In the Loop 
August 2014
Table of Contents
31st International Symposium on Child Abuse
Extended Forensic Interview Training
Recognizing When a Child's Injury or Illness is Caused by Abuse
Safeguarding Children of Arrested Parents
Victim Advocacy Training
Sex Trafficking Webinar Series
What's New in CALiO?

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National Conference on Responding to Missing & Unidentified Persons

23-25, 2014

Atlanta, GA

This conference will bring stakeholders together to bring a greater awareness to those missing persons populations that are often hidden or forgotten: adults and children with physical and developmental disabilities, veterans and active service members, tribal and minority populations.

Register for a 2014 NCAC Training Today!

Forensic Interviewing of Children Training
September 29-October 3
November 17-21
December 8-12
Huntsville, AL

Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training
October 7-9,
Kansas City, MO

Extended Forensic Interview Training
September 9-11,
Salt Lake City, UT

Victim Advocacy Training
November 4-6
Huntsville, AL

Forensic Interviews at Trial: Preparation and Presentation Training
October 28-29
Huntsville, AL

On-Location Trainings
Available Upon Request
Did you know NCAC's Online Trainings have over 10,000 registered users from all
over the world?

Don't miss out on all the great online Trainings NCAC has to offer

Register today!

STM Learning products are considered to be the most trusted scientific, technical, and medical resources available to aid in efforts to identify, report, treat, and prevent child maltreatment and domestic violence.

Visit the
to view evidence-based, child protection resources.

Do You Know?

In a recent study of trends in child and adolescent victimizaitons, declines were particularly large for all of the following trends except:

A. Physical assault


B. Physical intimidation


C. Abusive head trauma


D. Sexual victimizations


Make plans to join us for the 
in Huntsville, AL!
March 23-26, 2015 
The International Symposium on Child Abuse is a multidisciplinary conference offering numerous networking opportunities and more than 130 workshops presented by outstanding professionals from all facets of the child maltreatment field. 

For more information about the conference, please contact Amy Boyd at [email protected].
Hurry, early registration discount ends Monday for

NCAC's Extended Forensic Interview Training is not protocol specific, the training is designed to work with any nationally or state recognized protocol.
Expand your interviewing skills with NCAC's Extended Forensic Interview Training. An Extended Forensic Interview (EFI) is appropriate for children when the results of a single interview are inconclusive or when there are serious concerns about the child's ability to participate in a single-session interview.  Learn the many benefits of implementing an extended forensic interview protocol in your community.
 Training Location                  Training Dates
                                Salt Lake City, Utah           September 9-11, 2014  

Early registration discount deadline August 11, 2014
For more information about Extended Forensic Interview Training
please contact Sherelle Gilbert at [email protected].
Recognizing When a Child's Injury or Illness is Caused by Abuse:
Portable Guide to Investigating Child Abuse

The investigation of child abuse is a critical and sensitive issue that affects the safety and well-being of children nationwide. It is estimated that law enforcement agencies in the United States investigate more than 3.3 million cases of child maltreatment each year and that as many as 2,000 children die as a result of this maltreatment. Law enforcement personnel are responsible for protecting children and often have the difficult task of determining if a child's injury is accidental or deliberately inflicted.

Child physical abuse is not a constant or daily occurrence; instead, it is a pattern of violent behavior that is usually concealed along with its resulting injuries. When responding to reports of abuse, law enforcement should be aware of the risk factors for abuse, the most common injuries or "red flags" in abusive situations, and the ways in which caretakers may conceal an abusive injury.  This full report is located in CALiO™ under the Practitioners Reference and Resource Center in the Full-Text Open-Access Publications section under the heading of Physical Signs of Abuse.
NCAC Out and About

In July, NCAC Executive Director, Chris Newlin, presented, "Best Practices in Managing Multiple Victim Child Sexual Abuse Cases," and "Recent Research Affecting Child Abuse Investigations and Prosecutions," at the Krimes Against Kids Conference in Orlando, FL.  Chris also traveled to Washington DC to participate in a Russia Social Expertise Exchange Steering Committee meeting and to meet with Homeland Security personnel to discuss further collaboration on joint projects.

