What Procter Camp Means
Imagine that you are an 8 year old boy. You are African-American, and have 3 brothers and sisters. Your Mom has been sick for a long time--heroin addiction--and she dies. Last month. You are living with your grandmother who loves you, but she worries all the time.
Due to the actions of Grace Church, you are able to go to camp! Procter farm is a place of fun with good people, good food, swimming and nature. You have a blast. You make a new best friend. You are able to be a child free of worry and grief. What a blessing!
This is what your donations to our Procter Camp Fund has bought! You did this. It is your generosity that has brought this about.
Churches all over are closing their doors, people are not connecting with the Church, but when we see how we can fight social injustice on the grass roots level through our church, make a difference in just one life, it is a victory. The holy spirit has been busy bringing all this about.
Thanks to Candace Moxley for this article, and for all she's done to make this camping experience possible. And thanks to Melissa Maxfield for the photo.
Episcopal Church Elects New Presiding Bishop
At the triennial convention of the Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Curry was elected to a 9-year term as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. As such, he serves as "first among equals" of the bishops of our church, and represents the church to other churches of the Anglican Communion as well as serving as the voice of the church both within and outside the Episcopal Church.
You can watch and listen to his inaugural sermon to the convention here. He presents a dynamic and encouraging picture of the future of our church. It's well worth the 20 minutes or so it will take to watch and listen. You can also read the sermon here, although it doesn't have quite the same effect.
Same-Gender Marriage Approved by General Convention
General Convention altered the church's canons to allow for same-gender marriage throughout the Episcopal Church and authorized a rite for solemnizing them. (Same-gender marriage has been allowed in this diocese for a couple of years already). Our Bishop Breidenthal points out that, as has always been the case, no clergyperson is ever obligated to officiate at any wedding. There is no shortage of clergy willing to perform this rite in this diocese, however.
Grace Visioning Workshop Garners 15 Pages of Thoughts
About 25 members and friends attended the visioning workshop on June 27 and came up with about 15 chart pages of answers to questions about what's important at Grace Church. Now, it's up to the Visioning Committee to distill everything they've heard into a vision plan for Grace Church. They meet to start that process on Monday, July 13. Your prayers will be appreciated.
Saturday, Mission Council agreed to add Jacquelyn McCray to the committee.
The Visioning Committee: The Rev. Anne Warrington Wilson, Maria Mukasa, Hawley Todd, J White, Ken Lyon,
Mary McLain, Jacquelyn McCray
Thanks to ...
... Hawley Todd for blessing two prayer shawls at the Wednesday healing service, and to Laurie LeClaire for providing them to Barbara Todd and Grace Staples.
... friends at Grace Church. Grace Staples writes, "Just wanted to say how very grateful I am for the love and concern from all my friends at Grace Church. When I learned my condition could be very serious, I was worried how I would get along. But so many of you have called to offer help and advice, and now I am out of the hospital and learning from the visiting nurse. My foot is so much better also. My husband and son have really been wonderful, too. thanks for all your prayers and good wishes."
If you would like to donate for altar flowers on any Sunday, please sign the Flower Sheet by the Belmont door or call the church office or email spikelyon@gmail.com or donate online at gracecollegehill.org.
We Have an Opening for an Organization to Serve a Community Dinner
We now have an opening for another organization to take responsibility for one of the Community Dinners each month. This would involve shopping for food, preparing and serving the meals, and cleanup afterwards. If you know of an organization that might like to participate in providing this important community service, contact J White ( mizwone@gmail.com, 513-532-9362).
Opportunities Available
Gardener/Landscaper. One of the first thing people see about Grace church is the outside of the building as well as the grounds. Does the place look loved? Is parishioner pride evident? Success in growing the church will be strongly influenced by the immediate perceptions of first time visitors. If you could devote a couple of hours a week to weeding and pruning you can help the church grow. For further information contact, Carol Lyon at spikelyon@gmail.com.
Altar Guild. Once a month, for about an hour on a Saturday morning, prepare the Altar for the Eucharist. You will have the opportunity to handle our beautiful silver sacred vessels as well as our lovely hangings. After the Sunday service, take down the Eucharistic elements and put them away. If you are interested e-mail Carol Lyon at spikelyon@gmail.com.
Writer. Get your creative juices going. Write an article for Grace Notes once a month or so about an event that is happening at Grace church or even just your. If you are interested, please e-mail Ken Lyon at eGraceNotes@gracecollegehill.org. .
