Accepting Nominations
Each year, the U.S. Department of Justice, through OJJDP, recognizes individuals, organizations, and agencies that have made a difference in recovering abducted children and protecting children from exploitation. Each May, the Department recognizes awardees at the annual National Missing Children's Day ceremony in Washington, DC.
The deadline for nominations is
January 19, 2015.
STM Learning products are considered to be the most trusted scientific, technical, and medical resources available to aid in efforts to identify, report, treat, and prevent child maltreatment and domestic violence.
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Developed in partnership by the U.S. Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), this Guide is a resource to support established task forces and provide guidance to agencies that are forming task forces. Its purpose is to assist in the development and day to day operations of an anti-human trafficking task force and to provide fundamental guidance for effective task force operations.
Do You Know?
True or False?
According to, "Blueprint: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Domestic Sex Trafficking of Girls (2014),"
is one of the roles for direct service providers and advocates assisting victims of sex trafficking.
President Obama has proclaimed January National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Find out more about the reality of Human Trafficking.
NCAC's Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO™) has many resources including publications on:
- How to create a local Human Trafficking Task Force
- What judges need to know about human trafficking
- Tools for identifying victims
- Fact Sheets to increase public awareness
- and much more
Here are just a few:
- A Runaway Intervention Program: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Identifying Sexually Exploited Youth
- Effective Service Delivery for Child Victims of Sex Trafficking
- Building a Specialized Program for Child Victims of Sex Trafficking within a Child Advocacy Center
- Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
- Human Trafficking: A Victim-Centered Response
- Healthcare Needs of the Child Victim of Commercial Sexual Exploitation
View the list of Symposium workshops to date.
Don't miss out! Exhibitors, Sponsors, and Advertisers, you must be registered by January 23, 2015 to be included in the Symposium Program Guides.
Victim Advocacy Training
Who Should Attend: This training is designed for Victim Advocates working in a Children's Advocacy Center. The training will concentrate on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for this important job.
Victim Advocacy Training will include foundational sessions on the dynamics of child abuse, the development and resolution of a crisis, the impact of trauma on a child, the rights of crime victims, and the importance of considering the child's family culture. Skill-based sessions will include crisis intervention, court preparation, and facilitation of caregiver education/support groups.
Training Location: Training Dates:
Huntsville, AL April 14-16, 2015
This training fills up quickly. Be sure to register early.
For more information about Victim Advocacy Training please contact
The above is a paid advertisement and not affiliated with the National Children's Advocacy Center.
Blueprint- A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Domestic Sex Trafficking of Girls
The sex trafficking of American children is one of the most shocking and hidden crimes against our nation's youth. Approximately 83 percent of confirmed sex trafficking victims in this country are United States citizens, and 40 percent of cases involve children. In total, from what few statistics have been gathered, at least 100,000 American children every year are victims of commercial sexual exploitation. These children have fallen through the cracks of our public systems. They remain invisible and unidentified. Yet these girls are known to us. They attend our schools, live in our communities, and many have passed in and out of our child welfare and juvenile justice systems. We can, and must, do better for our girls. This report grows out of a conference held on March 12, 2013, that was hosted by Georgetown Law's Center on Poverty and Inequality; the Human Rights Project for Girls; and The National Crittenton Foundation. The conference, "Critical Connections: A Multi-Systems Approach to the Domestic Sex Trafficking of Girls," gathered survivors, direct service providers, advocates, and state and federal government officials to discuss the challenges of addressing the domestic sex trafficking of children and the importance of working collaboratively to help identify and support survivors. This full report is located in CALiO™ Collections. Simply enter the title in the search box.
NCAC Out and About
In December, NCAC Executive Director, Chris Newlin, attended a Subcommittee meeting in Washington, DC of the Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities to discuss the risk associated with poly-victimization and the efficacy of child advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams.
Chris also traveled to Gulfport, Mississippi to conduct a community work session to address the very high rate of abuse of children in foster care.
