In the Loop 
February 2015
Table of Contents
31st International Symposium on Child Abuse
NCAC Off-Site, Open-Registration Trainings
Rapport in Child Forensic Interviews
Social and Cognitive Factors Associated with Children's Secret-Keeping for a Parent
Victim Advocacy Training
Six Pillars of Prevention
What's New in CALiO
Register for a 2015 NCAC Training Today!

Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training

Extended Forensic Interview Training

Victim Advocacy Training

Interviewing Child Victims with Disabilities

On-Location Trainings

Available Upon Request

On-Location Trainings

Available Upon Request
Did you miss the
Inside the New CALiO 

Don't worry, you can watch an archived recording anytime!

Did you know...
Child Advocacy Centers are growing around the world?

Take a few minutes to check out this amazing video our friends in Japan put together to easily explain the role 
Child Advocacy Centers 

NCAC would like to Congratulate 
Sebastian County, Arkansas, Prosecutor 
Dan Shue, on being named the 
Percy Malone Children's Champion.  

Mr. Shue was a member of the state's first MDT, which set the standard for all the judicial districts across the state.  
Mr. Shue also serves on the boards of multiple organizations dedicated to better the lives of children.  

Nominate a Team for the 2015
L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award

Awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office), the L. Anthony Sutin Civic Imagination Award is bestowed upon a collaborative team of law enforcement and community members whose innovative civic interactions have transformed public safety in their community.

More Information 

Be Sure to Check Out the New NCAC Human Trafficking Resources Webpage
Do You Know?

In the recent study, Social and Cognitive Factors Associated with Children's Secret-Keeping for a Parent,
which of these was found?

A.  Secret-keeping increased with age


B.  Promising to keep the secret was related to fewer disclosures in open-ended questioning


C.  Children who kept the secret in direct questioning exhibited greater trust and better parental ratings of executive functioning than children who disclosed the secret


D.  All of the above


E.  None of the above




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Don't miss out on the over 130 workshops being offered at the 

31st International Symposium on Child Abuse 


Register Today! 


Here are just a few of the exceptional workshops:
  • Finding Trace: Fusing the Forensic Interview with Forensic Evidence
  • Sexual Abuse Myths, Mysteries, and More
  • Overcoming Barriers to Protecting Children with Disabilities from Sexual Abuse
  • The Biology of Resilience: Toxic Stress and Brain Development
  • Assuring Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for All Children
  • Unique Considerations in Child Sexual Abuse: When Victims Don't Act Like Victims
View the list of Symposium workshops to date.
NCAC offers off-site, open-registration trainings!

To provide more opportunities to attend trainings, the NCAC Training Center will conduct Advanced Forensic Interviewing Trainings and Extended Forensic Interview Trainings in selected cities around the country. Register early, these trainings fill up quickly!

April 28-30, Tampa, FL
November 3-5, Scottsdale, AZ

June 16-18, Indianapolis, IN 
October 6-8, Huntsville, AL

Find Out More About All Of NCAC's Training Opportunities.
 The above is a paid advertisement and not affiliated with the National Children's Advocacy Center.
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Rapport in Child Forensic Interviews
by Linda Cordisco Steele

The importance of establishing rapport in a forensic interview with a child can sometimes be overlooked or minimized.  However, establishing rapport with child witnesses has been shown in the literature to increase motivation, encourage relaying of more information, and reduce suggestibility.   This paper expands upon the current recommendations for building rapport with children during a forensic interview with the goal of assisting a child in being the best witness that he/she is capable of being. Specific guidance and strategies, drawn from both the empirical literature on forensic interviewing and broader literature on interviewing children in a variety of settings, are included. This full paper is located in CALiO™ Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.
NCAC Out and About

In January, NCAC Executive Director, Chris Newlin, met with Arkansas Children's Hospital Teams for Children at Risk to develop a Business Plan for co-location of hospital services and Little Rock Child Protection Center (CAC), in a new facility to be constructed on ACH Campus.

