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April 5, 2016

Driver of the Month
Ernie Tucker
Ernie just started with us last March and has never missed a day of work. Ernie is well liked by his managers and peers. He has a great attitude, level-head, very polite, and a hard worker. Ernie is always in uniform and smiling (except in this picture). He's a very conscientious driver that cares about our company and the products we sell. He knows his job and does it extremely well! Ernie is a go-to driver; when asked to go back out, he's not one to complain. We are very happy to have him!
An honor well deserved! Congratulations Ernie!

Our drivers of the month are recognized on our company bulletin board and the receive a $100 bonus. If you think your delivery driver does a fantastic job, let us know. To nominate your driver, please reach out to our Human Resources Manager, Dazlyn DeGennaro at 609.345.3229 x129 or dazd@seashoreeast.com


Commodity Updates
Keep up-to-date on how weather and other conditions across the country and the globe affect the quality, availability, and pricing of your fresh fruits and produce. Click on the link below to read The Source in its entirety.

ALERT! Blueberries:   
Supplies are still very limited, exceeding demand. Domestic production is not coming on quick enough to avoid a supply gap. This current shortage is expected for another two weeks.
Broccoli supplies are still plentiful with several growing regions packing. The market is flat with offers for volume. Quality is really nice with little to no yellowing. Crown sizes are good with tight beads.
ALERT! Brussels Sprouts: 
Supplies remain extremely limited. Shippers are still struggling to cover orders and the processors are feeling the same pinch. The market remains active at extremely higher prices. Look for this situation to last for the next few weeks. Quality is fair at best with some lots arriving
with discolored sprouts and black leaves.
Cauliflower supplies have decreased with the finishing of the Yuma season. Quality is very nice out of the Salinas Valley and Santa Maria growing regions with little creamy to yellow discoloration.
Domestic cucumber production is underway in South Florida. Volume is picking up and quality is generally good. Most production is concentrated in the Pompano and Immokalee regions. Look for volume to increase as we go through the month of April. There have been substantial storms in Florida delaying some harvest but lack of demand has kept downward pressure on the market.

The kale market is steady even with the transition to Salinas. Supplies out of Oxnard are also steady. The market is relatively flat with steady demand. Quality is excellent with little dehydration and yellowing. 
Iceberg Lettuce: 
Transition from Yuma and the desert regions to the northern growing regions is in full swing. Santa Maria has started with most suppliers. Huron is going and, despite some insect pressure, the quality is holding up. Salinas is just beginning with very light volume, but will continue to ramp up over the next several weeks. Yuma will be finishing this week. Even with all of these changes-- we see a steady market for the near term.
Leaf Lettuce:
Leaf lettuce is nearly finished in the desert regions. All other areas are going with supplies improving daily in the Salinas area. By April 11 we will be predominately loading in Salinas and Santa Maria/Oxnard; with a few finishing in Huron. Quality is generally good out of all areas.
Stone Fruits:
Chilean stone fruit continues to be steady. Sizing continues to be on the large size with most of the fruit being packed in 2 layer tray packs. Red and black plums have seen a little jump in market price and supplies are starting to become a little more limited. Domestic stone fruit is expected to get going in a couple weeks.
Please take the time to read The Source in it's entirety,
by clicking the image below:


Locally Sourced Outlook
Our local farmers are beginning to start their planting. Here is how spring is shaping up.

Jersey Asparagus will be available mid-April through June!

Early May: 
We will have locally grown and packed greens from Dan Graiff Farms in Newfield, New Jersey ("Five Star" brand)-- Baby Arugula, Baby Spinach, Baby Kale, and Spring Mix! Hard work, quality product, and consistency are the three ingredients for success at Five Star. Every leaf is inspected three times before it is packed and shipped under the Five Star label. They are fastidious in their desire to make sure every item is of the finest quality, uniform in size, fresh, packed, and stored at the optimum temperature.
Locally grown greens will become available from New Jersey growers-- Escarole, Romaine, Leaf Lettuce, Bok Choy and more!


I hope you found this communication informative and interesting. Send your questions or comments to: LizG@seashoreeast.com


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