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NEWSLETTER           Thursday, August 20, 2015
Photo � RiteOn LLC and Chuck MacNab

U.S. foreign policy is a dangerous disaster
by Chuck MacNab
Below is a link to comments made by Admiral "Ace" Lyons (USN Ret.). Admiral Lyons* was a four star admiral who was Commander In Chief of the U.S. Pacific fleet and, therefore, was in a position to very accurately judge decisions made by various U.S. officials in critical areas of defense and foreign policy. He has been pleading to end the flood of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration into every U.S. National Security branch by the Obama Administration.

In our commentaries we have been forecasting the likely long term and current consequences of the incompetent decision making that has drastically impacted U.S. foreign policy and national security. An example of the danger to the U.S. continent itself is illustrated by the disastrous Obama-Kerry Iranian Nuclear Agreement. Unfortunately our worst predictions are becoming reality and are blossoming into a nightmare that will greatly impact our national security for many years to come. 

Please watch this video and listen carefully to Admiral Lyons very informed views. His comments support our past predictions and will give you an accurate assessment of why America is currently viewed by leaders from around the world (including our enemies and potential enemies) as a "lightweight" and a domestic and foreign policy joke.

*James "Ace" Lyons is a retired 4 Star Admiral. His last duty assignment was Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the largest single military command in the world. His initiatives contributed directly to the economic stability and humanitarian understanding in the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions and brought the U.S. Navy Fleet back to China. He is known as "the father" of Red Cell, Navy anti-terrorism units comprised of Navy Seals, which Lyons established in response to the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut. He has represented the United States in both a military and civilian capacity world-wide.

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