Does back-to-school time make you crazy?
Picking up everyone from school and running to practices, dance classes or doing chores on the farm - there are more reasons than you can count this fall when you are too busy to cook fussy meals. Below are some ideas to spice up your mid-week sandwiches with pork.

Double pork party sliders
4 thin pork loin chops, boneless, 1/4 to 1/2-inch thick
2 slices bacon
cocktail buns, OR 4 hamburger buns

2 tablespoons butter, softened
salt and pepper 
4 tablespoons steak sauce

Cooking Directions 
Slice buns in half horizontally. If desired, toast or warm through. Spread cut sides of buns with butter.  
In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium heat for 1 minute or until there is enough bacon fat released to coat the bottom of the pan, stirring occasionally. Push bacon to side of the skillet and add the chops. Sprinkle chops with salt and pepper. Cook chops for 3 to10 minutes or until lightly browned and internal temperature on a thermometer reads between 145 degrees F. (medium rare) and 160 degrees F. (medium), turning once halfway through. Remove chops and bacon, draining bacon on paper towels and resting chops for a minimum of 3 minutes.


For cocktail buns, cut each chop in half so you have 8 pieces. Place chops in buns. Top chops with steak sauce and bacon strips. These bacon-infused sandwiches are ideal for tailgating and cocktail parties.


Serves 8 appetizer sandwiches or 4 main-dish sandwiches

Grilled Thai pork tenderloin cutlet sandwiches
pork tenderloins
2 tablespoons garlic, minced
2 tablespoons fresh ginger, grated
1/3 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon garlic chili paste
2 tablespoons fresh mint, minced
sandwich buns
Cooking Directions
Cut tenderloins crosswise into 1-inch pieces; flatten with heel of hand to about 1/8-inch thickness and place in shallow pan. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over pork cutlets; cover and refrigerate for up to four hours. Remove pork from marinade (discard remaining marinade) and grill over medium-hot coals just until nicely browned; about 2-3 minutes per side. Serve on sandwich buns if desired.  

Helping kids learn to shine


okPORK Hosts the annual Youth For Pork speech contest

Leaning on literary pigs of the past, Elizabeth Perdue spoke about life lessons we could all learn from pigs. Starting with Wilbur from "Charlotte's Web", a quick reference had the entire auditorium reaching into their memories and pulling up lessons Wilbur was able to leave behind - in some cases - years previously.


She continued to speak about the different things readers have learned from the literary pigs and then she gracefully transitioned into discussing the many ways pigs have helped humans in the past. Research, medicine and food were a few of the topics she was able to speak about.


Perdue has been a fixture among the top placing speeches for several years. This year, she managed to snag the top honor and was proud to do it.


"It makes me happy to be able to come and do a good job on my speech," Perdue said.


Holding her Youth for Pork Overall Winner plaque, she posed in her green 4-H jacket with a huge smile. As a participant in the junior 4-H division, Perdue competed against students who were significantly older than she to win the contest.


Each year okPORK hosts the speech contest during the Swine Field Day on Oklahoma State University's campus in Stillwater, Okla. Each speaker has complete control over which aspect of the pork industry they will speak about - as the only requirement is for the speech to be about pork.


Four divisions are available for competition - the divisions are based on the speaker's age and sets specific limits on the length of the speech. A first and second place winner is announced for each division.


The winners of each division go head-to-head in front of an audience of their supporters and the judges get one more chance to hear each speech. Once the judges decide which speech will win, the overall winner is announced and pictures are taken.


Students who are and will continue to be leaders come from across the state to be involved in the competition. Hopefully, the information they are learning will stick with them and when the time comes the pork industry will help them find a career path.


okPORK visits Big Three Swine Field Day at Oklahoma State University  

4-H and FFA members from across the state make the trek to Stillwater, Okla. each summer to judge livestock. They jump into ag trucks and vans - sometimes in the wee early hours of the morning - to catch some experience judging cattle, sheep and pigs.


okPORK is proud to be able to address the gathered judges during Swine Field Day at the Oklahoma State University Animal Science Arena and enjoys getting to see the competition take place. Roy Lee Lindsey, executive director for okPORK,steals just a moment or two from the collection of judges.


During the couple of minutes Lindsey speaks, he thanks the judges for being interested in agriculture and explains about the Youth Leadership Camp okPORK conducts during the month of June. Each judge is encouraged to learn more about the camp, submit an application and take a shot at five days of immersion into the Oklahoma pork industry.


During the competition each judge gains a deeper perspective on how to function in their role as a member of their team, while moving between the classes of hogs. Students are exposed to the animals and are taught the skill to decipher small differences in the animals. The judges are also taught decision making, speaking and oral reasoning skills.


When one looks through the r�sum�s of these kids - wouldn't anyone want employees with these qualities? Don't you look forward to the day when they are moving into the pork industry? It won't be long, for some college is right around the corner. 

About Oklahoma Pork Council

The Oklahoma Pork Council, a producer organization consisting of Oklahoma pork producers, represents the interests of all pork producers. Partially funded by federally collected Pork Checkoff dollars, okPORK promotes pork and pork products, funds research, and educates consumers and producers about the pork industry. For more information about this or any other programs of the Oklahoma Pork Council visit or call 1.405.232.3781.

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