6-9 p.m. during the Nov. 2 First Friday Art Walk, and don't miss his free artist talk at 7 p.m. Nov. 5 at The Creamery. A native of Kansas with more than 43 years of professional watercolor experience and be sure to check out his two-day watercolor technique workshop, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 8 and 9 for only $125. A third day of the workshop is available Nov. 10 for an additional $60. (417) 862-ARTS (2787) Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F; closed major holidays
DB Design Salon & Gallery features
Acrylics by Stevia Bonebrake in November

DB Design Salon & Gallery          DB Design Salon & Art Gallery, 326 S. Campbell, presents Acrylics by Stevia Bonebrake in November, plus ongoing displays of oils by Karolyn Farrell, and photography by Jim Mayfield and Carl James. DB Design also offers a unique collection of original pottery by Cheryl Matlock, Julia Schaefer, John Ehlers, Katrina Stevens, George Milne and Duane Bone. (417) 864-4343

Drury Pool Art Center Gallery welcomes
Outstanding Women of Missouri Exhibit, announces
events honoring Ozarks Artist Rose O'Neill
Rose O'Neill
     Drury Pool Art Center Gallery, 940 N. Clay St., presents Outstanding Women of Missouri, a traveling exhibition from the Missouri Women's Council. Outstanding Women of Missouri features more than 75 Missouri women who have made a difference through their leadership, dedication, and courage, including the Ozarks' own Rose O'Neill. The exhibition includes original work by O'Neill, the famed 20th century artist, poet and author. This show will part of number or events planned on Drury's campus during the month or November honoring O'Neill's legacy including the opening of The Rose O'Neill House. This show curated by Jacqueline Warren. (417) 873-7263  Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M, T, W, F; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Evangel Bellwether Gallery welcomes
Artist and Evangel Alumnus Gary Gibson

  Evangel University   

     The Evangel University Bellwether Gallery, 600 W. College, Ste. 116, presents Artist and Evangel Alumnus Gary Gibson for the Nov. 2 Art Walk. (417) 865-2815, ext. 7258 Open 11 a.m.-4 p.m. W-Sat

Enjoy Bill Baunach Sketching  Live, Henna Tattoos
by Jonie Rae Latham
at Farmers Gastropub
Farmer's Gastropub
       Farmers Gastropub, 431 S. Jefferson, Ste. 160, presents Artist Bill Baunach Sketching Live during the Nov. 2 First Friday Art Walk, plus Henna Tattoos by Joni Rae Latham. Farmers Gastropub is a great place to start or end your First Friday with a burger and a pint! Named "Best British Restaurant in the World" by The Telegraph. (417) 864-6994  Food service 11 a.m.-9 p.m. M-Th, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. F-Sat, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday 


Fresh Gallery presents Featured Artists Randy Dye & Dianne Baum, plus Art Sale to benefit Toys for Tots
Art by Randy Dye
Art by Randy Dye
        Fresh Gallery, 400 W. Walnut, presents Featured Artists Randy Dye and Dianne Baum, plus An Art Sale Benefiting Toys for Tots during the month of November.

        Regarding his art, Randy Dye says, "I consider my style to be based on realism, but with some imagination and fantasy thrown in. I believe paintings and drawings should represent the world beyond just the mundane and real, but, should instead allow us to view what would otherwise be intangible. I strive to represent the lovely, the mysterious, and sometimes the darkest, experiences that occur beyond our day to day existence."

