September 2015
In This Issue

Quick Links

Don't miss these three multidisplinary webinars addressing the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC).

Mental Health Responses of CSEC and Other Trauma Survivors

Prosecuting Sex Trafficking Cases

Practical Tips When Encountering and Interviewing CSEC Victims

Register for these webinars today.

Do You Know?
In the report, Selecting and Implementing Evidence-Based Practices: A Guide for Child and Family Serving Systems, which of these issues was NOT identified as leading to the failure of implementing  models successfully:

A. Fidelity


B. Sustainment


C. Impact


D. Scale

October 6-8, 2015
October 14-16, 2015

More information on all NCAC Trainings. 

Keynote Speaker 
The Collaboration Advantage: Building strong teams across disciplines and generations to help protect children.  
Kim Lear is a speaker, writer, strategist, and researcher who explores how emerging trends impact the future of our workforce and marketplace. For the past four years, she has worked with a research and consulting firm studying Millennial trends and generational dynamics. Now, as the founder and content director of Inlay Insights, Kim is at the forefront of cutting edge research to uncover cultural shifts that revolutionize how organizations engage employees, partners, and clients. She is known for her ability to use a mix of data, storytelling, humor and actionable takeaways to discuss the trends that most impact the functioning of teams and the bottom line of organizations.
Do Forensic Interview Protocols Work for Preschoolers?
Have you ever struggled using your "standard" interview protocol with a preschool child?  
Is it possible to get accurate information from a preschool child?
Senior Trainer, Linda Cordisco Steele discusses the abilities of preschool children and how to adapt your interview protocol for this often challenging group of children.
Enter the title in the CALiO™Collections search box to access the downloadable article.
Five new online trainings are now available in NCACvtc
  • The Implementation of the CAC/Barnahus Model in Europe
  • Understanding and Working Within the Military Justice System
  • It's a Crisis for Me Too!  Helping Non-Offending Parents in Child Sexual Abuse
  • Interviewing Preschoolers
  • Social Workers: Making a Case for Safety 
How to get started with NCACvtc:
  1. Visit our website to learn more about online training opportunities.
  2. Complete a one-time registration process and begin taking training sessions.
  3. Spread the word. Let your colleagues know about the wonderful training opportunities.
For additional information, contact [email protected].
Selecting and Implementing Evidence-Based Practices: A Guide for Child and Family Serving Systems
This guide provides information and examples of implementation relevant to those working with children and families in the child welfare and other social services systems. 
Enter the title in the CALiO™Collections search box to access the downloadable article.
Quote of the Month
"Our brains are sculpted by our early experiences. Maltreatment is a chisel that shapes a brain to contend with strife, but at the cost of deep, enduring wounds." 
M.D. Teicher, 2000
Please submit your favorite quotes to [email protected].
NCAC Out and About
NCAC's Executive Director, Chris Newlin presented two workshops at the Crimes Against Children Conference in Dallas, TX.
Senior Trainer, Linda Cordisco Steele trained on Extended Forensic Interviews in NY.
Do you want to find quick access to the latest research on interviewing children?  Bibliographies help you quickly access the latest research about a particular topic of interest.  Use the two new bibliographies available in CALiO™ to help you locate documents for training, research, and testifying in court, etc 
  • Interviewing Preschoolers: A selected bibliography  
  • Episodic and Script Memory in Children: A selected bibliography
The new documents may be located by entering the title in the CALiO™Collections search box.
The National Children's Advocacy Center models, promotes and delivers excellence in child abuse response and prevention through service, education, and leadership.