In the Loop 
July 2014
Table of Contents
31st International Symposium on Child Abuse
Extended Forensic Interview Training
Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2013
Sexting and Sexual Behavior Among Middle School Students
Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training
Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action
What's New in CALiO?

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Submit your nominations online for the 2015 National Crime Victims' Service Awards!

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), relies on people in the victim services field to share stories of great accomplishments, and OVC wants to acknowledge the individuals, organizations, programs, and teams that are doing innovative and remarkable work for victims.

Use the convenient Online Nomination Form to nominate outstanding victim service providers, allied professionals, and crime victims and survivors for the 2015 National Crime Victims' Service Awards. 
Register for a 2014 NCAC Training Today!

Adapting the NICHD Forensic Interview Model to Special Populations
August 5-6
Huntsville, AL
Extended Forensic Interview Training
September 9-11, 
Salt Lake City, UT

Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training
October 7-9, 
Kansas City, MO

Forensic Interviews at Trial: Preparation and Presentation Training
October 28-29
Huntsville, AL 

Victim Advocacy Training
November 4-6
Huntsville, AL

Forensic Interviewing of Children Training 
December 8-12
Huntsville, AL

On-Location Trainings
Available Upon Request
Did you know NCAC's Online Trainings have over 10,000 registered users from all
over the world?

Don't miss out on all the great online Trainings NCAC has to offer

Register today!

Our Nation's Hidden Victims National Conference on Responding to missing & Unidentified Persons

Atlanta, Georgia
September 23-25, 2014

STM Learning products are considered to be the most trusted scientific, technical, and medical resources available to aid in efforts to identify, report, treat, and prevent child maltreatment and domestic violence.

Visit the
to view evidence-based, child protection resources.

Do You Know?
Which of these was NOT a finding of a 2013 study of female perpetrators of child abuse?
Female perpetrators are more likely:

A) to be younger than     

 male perpetrators

B) than male perpetrators to abuse male victims

C) to abuse older children and adolescents
compared to male perpetrators

D) to be a stranger to the victim than male perpetrators


The National Children's Advocacy Center is proud to announce 
National Symposium on Child Abuse 
in now the

International Symposium on Child Abuse
This name change comes in response to the increasing global reach of Symposium and serves to reiterate the importance of working as an international community to address all forms of child maltreatment.
Make plans to join us for the 
in Huntsville, AL!
March 23-26, 2015
The International Symposium on Child Abuse is a multidisciplinary conference offering numerous networking opportunities and more than 130 workshops presented by outstanding professionals from all facets of the child maltreatment field. 


NCAC's Extended Forensic Interview Training is not protocol specific, the training is designed to work with any nationally or state recognized protocol.
Expand your interviewing skills with NCAC's Extended Forensic Interview Training. Learn the many benefits of implementing an extended forensic interview protocol in your community. An Extended Forensic Interview (EFI) is appropriate for children when the results of a single interview are inconclusive or when there are serious concerns about the child's ability to participate in a single-session interview. 
 Training Location                  Training Dates
                                Salt Lake City, Utah             September 9-11, 2014  

For more information about Extended Forensic Interview Training
please contact Sherelle Gilbert at [email protected].


Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2013


Our nation's schools should be safe havens for teaching and learning, free of crime and violence. Any instance of crime or violence at school not only affects the individuals involved, but also may disrupt the educational process and affect bystanders, the school itself, and the surrounding community.

Establishing reliable indicators of the current state of school crime and safety across the nation and regularly updating and monitoring these indicators are important in ensuring the safety of our nation's students.  This is the aim of Indicators of School Crime and Safety.  This report is located in CALiO™ in the Practitioners Reference and Resource Center in the Statistics and Quick Facts section under the heading of Child Abuse. 
NCAC Out and About

June was a busy month for the NCAC.  In June, NCAC Executive Director, Chris Newlin, gave a presentation titled, "Recent Research Affecting Child Abuse Investigations,"  at the When Words Matter Conference in Baltimore, MD.   Chris then traveled to Massachusetts to participate in the Vicarious Trauma Toolkit Organizational Meeting.

Chris also traveled to Tennessee to conduct two Child Protection Investigation Team Trainings for MDT members.