Art by Dianne Baum
Art by Dianne Baum

        Dianne Baum is an artist of an entirely different nature. Her work is colorful and whimsical. She uses a variety of techniques to form a body of work that is eye-catching and inspirational. Her works range from watercolor paintings to found objects creatively assembled, and in most cases, adds words and quotes that are meaningful to her. Fresh is a cooperative gallery operated by regional artists and sponsored by the Springfield Regional Arts Council. (417) 862-9300 Open 11 a.m.-5 p.m. T-Sat, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. during Art Walk

 Good Girl Art presents In the Hollow
by artist Ashley L. Byers
In the Hollow          Good Girl Art Gallery, 325 E. Walnut St., Ste. 101, presents In the Hollow, a show by artist Ashley L. Byers that focuses on her close relationship with her sister and their childhood experiences with mental illness and divorce in the Ozarks. These moody paintings reflect the artist's memories of her childhood and her struggles in establishing how her past experiences affect her today. (417) 865-7055
11 a.m.-7 p.m. T-Sat


5th Annual Women Artists of the Midwest
brings incredible art to Hawthorn Galleries
Tricia Courtney 
Hawthorn Galleries Inc., 214 E. Walnut St., is pleased to present the 5th Annual Women Artists of the Midwest Exhibition. The WAM exhibit, which concludes at the end of November, features new artwork by artists Alishia Brundege, Tricia Courtney, Juanita Herrell, Jennifer Linders, Lyn Phariss and Louise Thies. WAM also welcomes 2012 inductees Emily Frost and Theresa Rankin. Women Artists of the Midwest seeks to gain support and recognition for female artists in the Ozarks and throughout the Midwest, cultivating a strong and vibrant artistic community. (417) 866-6688 Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. T-F; 1-5 p.m. Sat 
Enjoy Artwork by Springfield Area Youth
at Hollywood Theaters College Station 14
Hollywood Theaters         Hollywood Theaters College Station 14, 415 W. College Street, is a family-friendly theater that is proud to show the artistry of cinema 365 days a year. For First Friday Art Walk, Hollywood showcases Artwork by Springfield Area Youth.  Visit us online at
Click on this image to sign up for Hollywood Theaters' Hollywood Insider email and get a free medium popcorn!
Kiss My Gas Scooters presents Art By Stephen Craig,  Photography by Amber Dougan, Abstract Paintings by John Payne
KissMyGas         Kiss My Gas Scooters!, 212 S. Campbell, presents Photography by Amber Dougan, Abstract Paintings by John Payne and Art by Stephen Craig, plus enjoy the latest models of scooters and accessories, and apparel for the well-dressed rider. (417) 863-9600. 
MSU Brick City proudly presents the
 Biennial Faculty Exhibition in November
Brick City Gallery 
MSU Brick City Gallery 
MSU Brick City Gallery, 215 W. Mill, presents the Biennial Faculty Exhibition, featuring the work of MSU Art+Design Department professors in various media. (417) 829-5092 Open 1-6p.m. M-Sat, closed Sunday, Monday and University holidays
  MSU Center of International Programs celebrates
The Country of France in November
         MSU Center of International Programs, 301 S. Jefferson, in the Jim D. Morris Center, features The Country of France in November. Enjoy all things French, plus photos by MSU study abroad students! The Center of International Programs brings a new international experience to each monthly Art Walk! (417) 836-3733 
MSU Student Exhibition Center presents Design & Image2012: Graphic Design and Illustration Student Exhibition
SEC Gallery  
MSU Student Exhibition Center, 838 E. Walnut St.,
presents the Art and Design Department's Design & Image 2012: Graphic Design and Illustration Student Exhibition. Enjoy the show's opening artists' reception during the Nov. 2 First Friday Art Walk. Featured art is by graphic design and illustration majors from sophomore, junior and senior classes. On exhibit is student work from the last two years in Two-Dimensional Design for Digital Media, Introduction to Digital Imaging, Computer Animation I and III and the Senior Exhibition classes in these areas. (417) 836-6999 Open 1-5 p.m. T-Sat, closed major holidays and University holidays
Enjoy Balinese Art, a silent auction, plus
live art and music at Nomad
 nomad      Nomad, 318 W. Walnut next to Flame, presents Balinese Art, a silent auction, live art and live music in November, plus exciting new arrivals from Europe and the South Pacific! 417-559-9695 417-559-9695
Obelisk Home brings Ashtabula to the Ozarks
with Great Lake: The Art of Karen Schneider
Great Lake 
Artist Karen W. Schneider will donate 10 percent of November sales to the Greene County Medical Society.  
        Obelisk Home at the Inspired Commerce Building, 214 W. Phelps, presents Great Lake: The Art of Karen Schneider in November. "Growing up along the banks of Lake Erie in Ashtabula, Ohio, my wild place was always the beach. The big oak tree, the lift bridge, the view of the harbor, the railroad yards, quiet tide pools, the scent of rain before a storm, sitting on the pier watching the moonrise, sailing: These are the blood-memory landmarks of my childhood. The lake expresses many moods in its many seasons. The abstract frozen ice caps of winter's crust melt into spring storms, then summer's warm sun, followed by November's howling menace. How to pain one gray sky as it is? I no longer live beside the lake, but every trip back, I always reserve a few quiet hours to go walk the beach alone. My paintings in one way or another speak to my circle of quiet. I hope you find something in them that speaks to yours." - Karen Schneider (417) 616-6488  
Nancy Rose: In and Out of Reality
opens at OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz!
Pussycat, Pussycat Where Have You Been
Pussycat, Pussycat Where Have You Been?