In December, NCAC Senior Trainer, Linda Cordisco Steele, traveled to New York to conduct a three-day Customized Extended Forensic Interview Training.
NCAC Trainer, Andra Chamberlin conducted a two-day Customized Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training in Indiana.
Growing our Skills: Recognizing Minors who are Victims of Sex Trafficking
It seems communities are all abuzz about human trafficking. There are human trafficking task forces forming in cities across the country due, at least in part, to grassroots efforts. Human trafficking has mobilized community members in a way that our field has not seen in a long time. January has been designated by President Obama as Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month with governors and mayors signing proclamations and having their pictures taken with advocates. The media is calling children's advocacy centers and multidisciplinary team members to comment on human trafficking. Read full article. |
Reserve your 2015
The National Children's Advocacy Center can bring training to you. Choose from one of our standard trainings or design your own. Our experienced training professionals can provide excellent training on many topics.
Benefits of Customized Training include:
- Expert trainers come to you
- Single or multi-day trainings
- Train your entire multidisciplinary team at once
- Save on travel costs
- Collaborate and share training fee costs with local organizations or neighboring communities
NCAC's training calendar fills up fast!
Schedule your 2015 Customized Training today!
For more information about customized trainings and associated fees,
please contact Joy Davis at [email protected].
CAC of the Month
Miami, Florida
Kristi House's Project GOLD (Girls Owning their Lives and Dreams) provides outreach and services to children exploited in sex trafficking, to help them escape dangerous lives at the hands of traffickers and predators. More than 200 children have received services on an outpatient basis through Project GOLD since it was founded in 2007. Project GOLD uses a strengths-based, survivor-advised approach to help girls see a better future for themselves and restore their lives. Project GOLD received one of four grants made by the U.S. Department of Justice, for adding a strong community mentoring component to the program and expanding to serve boys and the LGBTQI community.
Way to Make a Difference!
Contact Kara Watkins to nominate your CAC for the CAC of the Month.
Global Report on Trafficking in Persons
The crime of trafficking in persons affects virtually every country in every region of the world. Between 2010 and 2012, victims with 152 different citizenships were identified in 124 countries across the globe. Moreover, trafficking flows - imaginary lines that connect the same origin country and destination country of at least five detected victims - criss-cross the world. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has identified at least 510 flows. These are minimum figures as they are based on official data reported by national authorities. These official figures represent only the visible part of the trafficking phenomenon and the actual figures are likely to be far higher. This full report is located in CALiO™ Collections. Simply enter the title in the search box.
Quote of the Month
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
Marianne Williamson, Author
What's New in CALiO™?
(Child Abuse Library Online)
What's new in CALiO™? EVERYTHING! CALiO™ has been redesigned to allow for subject or title searches and mobile device accommodation. Visit CALiO™ today to explore all the new changes! Tutorials are available on demand (under "Get Help").
Recently added to CALiO™ is the publication, "Kids for Sale: Does America Recognize its Own Sexually Exploited Minors as Victims of Human Trafficking?" This publication addresses questions such as, "Does America's current legal approach to child sex trafficking adequately protect its own minors?" and "Are America's federal and state laws consistent with respect to protecting minors from sexual exploitation?" This full article is located in CALiO™Collections. Simply enter the title in the search box.
Also recently added to CALiO™ is the publication, "Out of the Shadows- A Tool for the Identification of Victims of Human Trafficking." To assist with identification of trafficked victims and subsequently, getting them the services and support they need while also generating evidence against their traffickers-Vera created a screening tool to be used by victim service providers and law enforcement when faced with someone who may be a victim of human trafficking. The tool, a 30-topic questionnaire that was tested by service providers and validated by Vera researchers, is the result of a two-year study funded by the National Institute of Justice. This tool is located in CALiO™ Collections. Simply enter the title in the search box.
Find out more about Human Trafficking by using the new keyword search option in CALiO™.