Chris also traveled to Fayetteville, NC to provide training regarding opportunities for expansion of CAC services.  On January 30, Chris presented the panel presentation, "What Can Alabama do to Respond to Human Trafficking," at the State of Alabama Human Trafficking Summit.  

In January, NCAC Senior Trainer, Linda Cordisco Steele, traveled to San Diego to attend the29th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, where she co-presented the workshop, "The Extended Forensic Interview: What it is, How to do it, and How to Defend its use in Court."  Linda also presented the Forum for "Advanced Forensic Interviews." 

Also in January, NCAC Trainer, Andra Chamberlin conducted a five-day Forensic Interviewing of Children Training in Nevada.
Social and Cognitive Factors Associated with 
Children's Secret-Keeping for a Parent
This study examined children's secret-keeping for a parent and its relation to trust, theory of mind, secrecy endorsement, and executive functioning (EF). Children (N = 107) between 4 and 12 years of age participated in a procedure wherein parents broke a toy and asked children to promise secrecy. Responses to open-ended and direct questions were examined. Overall, secret-keeping increased with age and promising to keep the secret was related to fewer disclosures in open-ended questioning. Children who kept the secret in direct questioning exhibited greater trust and better parental ratings of EF than children who disclosed the secret. Findings highlight the importance of both social and cognitive factors in secret-keeping development.  This study is located in CALiO™ Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.
Victim Advocacy Training
Who Should Attend: This training is designed for Victim Advocates working in a Children's Advocacy Center. The training will concentrate on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for this important job. 

Victim Advocacy Training will include foundational sessions on the dynamics of child abuse, the development and resolution of a crisis, the impact of trauma on a child, the rights of crime victims, and the importance of considering the child's family culture. Skill-based sessions will include crisis intervention, court preparation, and facilitation of caregiver education/support groups.


  Training Location:                                           Training Dates:  

               Huntsville, AL                                                 April 14-16, 2015 


This training fills up quickly.  Be sure to register early.


For more information about Victim Advocacy Training please contact 
Amy Boyd at [email protected].
CAC of the Month
Alma, Michigan


Children's Advocacy Center of Gratiot County came up with a creative way to raise funds in the middle of winter with a Princess and Pirates Party.  Over 150 people attended this first time annual event.  The event included snacks, cookie decorating, a clown who made swords and princess wands, princess up-dos, autograph books, carnival games and real live princesses and pirates.  Local hair stylists, volunteers, and dance studios all donated their skills to make the experience unforgettable. 


Way to Make a Difference!
Contact Kara Watkins to nominate your CAC for the CAC of the Month.
Six Pillars of Prevention

When most people think about policies that might help end the sexual victimization of children they tend to focus either on educating children to protect themselves, reporting after a child has been sexually abused, or implementing policies to help manage those who have already committed sex offenses. The Prevention Coalition developed Six Pillars of Prevention to articulate important elements of a comprehensive policy agenda and to focus attention on ending child sexual abuse before a child is harmed. There is consensus that no one policy can do it all.  This full report is located in CALiO™ Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.
Quote of the Month

"It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment
rarely sat back and let things happen to them.
They went out and happened to things."
Leonardo da Vinci

Submit your favorite quotes to [email protected].
What's New in CALiO™? 
(Child Abuse Library Online)

Don't have time to read lengthy research articles? A large collection of research publication summaries by NCAC Executive Director, Chris Newlin, has been added to CALiO™. These easy-to-read, short summaries break research down into major findings and implications.  The collection may be accessed through CALiO™ in the Research to Practice section.

A new bibliography, "Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors," has been added to CALiO™.  This bibliography covers a substantial portion of the research literature pertaining to issues related to children with problematic sexual behaviors. Included are books, book chapters, journal articles, law review articles, and research reports.  This bibliography is located in CALiO™ Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.

Also recently added to CALiO™ is the review, "Television Newsmagazine Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse: 1990-2005." This review found that television newsmagazines offer skewed coverage of child sexual abuse, focusing  on "newsworthy" stories ("stranger-danger") rather than the most prevalent forms of CSA (intra-familial abuse). Read more about the potential impacts upon public policy and its implementation.  This review is located in CALiO™ Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.