          OTC Fine Art Gallery at The Gillioz, 325 Park Central East, Third Floor,  presents Nancy Rose: In and Out of Reality in November. "Simply, there are no words for some things. That is why I paint. I have a deep love for being: for taking the moment and making the most of it. My art is an expression of the emotions I feel in those moments, my state of being. It is like I am a collector of people

Calico with Red Shoes
Calico with Red Shoes

and experiences. I love to share them through varied genre. Abstracts develop stroke by stroke just as a page in a journal becomes written. I create landscapes to express my wonder at the beauty and healing I find in nature. Portraits and figure painting depict my love for the people that come into my life. And animals, well, I can't resist those eyes!" - Nancy Rose  (417) 447-8873 Open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. M-Th; 9 a.m.-3 p.m. F; and 9 a.m.-10 p.m. on First Fridays 

Watercolors by Yuehua Qiao, First Friday Art Talk
 at Park Central Branch Library in November
Park Central Branch Library

        Park Central Branch Library, 128 Park Central Square, invites visitors to experience Watercolors by Yuehua Qiao. The artist, from Luonyang City, Hunan Province, China, is renowned for her portraits of peonies painted to illustrate poetry. Also, don't miss the First Friday Art Talk by Moira Traw on Tourism and Cultural Preservation: Woven Arts of the Embera and Wounaan Cultures. Art Talks are coordinated by Dr. Billie Follensbee of the MSU Art History Department. (417) 831-1342 Open 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m. M-Th; 8:30 a.m.-10 p.m. F-Sat

Randy Bacon presents Featured Artists Shannon Bacon
and Kristin Sims Strong
for First Friday in November
Wishing for a Father
Wishing for a Father by Shannon Bacon
Randy Bacon Photography and Figment Art Gallery in the Monarch Art Factorypresents Featured Artists Shannon Bacon and Kristin Sims Strong during the Nov. 2 First Friday Art Walk, plus live music, free refreshments and incredible art at the Monarch Art Factory. African Embrace: Paintings by Shannon Bacon is inspired by her connection to the people she met in Africa in 2011 and in her and husband Randy's recent travels to Egypt. "Everybody has a story about life they want to share or remember," Shannon says. "I desire to hear those and then create a healing or inspirational painting that isn't 'just a painting,' but something a person would look at with meaning and joy." The Portraits of Africa: Watercolors by Kristen Sims Strong showcases the artist's stunning portraits of real life portraits by Wynne Elder, official photo artist for the Bacons' new film, Man Up and Go, which premiered Oct. 20 at Springfield Little Theatre. Strong's portraits are a conversation about the mysterious nature of God's image uniquely present in each person.  (417) 868-8179  Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m. T-F; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat
Revel presents Artist Jenny McGee and
Crown Valley Winery wines & craft beers
Revel Advertising 
        Revel Advertising, 214 W. Phelps, Ste.102, conveniently located next to Obelisk Home in the Inspired Commerce Building, presents Artist Jenny McGee, plus Crown Valley will serve a selection of their most popular Missouri wines and craft beers. (417) 368-6966 
RSVPaint features Art Walk Award-Winning Artist
Gillian Moore,
painting live Nov. 2 
Gillian Moore 
Gillian Moore's People's Choice Award-Winning
painting, Tree Girl

