Views of the News 2016 all rights reserved 
Friday, February 12, 2016     
Molly kittie    
  Photo � RiteOn LLC and Chuck MacNab
(Translation: A little night music)
By Growltiger*
Your curious cat stumbled onto an interesting interview which at an hour and a half long is probably too long for most of her followers.
The host and author Diana West discuss the hysterical rage the conservative and Republican establishment is directing not only at Donald Trump but at those who support him. The degree of toxicity directed at Mr. Trump and his supporters has forced many Trump supporters into what Ms. West refers to as "The Trump Closet". An example is a friend who lives and works in Washington, DC who is a closet Trump supporter but keeps silent for fear if s/he came out, s/he would lose his/her job. (Ms. West is paranoid enough about her friend that she refuses to divulge the friend's gender).
Ms. West and the host observed the sheer, unbridled terror the Trump candidacy has had on establishment Republicans, "conservative" pundits and consultants, K Street lobbyists, the donor class who contribute to the political campaigns of the Republican establishment and most especially the neocons who demand that candidates be pro unfettered immigration, free trade even at the expense of America's workers and pro-internationalism. They see the unabashedly pro-American and anti-illegal immigration Trump is as an existential threat to their carefully constructed "new world order". They believe government power as a way to remake humanity, to remake the globe, and in so doing, according to Ms. West, allow the immigration equivalent of a new Los Angeles every three years.
Republican politicians like Benjamin Strasse of Nebraska are campaigning openly to "Stop Trump". Anyone with a functioning neuron has to wonder why. They claim Mr. Trump at the top of the Republican ticket will cause the GOP to lose their majorities. They claim Mr. Trump will drive away Hispanics and Independents. What they don't say is that Romney won the Independent vote, that Hispanics prefer big government 3:1 and that Romney could have gotten 73% of  the Hispanic vote, and still would have lost.
Mr. Trump, who once belonged to the donor class, has crashed the Establishment Party, and that is where the rage and invective from the right is coming from. She predicts it will only get worse, and posits that even if Mr. Trump loses the nomination, he will never be forgiven for ripping off the masks of pundits and politicians who have deceived and are deceiving the American people. One of the more interesting quotes that came out of the interview was on the subject of whether Europe is "committing suicide". No, the host observed, "governments (of Europe) are murdering their own countries." The fear is that the same thing is happening in America.
Below are a few excerpts from the dictionary Ms. West has compiled of quotes directed at Donald Trump (2) by "conservatives" demeaning Mr. Trump for being a crude vulgarian. Growltiger wonders how many of her readers have formed their opinion based upon the reports of these pundits.
  • GOP strategist, Rick Wilson, in a quote directed at Ann Coulter which is too vulgar for Growltiger to include in her blog.
  • A quote from Jonah Goldberg which is the particularly crude word for a bodily function that children refer to as Number 1. 
  • A quote from one of Scott Walker's strategists which doesn't use Mr. Goldberg's word, but uses a word usually descriptive of men one does not like that is not acceptable in polite society and begins with a p.
Below are some that can be printed.
  • Trump is "a reality-television grotesque with his plastic-surgery-disaster wife." National Review's Kevin Williamson . Bonus: Williamson deplores Trump for "ungallant behavior". 
  • "Witless Ape Rides Escalator" -- This is the headline for National Review's very first report by Kevin Williamson on Donald Trump's 2016 presidential run. 
  • "Turning to Donald Trump to solve the problems in Washington is like turning to an ape to fix a broken refrigerator." -- Stephen Hayes, Fox News & Weekly Standard, August 8, 2015 
  • "If by now you don't find Donald Trump appalling, you're appalling."  Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal, Aug. 31, 2015 
  • The donor class "are still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. And that's a fact." -- Republican consultant Rick Wilson on MSNBC 
  • "The clown site of the Internet beclowns itself yet again." Commentary editor John Podhoretz tweeting @ Breitbart News report on Trump rapping critic George Will for failing to disclose his Will's wife worked for then-presidential candidate Scott Walker.  
  • "Fact-checking Donald Trump is like picking up after a dog with diarrhea."  Stephen Hayes, Weekly Standard, on Fox News . (At least Mr. Hayes used the word diarrhea. Perhaps it was because he was on television. In a written article, Mr. Hayes used the same word Mr. Goldberg used above which Growltiger, while certainly no prude, shows her own snobbishness by consigning anyone who uses it to incredibly low social status.)
  • "Trump's Immigration Plan Is Hardcore Porn For Nativists," August 19, 2015 -- headline over article by David Harsanyi at The Federalist. It opens: Donald Trump is porn for nativists. Now, a person can derive much political self-gratification from wishful thinking, but remember porn isn't real. So enjoy daydreaming about mass deportations and visualizing the repeal of birthright citizenship, but don't let yourself get desensitized to reality....
  • Trump "is soiling the robe of conservatism and dragging it through the dust."  Bill Kristol, editor, Weekly Standard, on why he "loathes" Donald Trump.
  • "The gross thing is, you can kind of imagine a Trump sex tape." -- Kevin Williamson, National Review correspondent, director of the William F. Buckley fellowship program in political journalism, New Criterion theatre critic.
  • "Trump's fans-not all, but enough-aren't turned on by softcore white papers authored by Jeff Sessions, they want the hard stuff. " David Harsanyi, The Federalist   
  • Trump's policies are "a parade of semi-sophisticated policies that act as bathroom deodorizer to mask the stench of this candidacy."  Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal 
  • "Finally, this thing [Trump's candidacy] cannot be cut off at the head. An insurgency needs its supply lines cut." -- Noah Rothman, Commentary assistant online editor, referring, it would seem, to free press/free citizens not sufficiently hostile enough to Trump. 
  • "By the way, I knew Andrew Breitbart. Andrew Breitbart was a friend of mine. He would vomit over what you've done to his name."  Commentary editor John Podhoretz, tweeting @ Breibart report on Trump rapping Trump critic Will not disclosing wife's ties to Walker campaign.
And these are the "classy" folks who call out Donald Trump for being crude. Growltiger's readers can decide for themselves whether crudeness lies more in an unacceptable word like damn or hell or whether it lies in descriptions like those above applied to human beings or whether it's downright creepy for so many sexual allusions to be included in writing about a political candidate.
For those who wish to read the entire dictionary, it can be found at:
Those who have the time to listen to the entire interview can find it at:

*The Missouri Patriot LLC and RiteOn LLC have full permission to publish Growltiger's commentaries

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson

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