Also in July, NCAC Trainer, Andra Chamberlin, traveled to Oklahoma to conduct an Advanced Forensic Interviewing training and NCAC Training Outreach Coordinator, Kara Watkins, represented the NCAC by exhibiting at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges 77th Annual Conference: Surviving to Thriving, in Chicago, IL. 

Safeguarding Children of Arrested Parents

On June 12, 2013, Deputy Attorney General of the United States, James M. Cole delivered remarks at the White House where he announced that "The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), with funding support from the Department of Justice (DOJ) is developing a model protocol and training on protecting the physical and emotional well-being of children when their parents are arrested." 
The resulting Model Policy is incorporated in and forms the basis for issues and topics examined in the Concepts and Issues Paper. The Model Policy should be used as a template for agencies to develop and/or customize an internal policy, which should also reflect the input and coordination of partner organizations in order to incorporate their resources and capabilities.  This publication is located in CALiO™ under Practitioner's Reference and Resource Center in the Full-Text Open-Access Publications section under the heading of First Responders.
Don't miss your last chance in 2014 to attend
Victim Advocacy Training!

The role of the Victim Advocate working in a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) can vary greatly in communities across the country. Victim Advocates require tools and skills to address the concerns children and families encounter throughout the investigation and on-going legal process of a potentially criminal child abuse case.  New to the role or experienced, the NCAC provides updated training for Victim Advocates.  
Victim Advocacy Training will include foundational sessions on the dynamics of child abuse, the development and resolution of a crisis, the impact of trauma on a child, the rights of crime victims, and the importance of considering the child's family culture. Skill-based sessions will include crisis intervention, court preparation, and facilitation of caregiver education/support groups.

 Training Location:                          Training Dates:

        Huntsville, AL                         November 4-6, 2014


Register Now!


For more information about Victim Advocacy Training please contact 
Amy Boyd at [email protected]
CAC of the Month
York County Children's Advocacy Center 
York, Pennsylvania

This month's CAC of the Month is a prime example of how anyone in the community can help abused children.  Hair Ink Salon owner, Brandon Corbitt, knows first-hand the trauma of child abuse.  Brandon was motivated to help ensure resources are available for York County children who are experiencing abuse today, and held a Summer Bash and Cut-A-Thon. The event featured "pay-what-you-will" haircuts all day, as well as, a barbecue lunch, and family-friendly events. All proceeds went to the York County Children's Advocacy Center.  Funds raised will help the Children's Advocacy Center expand services in 2014.

Way to Make a Difference!
Contact Kara Watkins to nominate your CAC for the CAC of the Month.
Child Sex Trafficking Webinar Series

The "Child Sex Trafficking Webinar Series" is web-based training presented by The Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Stephanie V. Blank Center for Safe and Healthy Children and the Governor's Office for Children and Families. It aims to educate professionals on sex trafficking of children and teens. The series includes six individual modules which will be presented via live webinars, recorded, and archived for public access.  Interested professionals may attend or access any of the webinars and do not need to complete all six. The modules do not need to be completed in order; however, it is recommend that learners with limited knowledge of this topic complete the introduction module prior to others in the series.  The webinar series can be accessed through the NCAC website under the Training and Conferences tab in the Online Training section under the heading of Other Online Trainings.
Quote of the Month

"Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; 
not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul."
Dave Pelzer, Author and Activist

Submit your favorite quotes to [email protected].
What's New in CALiO™? 
(Child Abuse Library Online)

New to CALiO™ this month is the study, "Trends in Children's Exposure to Violence, 2003-2011."  This study suggests that years of public policy designed to reduce the burden of violence and victimization among youth is having some success.  The study is located in CALiO™ in the Evidence Based Practice in the Practitioners Reference and Resource Center in the Poly-victimization section under the heading of Research.

Also new to CALiO™ this month is the National Child Traumatic Stress Network's fact sheet series, "Children and Domestic Violence." This 10 fact sheet series was created for parents whose children have been affected by domestic violence. This series is located in CALiO™ under the Practitioners Reference and Resource Center in the Resources and Tools for Child Serving Professionals under the heading of For Parents/Caregivers.
Have ideas or questions about CALiO™ resources? Submit your suggestions for new resources or questions about current resources.