        RSVPaint, 420 S. Campbell, Ste. 1, is proud to present Artist Gillian Moore. The winner of The People's Choice Award in Art Walk's 11th Anniversary Art Contest in October, Gillian Moore studied fine art at OTC before beginning her studies at Missouri State University. Recently profiled by the Springfield News-Leader, Gillian loves to paint images inspired by anime and she will be painting live at RSVPaint during the Nov. 2 Art Walk. RSVPaint's schedule of BYOB painting classes for adults is online at Come paint with us! (417) 5694492 

   Springfield Brewing Co.'s new show features Karla Breeding Trammel, Jon Henry Thompson, John Payne and Emily Million 
Boulders Alive
Boulders Alive by Jon Henry Thompson
            Springfield Brewing Company, 305 S. Market Ave., the corner of Market and Walnut, unveils a new show for November featuring the artwork of local artists Karla Breeding Trammel, Jon Henry Thompson, John Payne and Emily Million.  Come out and join us as we celebrate the arts in Springfield! 417-832-8277    
   Springfield Hot Glass Studio demonstrates Autumn Gold,  gives away handcrafted glass pumpkins hourly  
Handcrafted glass pumpkins at Springfield Hot Glass Studio          Springfield Hot Glass Studio,314 S. Campbell Ave., will demonstrate its line of Autumn Gold pieces during the Nov. 2 Art Walk, crafting gold-tone vases, bowls and giant pumpkins all evening. Don't miss the hourly pumpkin giveaways! A working hot glass studio/gallery with facilities for furnace, torch and kiln work, Springfield Hot Glass offers live demonstrations on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and First Fridays! (417) 868-8181 Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. T-Sat
 Springfield Pottery presents
Fine Craft by Local, Regional & National Artists  
Springfield Pottery          Springfield Pottery, 416 S. Campbell Ave.,  is a fine craft gallery and community clay center that features examples of fine craft by over 45 local, regional and national artists. (417) 864-4677. Open 11 a.m.-6 p.m. T-Sat
tag Media TAG Media invites Art Walkers to Art Walk Live! including TAG Magazine launch party, shuttle  
          TAG Media, 334 E. Walnut, and University Plaza Hotel and Convention Center invite you to Art Walk Live! Enjoy live music, local art and a TAG Magazine Release Party each First Friday. Shuttle service provided from UP to TAG Media and back 6-9 p.m. (417) 501-8605 
University Plaza's new show stars Daniel Flodin, Mary Hamilton, Brian Mooney, Justin Gault, Carl Glasemeyer and John Payne    
Fractured by Daniel Flodin 
Fractured by Daniel Flodin
         University Plaza Hotel and Convention Center, 333 John Q. Hammons Parkway, invites you to come and see a collection of fine artwork featuring local artists  Daniel Flodin, Mary Hamilton, Brian Mooney, Justin Gault, Carl Glasemeyer and John Payne. UP has also expanded its display space to include the Terrace Grille. Enjoy live local music, live art, live food demonstrations, Springfield Brewing Co. beers and infused cocktails in Springfield's classiest atrium. When you're ready to continue your Art Walk, jump on the UP shuttle to TAG Media HQ for live music, art and the monthly magazine release party. You'll be right at the heart of the action to continue your night; then catch the shuttle back to UP to pick up your car. (417) 864-7333
I look forward to seeing you at the Nov. 2 Art Walk! For more details on Art Walk's participating venues, please visit
Clarissa French
First Friday Art Walk