In the Loop 
September 2014
Table of Contents
31st International Symposium on Child Abuse
Victim Advocacy Training is everywhere: A Rapid Evidence Assessment on the Effects that Access and Exposure to Pornography has on Children and Young People
Measuring a Year of Child Pornography Trafficking by US Computers on a Peer- to-Peer Network
Prosecution Dilemmas and Challenges for Child Pornography Crimes: The Third National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (NJOV-3)
What's New in CALiO?

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 NCAC Trainings 

Forensic Interviewing of Children Training

Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training

Extended Forensic Interview Training

Victim Advocacy Training

Forensic Interviews at Trial: Preparation and Presentation Training

 Customized Trainings

International Trainings
Did you know NCAC's Online Trainings have over 10,000 registered users from all
over the world?

Don't miss out on all the great online Trainings NCAC has to offer

Register today!

In Their Own Words: What Bothers Children Online?

Nearly 10,000 children told us about what upsets them and their friends online.  Their responses were diverse, revealing a long list of concerns. 

The EU Kids Online survey found that 55% of 9-16 year olds think that there are things online that bother children their age. Also, 12% of children (and 8% of their parents) say they have been bothered or upset by something online in the past year.

This full survey is located in CALiOTM Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box. 
Do You Know?

Fill in the Blank

In a study examining child pornography file sharing over a one year period (2010-2011), results indicated that a daily average of ______ files containing child pornography were shared from US computers.  

A.  18,000
B.  22,000
C.  24,000
D.  27,000

Make plans to join us for the 
in Huntsville, AL!
March 23-26, 2015

Registration is now open!

Early Registration Fee: $469
After January 23, 2015 Registration Fee: $519
The International Symposium on Child Abuse is a multidisciplinary conference offering numerous networking opportunities and more than 130 workshops presented by outstanding professionals from all facets of the child maltreatment field. 


Victim Advocacy Training is Filling Up Fast, 
Don't Miss Out, Register Today!


Who Should Attend: This training is designed for Victim Advocates working in a children's advocacy center. The training will concentrate on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for this important job. 

Victim Advocacy Training will include foundational sessions on the dynamics of child abuse, the development and resolution of a crisis, the impact of trauma on a child, the rights of crime victims, and the importance of considering the child's family culture. Skill-based sessions will include crisis intervention, court preparation, and facilitation of caregiver education/support groups.


Training Location:                             Training Dates:  

               Huntsville, AL                                               November 4-6, 2014 



For more information about Victim Advocacy Training please contact 
Amy Boyd at [email protected]

The above is a paid advertisement and not affiliated with the National Children's Advocacy Center. is everywhere
A Rapid Evidence Assessment on the Effects that Access and Exposure to Pornography has on Children and Young People
This document reports on a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) that was conducted by a consortium led by Middlesex University and commissioned by the Office of the Children's Commissioner (OCC) in order to explore the effects that exposure and access to pornography have on children and young people. The Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups (CSEGG) was launched by the OCC in October 2011 and has gathered evidence to understand the scale, scope, extent and nature of child sexual exploitation in gangs and groups. Despite limited recourse to previous evidence, professionals interviewed over the course of the CSEGG Inquiry raised consistent concerns about the impact of pornography at 43% of site visits and 48% of evidence hearings.  This full report is located in CALiOTM Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.   
NCAC Out and About

In August, NCAC Executive Director, Chris Newlin, traveled to Florida to present "Recent Research Regarding Child Abuse Investigations" and "Best Practices in Managing Multiple Victim Child Sexual Abuse Cases" at the Florida Network of CAC's Krimes Against Kids Conference. 

Chris also traveled to Texas to present two workshops at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference titled, "Recent Research Regarding Child Abuse Investigations," and "Grooming: Making you See What I Want you to See and Believe." Newlin ended the month in Lewisburg, TN where he presented, "The Rationale, Importance, and Impact of the CAC/MDT Model," at the 17th Judicial District Child Protection Investigative Team Convening.

