

Money 101:

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The Soapbox
Gary's Latest Articles
Money 101
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Money 101 
JULY 20, 2013
Gary Silverman, CFP
Although we've received a bit of a reprieve from the heat this week (not to mention some very needed rain), this time of year tends to get me thinking about winter sports. Just to cool myself off.  
Folks not from Wichita Falls (and likely some living here) may not know that we've had ice hockey here for many years now. The North American Hockey League's Wildcats are located here. We've even had some  Wildcats' alum play in the NHL.  This year looks to be another stellar one for our more recent alums. Three of the boys were at the NHL prospect camps this year. Want to know more? Read this.
In this newsletter, I've shared a link to a letter we sent to our clients recently, so for some of you, it may seem familiar. For the rest of you, it is a good overview of how to keep your estate documents current and accurate. We also catch up with the Times Record News articles you may have missed, and have a new monitor from the folks at Eaton Vance.

--Gary Silverman, CFP
This time, I thought I would share a letter we recently sent out to our clients. Michelle Kuehner, our Director of Operations, wrote this one... 
The Soapbox
Spring cleaning tips...
for your estate documents
 If you're anything like me, spring cleaning is a welcome annual occurrence. Getting everything cleaned and organized gives me a sense of refresh and order. However, others may see this as more of a necessary evil. Regardless of your outlook on such tasks, when it comes to your estate documents, neglecting your annual financial "cleaning" could harm you more than a few dust bunnies. 

Once someone has a will, general power of attorney, or medical power of attorney completed, the paperwork is typically hidden away in a file, never to see the light of day until a dreadful event happens. For most people, if you've taken the time to complete this paperwork at all you are ahead of the game. However, there are many more things to look into other than those few documents. 

As a recent widow, I received firsthand experience of the many, many things that can be inadvertently overlooked. Not only can these things be troublesome to correct, but they can also become quite costly. 
(Please click here to read the entire article.)



Gary's Latest Articles 
From Times Record News 

Sorry, Wall Street Journal, I beg to differ
Although thumb rules are never absolutes, to state that the ideas behind them are absolutely wrong IS wrong. Take the 4% retirement savings rule, for example... Read more...

Rethinking your strategy
Your investment returns may be lower than what you'd expect going forward. Before you do anything rash, make sure your actions are within your comfort zone. And then, return to the tried and true--spending less and saving more. Read more...

Myths of complete privacy and risk-free investments
Privacy and safe investments are both great goals, however, like with other things in life, perfection in these regards is unattainable. Read more...

Are bonds broken?
In this first installment of a 5-part series, Gary explains the relationship between bonds and interest rates, and hints that it may be time for some investors to look for alternatives to bonds. Read more...
Money 101:  Monthly Market Monitor

Take a look at this month's review of economic and asset class data using detailed charts and graphs. Stay informed! Click Here!

From the mind of Steven Wright...
  •  It doesn't make any difference what temperature a room is, it's always room temperature.
  • When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, "Did you sleep good?" I said, "No, I made a few mistakes."
  • If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?
  • Anywhere is walking distance, if you've got the time.
Have a great weekend!

Gary Silverman
Personal Money Planning
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This newsletter is produced by Gary Silverman, dba Personal Money Planning, a registered investment advisor located in Wichita Falls, Texas. 

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