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November 27, 2014
Why invest in energy efficiency
Hard numbers on the economic benefits of EE in Canada

We now have numbers that show what we've been thinking - energy efficiency is an investment that delivers a huge return. Last week the Acadia Center released Energy Efficiency: Engine of Economic Growth in Canada which was commissioned by Natural Resources Canada. This is a significant document and we're very pleased that CEEA member, Dunsky Energy Consulting, was among the co-authors. Take your time to look at this macroeconomic report which details the benefits of energy efficiency, including increased jobs, household spending and competitiveness. Full Report
Stats that mean business
* Canadian efficiency programs can return $3 to $5 in savings for every $1 of program spending
* Energy efficiency can save consumers and businesses $94b-$240b in avoided energy costs
* Energy efficiency can significantly increase net GDP from$230b to $380b
* Every $1 million invested in efficiency programs can generate 30 to 52 job-years
How to sell energy efficiency to a government with limited resources

28 meetings and 37 participants CEEA makes the case for investing in energy efficiency in Ottawa

Budgets are tight. An election is looming. And everyone is trying to figure out
CEEA teams made stops at the PMO, NRCan, the US Embassy, Environment Canada, Public Works, Finance Canada and more.
what to do with the little, and sometimes big, piece of pie they have. So many causes, industries and sectors are competing for increasingly smaller resources, what can we do to get energy efficiency heard by the bureaucrats and politicians that matter?

We need hard-hitting numbers and compelling stories about energy efficiency. Armed with our own surveys and the recent Acadia Center report on the macroeconomic benefits of energy efficiency, we were more than prepared for our advocacy day Efficiency Matters on the Hill on November 18. But while we were prepared, we now have a lot of homework........MORE BLOG

See Highlights for photos and who we met with.
EE News
New Member: We're pleased to welcome BOMA Canada to CEEA!

Electricity Human Resources Canada's career-inspiring videos: Their Bridging the Gap initiative promotes career opportunities for women in the electricity and renewable energy industry. Profiles include a long-term planning engineer, an electrical engineer and a grid operations manager.

Efficiency Nova Scotia's Instant Savings App: The online app lets users calculate the energy and money savings by upgrading lighting, electronics and appliances.

Canada's Ecofiscal Commission: We're looking forward to ideas from these heavy hitters (McGill economist Chris Ragan, Don Drummond, Jean Charest, Paul Martin, Preston Manning) as they blue sky fiscal planning to improve the environment and economy.

Energy agency merger begins: The merger of the OPA and the Independent Electricity System Operator will be complete in January 2015 with Bruce Campbell as the CEO and a new board of directors.

Quebec and Ontario to work on a low-carbon economy: The outcome of a joint cabinet ministers meeting includes getting climate change on the Canadian Energy Strategy agenda.

Germany plans US$1.3b in tax concessions to improve energy efficiency: The focus will be on buildings and increasing electric car sales.

EU to cap the energy huge TVs can use: The move is expected to cut consumers' energy bills by almost €8 billion a year.

Alberta gives $2 million to Municipal Climate Change Action Centre: The money is earmarked for local energy efficiency initiatives. 

New York Power Authority increases energy efficiency funding by US$117 million:  The money goes to the Build Smart NY programs to cut energy use in state buildings by 20 per cent.

Duke Energy spends US$20 million on low-income EE projects: The North Carolina utility negotiated the programs after rate increases were approved by the NC Utilities Commission.

USDA finances first EE program loans in NC and Arkansas: The program is aimed at helping rural economic growth and to cut GHG. Loans can be used for everything from energy audits to energy efficiency upgrades, including weatherization, HVAC improvements, and high efficiency lighting.

Chile approves carbon tax and green taxes: The move is aimed at encouraging clean air technologies.

Wealthy Barber urges businesses to reduce energy use: Aside from featuring a Dragon, the story has great details on how companies like Frito Lay and Tenneco saved a lot of money.

Ontario company considers move to US for cheaper hydro: Why does Integrated Packaging Films prefer to invest in new equipment rather than energy conservation? It's considering moving to Kentucky because its hydro bills are between $300,000 and $500,000.

What happens when an EE program is cut: A look at what legislators and utilities may be considering in Indiana, while consumer advocates voice a lack of a statewide mandate puts utilities in the driver's seat.

Climate deal with China shows how Obama leads the discussion: This New York Times' analysis features impressive graphics on world carbon emissions and Obama's bet that voters, more than anyone, understand the perils of climate change.

Reid's Heritage Homes to build 25 net-zero energy homes across Canada: This $4-million project is being co-funded by the Canadian government, Owens Corning Canada and five builders.

Market for EE buildings in EU may be US$109 billion: Navigant Research expects that to be annually through 2023 for energy efficient products and services for commercial and residential buildings.

Elevate Energy educates landlords about energy efficiency: The Chicago program was funded in part by the MacArthur Foundation. It addresses the conundrum of the split incentive by giving multi-unit building owners information on free energy audits, contractors and upgrades.

Denver City Energy Project gives training in benchmarking: The goal is to improve and energy efficiency in commercial and multi-family buildings.

Building Efficiency Initiative to improve EE in cities around globe: The World Resources Institute and Johnson Controls will be engaging public and private sector innovators to develop, test, and scale energy efficiency solutions including new finance models.

Why aren't Canadian companies innovative?: That's the question raised by the Boston Consulting Group's  recent list of the most innovative companies - it doesn't feature a single Canadian firm now that BlackBerry has hit hard times.

Eye-opening consumer behaviour charts: Three charts from Opower show how home energy reports affect consumers, explaining who saves, who doesn't and why.

 Danish light experiment: Street lamps brighten as pedestrians, cyclists or cars approach, and go dark when no one is near.

We need better energy use labels: This US research piece discusses how current labels don't help consumers.

The G20 Energy Efficiency Action Plan: There are six priorities -- heavy vehicles, networked devices, buildings, industrial processes, electricity generation and access to finance. There were also big announcements on contributions to the Green Climate Fund, including a big $3 billion from Obama and $300 million from Harper.

Germany abandons 2020 target: Der Spiegel reports it will not meet its target of 40 per cent reduction in carbon emissions.

US-China climate change deal: The US is to cut GHG emissions by 26 to 28 per cent and China will boost its non-fossil fuel share of energy to 20 per cent.

E.U. leaders agree to cut GHG emissions by at least 40 per cent: They also agreed to increase energy efficiency and renewables by at least 27 per cent, but for many the deal fell short of expectations. The deal features a clause to reconsider the carbon reduction target if an ambitious international treaty is not reached next year in Paris.

UN emissions gap report: The bottom-line is we need more energy efficiency, the UNEP says it's integral to bridging emissions gap and could help reduce energy demand by 5 to 7 per cent.

Market for smart thermostats is exploding: Navigant Research says global revenue for smart thermostats and related software and related services is expected to grow from US$146.9 million in 2014 to $2.3 billion in 2023.

Total US efficiency program budgets were over US$7.7 billion: From the new ACEEE report State Energy Efficiency Scorecard which features lots of other great numbers. 

Smart meter takes 8,760 meter readings per year: And that's compared to the six to 12 from a human meter reader. This Huffington Post blog examines the benefits of all that big data from smart meters. 

Renewables and EE are responsible for 70 per cent of carbon emission drop: That's since 2007 according to Greenpeace.
Send us your energy efficient related news releases, events and job postings!
Toll free: 1.866.614.1642
Elizabeth McDonald: 613-656-9705

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