Mark Your Calendar
September 19: "The Pearl of Africa," Ugandan dinner, music and silent auction. Details to follow. The online Grace Church Calendar lists most everything we know about that's happening at Grace Church. If something's not listed, or if you see errors, please tell the office (office@gracecollegehill.org, 513-541-2415). |
The first planned event for our 150th anniversary celebration for Grace Church will be held on March 6, 2016 at 4pm. It was March 6, 1866 that Grace Church members and friends met to elect the first Vestry and Wardens. That's days's worship service will be moved to the afternoon to make it easier for Grace alums and friends to attend.
St. Stephen's to close, final service July 12 (Today!). After 130 years of ministry in two locations, St. Stephen's Church, Cincinnati, at their request, is closing. Its members will move on as God calls them to other congregations to continue their ministries. The last service at St. Stephen's will be held this Sunday, July 12 at 4 p.m. All well-wishers are invited to celebrate with the congregation. Bishop Breidenthal will be the Celebrant and there will be a reception following the service. St. Stephens is located at 9191 Daly Rd. in Mt. Healthy.
Help Set Up and Take Down for Summer Worship in the Great Hall. While we are worshiping in the great hall this summer, there are things that need to be set up and taken down. The altar, elements for the Eucharist need to be brought up from the sacristy, the flags, and setting the tables with tablecloths and candles. Little things, really, to enrich our worship and create the space we all want. Would you consider taking one week this summer to be in charge? Many hands make light work. The task would involve coming in early and leaving late. We also need help in the kitchen after snack and chat to make sure things are wiped up and put away. It is not fair that the same people are providing the experience for all. Your additions for snack and chat are always welcome!
Thank you in advance for your consideration. I know the Holy Spirit will move many of you to help. Please contact Judy Handy,worship chair (murf0202@gmail.com) or Candace Moxley, parish life (candy.moxley@yahoo.com) with your availability.
Prayers and Thanksgivings
Prayers for healing are asked for
Patty Rogers, The Rogers Family, (Sarah and Joe Rogers - Patty's parents), Carl, Jackie, Robb Martin, Kim Martin, Melissa, Jordan and Brandie, Rhonda and D.L. Sharp, The Partin Family, Maree White, Our President and Our Country, Albertha Howard and DeConte Howard, Peter Hawkins, Judy Handy, Madeena Nolan, Gwynne and Naomi Gabbard, Mae Armstead, James McNabb Nickname: Cousin, Grace Moore, Jim and Nancy Vath, Darryl, Anne, Caleb, and Joshua Handy, Father Hufford, Father Ray Betts and Mary McLain, Ken Lyon, Gene, Wilson, Jo Carroll, Earl Sharp, Virginia Chapel and Family, MaryAnn Chappelear, Jane Davis, Nikki Yaptangco and Desmond, Anna Black, Lauren Flemister, Beth, Belinda Perna, Jeanne, Joshua Grout, Grace Staples.
Prayers are asked for members often not able to come to church: Elizabeth Kelly, Janet Henthorn, Naomi Koester, Elva Gscheidle, Jo Carroll, Anne Henneberg, Raymond Betts.
To add or subtract from this list, please contact the Church Office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) with the names of the persons to be included on this list. If you email, please place "Prayer Request" in the subject line. Please also indicate whether the name of the prayer recipient is to be listed in the bulletin.
Names remain on the list for about a month. Please let us know if people should be put back on the list.
Pastoral Care. If you need pastoral care or know of someone who does, please call or email the office (513-541-2415, office@gracecollegehill.org) Keep us informed about about illness, hospital stays, requests for visits, communion, and prayers for special concerns. |
From the Editor...
You are receiving eGraceNotes because you subscribed online, or because you gave us your email. You can unsubscribe instantly at any time using the link at the bottom of each issue. eGraceNotes is published weekly whenever possible. Our purpose is to help keep members and friends of Grace Church up-to-date on what's happening at Grace and of other things that may be of particular interest to our readers. While we try our best to represent the Grace Church congregation, final responsibility for what you see here belongs solely to the editor. The content of eGraceNotes depends on what what is provided us. Send items to the editor at egracenotes@gracecollegehill.org. Photos in eGraceNotes may be edited to remove extraneous material. Ken Lyon, Editor