October 2015
In This Issue

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The OJP Diagnostic Center has released the August 2015 edition 
of its newsletter 
This edition focuses on youth advocacy and highlights a cyber bullying blog, engagements addressing youth advocacy issues, a school-to-prison pipeline report, advocacy resources, and more.

2015 Safer Childhoods Symposium:
Your Contributions Will Be Critical

Join safety experts from leading youth-serving organizations to gain practical takeaways that can be put to immediate use to improve the emotional and physical safety of out-of-school time programs.

 The registration fee is $150. (A limited number of scholarships are available.)

Do You Know?
Findings from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV II), indicated that approximately 1 in 10 children and youth were sexually victimized in the one year study period. 



Only a few seats are still available.  
This class fills up quickly so register today.

December 7-11, 2015


 NCAC's 2016 Training Schedule is available!  

Registration coming soon.

Child Forensic Interviewing Best Practices White Paper Released
NCAC is very excited to announce the release of Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP) Bulletin, "Child Forensic Interviewing: Best Practices" which has more widely been known over the past several years as the"Forensic Interviewing White Paper".
This collaborative project brought together trainers representing many of the leading Forensic Interview training programs in the U.S. with the intent of identifying the common agreement and understanding of best practices in forensic interviewing, and also to highlight the areas of continuing dialogue and perspectives.
Children's Exposure to Violence, Crime, and Abuse: An Update
Children are exposed to violence every day in their homes, schools, and communities. Such exposure can cause them significant physical, mental, and emotional harm with long-term effects that can last well into adulthood.
This bulletin discusses the second National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV II), which was conducted in 2011 as a followup to the original NatSCEV I survey. The research findings reported from this survey are critical to informing our efforts to protect children from its damaging effects.
To read this document, enter the title in the CALiO™Collections search box to access the downloadable article.
Did you miss the free webinar?

On September 17, Kathryn England Aytes presented a free webinar called Memories Hold Hands: Understanding Historical Trauma and Unresolved Historical Grief in American / Alaska Native Communities.

If you missed this webinar, it has been archived for your viewing convenience. Visit our website and click on Webinars for more information. The Archived Webinars are listed in alphabetical order.

Haven't logged into our new online training?

Here is how you get started with NCACvtc:
  1. Visit our website to learn more about online training opportunities.
  2. Complete a one-time registration process and begin taking training sessions.
  3. Spread the word. Let your colleagues know about the wonderful training opportunities.
For additional information, contact [email protected].
CACs in the News
On September 19, many hikers took part in a statewide awareness campaign to support the essential services of Child Advocacy Centers all across West Virginia called wvCANclimb.  
Photos courtesy of the wvCANclimb Facebook page. 
Has your CAC been in the news? We'd love to hear what's going on with your CAC!  Please submit your news to [email protected].
Child Welfare and Human Trafficking
The growing awareness of human trafficking in the United States and abroad requires government and human services agencies to rethink old policies and develop new ones for identifying and serving victims. Child welfare agencies are on the front lines of these changes: Children and youth involved with the child welfare system due to abuse or neglect and then placed in foster care or group homes, as well as youth who are involved with the justice system, are homeless, or have run away, are all at high risk of being trafficked. 
To read more on the crossover between the child welfare field and the work being done to prevent/respond to human trafficking, enter the title in the CALiO™Collections search box to access the downloadable article.
Quote of the Month
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work." - Steve Jobs 
Please submit your favorite quotes to [email protected].
NCAC Out and About
Chris Newlin, Executive Director
Chris presented the Keynote, Plenary, and several workshops at the Children's Advocacy Centers of North Carolina's 21st Annual Symposium on Child Abuse and Neglect in Lake Junaluska. 
Chris provided a presentation on Child Protection Investigative Team Development in Tennessee. 
At the Connecting the Dots - Partnerships for Children Conference in Little Rock, AR, he presented three workshops. 
In Virginia, Chris presented Child Forensic Interview Protocols: An Overview at the US Army Special Victim's Counsel Conference in Charlottesville.
Linda Cordisco Steele, Senior Trainer
Linda conducted Peer Review and Supervision Training in Vermont.
Position Paper on the Use of Human Figure Drawings in Forensic Interviews
As a leader in the child abuse investigation and response field, the National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC) frequently addresses emerging issues faced by child abuse response professionals around the world. Supported by research and current best practice, the NCAC provides written position statements on specific topics under debate and discussion within the field. All NCAC Position Papers can be found in CALiO by entering "position paper" in the CALiO™Collections search box.
Interviewing Children with Disabilities: A Selected Bibliography 
Bibliographies provide easily accessible lists of articles, books, reports and more related to a range of child maltreatment topics, saving you valuable time and effort when you need to find information quickly!
The bibliography may be located by entering the title in the CALiO™Collections search box.
The National Children's Advocacy Center models, promotes and delivers excellence in child abuse response and prevention through service, education, and leadership.