In June, NCAC Senior Trainer, Linda Cordisco Steele, traveled to Rhode Island to conduct an Advanced Forensic Interviewing training. Linda also conducted a Forensic Interviewing of Children training in New York.
Also in June, NCAC Trainer, Julia Barker conducted two Forensic Interviewing of Children trainings, one in Nevada.  
Four members of the NCAC team presented workshops at the NCA Leadership Conference including; NCAC Executive Director, Chris Newlin; NCAC Prevention Director, Deborah Callins; NCAC Research Librarian, Muriel Wells; and NCAC Senior Trainer, Linda Cordisco Steele.

Sexting and Sexual Behavior Among Middle School Students

No study prior to this sought to determine whether "sexting" (ie, sending/receiving sexually explicit cell phone text or picture messages) is associated with sexual activity and sexual risk behavior among early adolescents, as has been found for high school students. This research assessed the correlates of sexting behavior and associations between sexually explicit text messages and sexual activity and risk behavior among middle school students. Results showed that students who sent sexually explicit text messages and students who received sexually explicit text messages were more likely to report sexual activity. Suggestions for practice are discussed.  This full report is located in CALiO™ under the Practitioners Reference and Resource Center in the Full-Text Open-Access Publications section under the heading of Sexualization of Children.


This training will focus on challenging interviews. Challenges may arise from child factors (young age, developmental issues, cultural issues, impact of neglect or trauma on the child's abilities, and motivation to participate in the interview.) Additionally or alternatively, challenges may arise from case complications (trafficking, sexualized behaviors without verbal statements, multiple forms of victimization, or long-standing and violent abuse). Thorough case planning and investigation, as well as accommodations to the standard interview process are necessary. Attendees will be encouraged to bring recordings of challenging interviews or complicated case histories to share throughout the training.


      Training Location                           Training Dates 
                                        Kansas City, MO                           October 7-9, 2014


For more information about  Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training, 
Challenging Interviews: Complicated Children and Complicated Cases 
please contact Amy Boyd at [email protected].
CAC of the Month
Northwestern Children's Advocacy Center 
Easthampton, Massachusetts
On June 6, 2014 Northwestern Children's Advocacy Center hosted the Healing and Hope Breakfast.  The event was an enormous success and helped educate community members about child abuse and the new Franklin County CAC.  Northwestern CAC is not new at hosting a breakfast fundraiser, for the past 15 years they have found great success fundraising and spreading awareness with their annual Child Abuse Awareness Breakfast.  

Way to Make a Difference!
Contact Kara Watkins to nominate your CAC for the CAC of the Month.
 Preventing Youth Violence: 
Opportunities for Action

Every time a young person is harmed by violence, our nation's future strength and growth are jeopardized. We are losing our next generation of young people-our future community builders and leaders-to homicide at an alarming rate. Beyond premature death, youth violence causes emotional, academic, and physical scars that limit young people's potential independence, growth, and success. When the opportunities of our young people are curtailed by youth violence, we all suffer the negative and long-lasting consequences. 

Research and experience in communities show it is possible to prevent youth violence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action and its companion guide will help communities use strategies that are known to work. We have the knowledge, experience, and scientifically supported strategies to take steps today that can make real and lasting differences in our communities. Part of what we have learned is that we can all be part of the solution. Suggested actions are provided for all members of a community who can help make neighborhoods safer and reduce youth violence.  This resource is located in CALiO™ in the Practitioners Reference and Resource Center in the Full-Text Open-Access Publications section under the heading of Prevention.
Quote of the Month

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, 
but because of those who look on and do nothing."
Albert Einstein

Submit your favorite quotes to [email protected].
What's New in CALiO™? 
(Child Abuse Library Online)

New to CALiO™ this month is the bibliography "Female and Juvenile Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse." This bibliography provides citations and abstracts to literature examining various issues related to female and juvenile perpetrators of child sexual abuse.  English language scholarly articles and books are included.  This bibliography is located in CALiO™ under Evidence Based Practice in the Professional Bibliographies section under #24.


Also new to CALiO™ this month is the report "Annual Trafficking in Persons Report, 2014" by the US State Department.  In addition to assessments of what almost every government in the world is doing to combat modern slavery, this year's "Trafficking in Persons Report, 2014," by the  US State Department takes a hard look at the journey from victim to survivor, making recommendations and highlighting effective practices.  This report is located in CALiO™ in the Practitioners Reference and Resource Center in the Full-Text Open-Access Publications section under the heading of Trafficking and Worldwide Abuse.


Have ideas or questions about CALiO™ resources? Submit your suggestions for new resources or questions about current resources.