In August, NCAC Senior Trainer, Linda Cordisco Steele, traveled to Louisiana to conduct an Extended Forensic Interview Training

Measuring a Year of Child Pornography Trafficking by US Computers on a Peer- to-Peer Network

Online child pornography (CP) trafficking has become a serious crime problem in the United States and worldwide, fostered by the development of online and digital technologies.

In this paper, we describe our progress, joint with law enforcement, in investigating and measuring online CP trafficking in peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks. P2P networks are said to be major online locations of the illegal trade in CP. Increasing proportions of U.S. arrests for CP possession and distribution involve offenders who used P2P networks to acquire CP, from 4% of all such arrests in 2000 to 61% in 2009. Although any online venue that can be used to transmit or post photographs or videos can be used to distribute or acquire CP, P2P networks make especially large contributions to the problem because of their worldwide range, public nature, and the easy access they provide to child pornography.  This full paper is located in CALiOTM Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.
CAC of the Month
Sarah's House Child Advocacy Center 
Keyser, West Virginia

On September 6, 2014, Sarah's House CAC in Keyser, WV, along with other West Virginia CACs, held a hike to raise child abuse awareness, knowledge, and education. Participants had the ability to join a guided hike or "choose their own adventure."  The premise of the event was to create a state-wide community and solidarity for victims of child abuse.  The wooded hike allowed participants a unique way to support the CAC and hopefully attracted community members who may not have been interested in the traditional 5K fundraisers.  The event was a great success and the first annual wvCANclimb statewide hike in West Virginia. 

Way to Make a Difference!
Contact Kara Watkins to nominate your CAC for the CAC of the Month.
Prosecution Dilemmas and Challenges for Child Pornography Crimes:
The Third National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (NJOV-3)

Results from the National Juvenile Online Victimization (NJOV)Prosecutor Study indicate that prosecutors use a mix of strategies to handle defendants who possess large amounts of child pornography (CP). Prosecutors reported difficulties with computer forensics and the police investigation, but not so much with defense strategies. One-quarter of prosecutors who dealt with CP cases had one that went in front of a jury in the past 2 years. Nearly half of prosecutors would like clearer guidelines about the types of CP cases accepted for federal prosecution.  This full study is located in CALiOTM Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.   
Quote of the Month

"Every viewing of child pornography is a repetition of the victim's abuse."
US Supreme Court, 
Paroline v. United States, 134 S. Ct. 1710 (2014).

Submit your favorite quotes to [email protected].
What's New in CALiO™? 
(Child Abuse Library Online)

New to CALiO™ this month is the article, "The Case for Full Restitution for Child Pornography."  This Article contends that Congress meant what it said in � 2259. Child pornography victims are entitled to restitution for the "full amount" of their losses from defendants convicted of collecting or distributing their images.  This full article is located in CALiOTM Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.   
Also new to CALiO™ this month is the report, "The Digital Economy: Potential, Perils, and Promises, A Report of the Digital Economy Task Force (DETF)." At the first meeting of the DETF, members agreed that use of digital economy tools and technologies for the victimization of children is morally abhorrent and of urgent importance. From this point, the team set out to frame the policy discussion in a manner that enables the digital economy to grow while creating an inhospitable environment for those who seek to abuse it. This full report is located in CALiOTM Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.   

In addition, the paper, "Protecting the Victims of Child Pornography: An Analysis of the Current State of the Law, with a View Towards Amending the CA 230 Safe Harbor."  The purpose of this paper is to further explore the relationship between child pornography, the Internet, and the Internet Service Providers (ISPs), with an overarching focus on bringing closure to the victims of Internet hosted child pornography. We will argue that similar to Copyright Law, the safe harbor provision of Section 230 ("� 230") of the Communications Decency Act ("CDA"), should be amended to hold ISPs accountable when they have actual knowledge that one of their websites is hosting child pornography.    This full paper is located in CALiOTM Collections.  Simply enter the title in the search box.   

Have ideas or questions about CALiO™ resources? Submit your suggestions for new resources or questions about current resources.