August 2016
In This Issue

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New Fact Sheet: Crime Victimization Compensation Program Initiative

Global Partnership Promotes Evidence-Based Interventions for Violence Prevention
INSPIRE builds on the knowledge contained in the 
CDC-developed THRIVES technical package, and targets what is predictable and preventable about violence. INSPIRE also urges countries and communities to provide support and services when children are victimized.

Apps Trending with Youth

Do You Know?
In the study, Who is Advocating for Children Under Six? Uncovering Unmet Needs in Child Advocacy Centers, results showed significant differences in referrals to counseling based on the age of the child. Which of these were found to be true?
A. The youngest children were less likely to be referred for counseling
B. The youngest children were less likely to already be engaged in counseling
C. When no referral to counseling was made, the primary reason given was that the child was not experiencing symptoms
D. All of the above

Save the Date - March 27-30, 2017

Registration coming soon!
Check out this year's highlights and hear what

others say about 
Don't miss the premiere conference on child abuse!
Corroboration-Where Have You Been All This Time?
Be sure to check out the Lex Enfants Summer 2016 issue. National Children's Advocacy Center's Executive Director, Chris Newlin wrote an article on corroboration on page 11. Lex Enfants is a quarterly newsletter provided by the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys' Child Abuse Prosecution Project.

Advanced Forensic Interviewing
September 27-29, 2016  

Cincinnati, OH
October 3-4, 2016

Huntsville, AL 
October 12-14, 2016
Huntsville, AL

October 18-20, 2016
Seattle, WA

November 1-2, 2016
Huntsville, AL

"Finding the Evidence for Evidence-Based Practice: Using the Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO)" presented by Muriel K. Wells, MA, MLIS, Research Librarian

National Children's Advocacy Center.
All trainings are free of charge.  Login or Register today.
Parenting and Family Support within a Broad Child Abuse Prevention Strategy
Interventions to improve parenting are important to child maltreatment prevention but need to be embedded in a broader public health strategy. To read this article in its entirety, enter the italicized title in the CALiO™Collections search box.
CAC in the News

Baton Rouge Children's Advocacy Center

Baton Rouge, Lousiana
Local celebrities from the Baton Rouge Area wore aprons and collected tips at the 10th Annual Celebrity Waiter event on July 12, 2016. Top tip earner was a local dermatologist bringing in $3919.   Read more.
Did your CAC do something special last month? Email NCAC to share your story and photos or share them in the NCAC social media feeds.
NCAC Out and About - July
Chris Newlin, Executive Director
Chris presented "Best Practices in Forensic Interviewing" and "Recent Research Affecting Child Abuse Investigations and Prosecutions" at the Florida Network of Children's Advocacy Center's Krimes Against Kids Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Linda Cordisco Steele, Senior Trainer
Linda taught Extended Forensic Interview Training in Tennessee.
Who is Advocating for Children Under Six? Uncovering Unmet Needs in Child Advocacy Centers
Evidence suggests that children under the age of 6 years are affected by trauma, yet there are few studies available to determine how well their needs are addressed in the mental health system. Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) offer a promising avenue for expanding the system of care for very young children exposed to sexual and/or physical abuse. This study used a mixed-methods approach to examine the type and extent of CAC services for very young children in one state. To find out the results of this study, enter the title in the CALiO™Collections search box.
Did you know?
Researchers found that the number of abductions of children by strangers and slight acquaintances remained virtually the same between 1997 and 2011 (115 in 1997 and 105 in 2011); however, in 2011, a smaller portion of these incidents ended in victim homicide (8 percent in 2011 versus 40 percent in 1997). Kidnappings involving 92 percent of child victims in 2011 ended in the recovery of the child alive, compared with 57 percent of victims in 1997. Read more from the OJJDP Bulletin.
The National Children's Advocacy Center models, promotes and delivers excellence in child abuse response and prevention through service, education, and leadership.

NCAC | 210 Pratt Avenue | Huntsville | AL | 35801