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NEWSLETTER       Friday, September 5, 2014  

(Photo � RiteOn LLC)

By  Chuck MacNab 

This White House doesn't do anything that isn't motivated by political considerations. That's number one and has been since Obama became president in 2008. We needn't wonder why the collective policies put forth by this Administration have become a disastrous house of cards when politics is always chosen to replace the best interests of the country.


There are too many examples to illustrate here so we will pick one "biggie" and describe how we believe deliberate political considerations formulated by the juveniles in the White House have cost many lives and the taxpayers billions in lost equipment. Currently, they are costing our best allies, the Kurds, the lives of many of their best fighters.


The Kurdish spokesman here in the U.S. has, just the other day, stated that Kurdish fighters had not yet received the sort of training, heavy equipment and military supplies needed to allow them to fight ISIS on an even basis. The Administration has stated that they will supply the Iraqi government with this equipment and the Iraqi government will pass it on to the Kurds.


Well, the Kurds have been waiting for that to happen for over a year and longer. Meanwhile they must fight with outmoded equipment. Our opinion is that the Administration is once again playing the political game instead of meeting the obvious military need. They want to hold the Kurds into a one nation; Iraqi political structure and they believe that forcing the Kurds to deal with an incompetent Iraqi government they can force this to happen. What fools they are!


What exactly are Obama and his group of amateur military advisors in the White House doing? In the case of fighting ISIS, we believe they are reverting, as always, to playing politics instead of understanding we are at war! It may take ISIS blowing up a dirty nuclear bomb in a major U.S. city before they will understand what is at stake and how urgent the need is to combat it.  


You can bet the Kurds, a group that General David Petraeus spent many months developing as strong allies, will remember how they have been shafted by Obama, for the second time. We still see no direct delivery of the necessary equipment to the Kurds. Apparently Obama would rather play a political game in Iraq than supply an effective fighting force against ISIS.


 "The further a society drifts from the truth  
the more it will hate those who speak it."
~ George Orwel
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