March 15, 2014
What's Inside
2014 Federal Income Tax Changes

Become a CBB this Year!

Annual Conference - Registration Now Open

Free Webinar

Education Schedule

Member Spotlight
Welcome New CABB Members:

Vatche Sahakian
Aramus Commercial

Robert Christman

BusinessQuest Brokers,Inc.

Francesca Lombardo
Calcom Realty Inc

Zackorey Ashbrook
Calcom Realty Inc.

Gary Gooderum
Gooderum and Associates

Paul Kakouris
P K Investments

Johnny Su
ABI Business Sales/ M&A

Sean McMullin
Sunbelt Business Brokers of Riverside

Brenda Bernhard
Strong Business Advisors


Congratulations to the Newest CBB Recipients:

Robert Dean Hoffberg

Committee Spotlight

The mission of CABB's  

Government Affairs - CBB Committee is to oversee all items related to advocacy and legislation at the State and Federal levels as well as CABB's CBB certification.   

Please join us in thanking the following members of this committee for dedicating their time and talents:   


Allan Lippincott, MBA,CBB

Maria Caudle, CBI 

Eureka Biz Services   

If you would like to join this committee please email us at CABB!

Seeking Chapter Leaders
CABB is seeking persons to help start and coordinate CABB chapter meetings in the San Diego area, and in the San Francisco, Tri Valley and Sacramento areas of Northern California. It is a great opportunity to take a leadership role in your industry's professional association.
Anyone interested should contact Ed Fixen/CABB Chapter Chair at

Quick Links

Full Event List
CABB Businesses for Sale
CABB Listserv
 CABB on LinkedIn
Free Legal Advice 

CABB Forms  Are Only for CABB Members
Only Active CABB Members can use CABB Forms!  Protect the investment you've made in CABB.  Please do not share or provide these forms to anyone who is not a current and active CABB Member!

Welcome to Your CABB Connection
News and information exclusively for 
California Association of Business Brokers members and affiliates.
by Lynda R. Boman, CPA, Boman Accounting Group, Inc.

As you all know, tax season is in full swing. Do not be caught off guard with the newest changes to this years tax codes. By reading through Lynda Bowman informative presentation you will be well suited for tax season. Lynda's 2014 tax update was presented at last month meeting at the CABB Silicon Valley Chapter. 
Please submit articles for publication in CABB Connection to Bob Porter. Share your expertise!   
Become a CBB this Year! 


Becoming a CABB Certified Business Broker (CBB) is one of the best things that you can do for your business broker career. A CBB differentiates you from the competition.  It can elevate you above other business brokers, by demonstrating that you are more informed, educated and experienced.  Many CBBs find it effective, when marketing their services, to stress how clients can benefit by insisting on dealing with certified professionals.  When co-brokering with other business brokers, the CBB conveys that you have the requisite knowledge and experience.  Once earned, you can proudly display the CBB initials beside your name in promotional materials and correspondence.

The requirements for obtaining a CBB are quite simple:

  1. Be a CABB member in good standing;
  2. Submit the CBB Application and proof of compliance;
  3. Pledge to uphold the Association's Code of Ethics;
  4. Successfully complete the following:
    1. The two-day CABB California Business Broker Training Course 101 with a score on the test of 75 or better;
    2. The one-day CABB 201 Recasting Course with a score on the test of 75 or better; and,
    3. Submit proof of listing and/or selling 5 business opportunities that have successfully closed.
  5. The CBB must be renewed every 4 years by passing the CABB Course 501 Advanced Business Broker Training.

So why not take your business brokerage career to the next level, by signing up for CABB 101 & 201, and becoming a CBB this year!



Register Today: April 4-5, 2014
At the Fairmont Hotel - Newport Beach

Register Today for the 2014 CABB Annual Productivity Conference, April 2-5 at the Fairmont, Newport Beach.

The Conference Planning Committee has been busy planning our program and we are excited to be back in Southern California with a location just a few miles from Orange County Airport. Register Online Today! 

Whether you are a seasoned veteran, brand new to the industry, or somewhere in between, there is something for everyone at the Annual Conference. Learn best practices, meet resource partners and network with your colleagues so you are ready to Catch the Next Big Wave!


Thank You to the 2014 Annual Conference Platinum Sponsor:
Free, Important Webinar 

March 18th Webinar on M&A Broker No Action Letter 


On January 31, 2014 the SEC released a sweeping No-Action Letter exempting M&A Brokers from SEC broker-dealer registration and FINRA membership involved in buying/selling private businesses to a buyer who will "control" and operate the business after closing, regardless of the size of the transaction and the transaction's legal structure. The No-Action letter is vastly broader than the SEC's 2006 Country Business no-action letter.


Despite this No-Action Letter, we need Congress to pass the Senate Bill S. 1923. The Campaign for Clarify is continuing their efforts in the Senate; rationale for this will be discussed in the webinar.   


David Blass, Chief Counsel, and Darren Vieira, Special Counsel, in the SEC's Division of Trading and Markets will explain and answer questions. Shane Hansen, AM&AA's lead counsel and partner in the law firm of Warner Norcross & Judd LLP, will moderate the program, explain the continuing need for Congress to change the law, and give an update on the legislation's status


A significant time of the webinar will be devoted to Q&A. We would like to encourage participants to ask questions in advance by 

clicking here


Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Time: 9:00 am - 10:15 pm, PDT


Education Schedule

CABB 101(2 days) Introduction to California Business Brokerage
April 2-3, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA


CABB 201(2 days) Finance for Business Brokers & Advanced Recasting & Valuations
April 2-3, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA
Register Now!

IBBA 301(1 day) Introduction to Mergers and Aquisitions Process 
April 2, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA
Register Now!

CABB 501(1 day) CBB Renewal 
April 3, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA
These courses are being presented two days prior to CABB's Annual Conference which will be taking place on April 4th and 5th at the Fairmont Hotel - Newport Beach.

Go Here to view the entire 2014 CABB Education Schedule.

To make education program suggestions or to get involved in the education committee Email Ron Hottes.  
CABB Connection is provided to members by our Communications Committee. If you have suggestions for this newsletter or would like to serve on this committee, please contact Al Statz.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, viewpoints or policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.

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© 2014 California Association of Business Brokers