March 1, 2014
What's Inside
We Get What We Give

Annual Conference - Registration Now Open

Education Schedule

Member Spotlight
Welcome New CABB Members:

Thomas Annunziato

Scott Claussen
Murphy Business & Financial Corporation

Vasilis Georgiou
CrossRoads Business Brokers, Inc.

Deepak Khanna

BusinessQuest Brokers,Inc.

John Page Jr.
Open Door Real Estate

Anne Parks
Real Estate Capital Ventures

Steven Peters
CEO Business Brokerage & Services

Sue Purcell
J Associates RE Brokers

Donald Ross
Exit Strategies Group

Myles Ross
Sunbelt Business Sales, Mergers & 

Committee Spotlight:
The mission of CABB's  
Bylaw Committee is to oversee all items related to CABB's Bylaws. The CABB bylaws were last amended in 2007 and the Bylaw committee has been charged with reviewing the existing bylaws and proposing amendment adoptions to the board of directors.

Please join us in thanking the following members of this committee for dedicating their time and talents:   


Ron Johnson,
M&A Intermediary & Business Consultant

Nanda Nandkishore, CBI 
M&A Intermediary & Business Consultant

Rich Schammel, 
VR Business Sales Mergers & Acquisitions

Bill Priest, Esq.
The Priest Law Offices 

Amy Cole, MBA, CBB, CBI
ABI Group, Inc. 

If you would like to join this committee please email us at CABB!

Quick Links

Full Event List
CABB Businesses for Sale
CABB Listserv
 CABB on LinkedIn
Free Legal Advice 

CABB Forms  Are Only for CABB Members
Only Active CABB Members can use CABB Forms!  Protect the investment you've made in CABB.  Please do not share or provide these forms to anyone who is not a current and active CABB Member!

Welcome to Your CABB Connection
News and information exclusively for 
California Association of Business Brokers members and affiliates.
by Sara B. Burden, CBI, M&AMI, FIBBA

(Article first published in the M&A Source January 2014 Newsletter)
As professional service providers, we are sometimes faced with people who are argumentative, negative, greedy or generally obstreperous in their conversations and actions. I suspect you enjoy working with people like this as little as I do, so let's think about what we can do to turn them around!

The expression "kill 'em with kindness" really works! When we meet a new business contact, whether buyer, seller, professional advisor, etc., we don't know what's going on in their lives at the moment. They may have just had a fight with their spouse, received bad news about a family member or gotten a speeding ticket on the way to meet with you. Maybe their business is going down the tubes and they're angry and want to blame it on someone - and there you sit!  
Please submit articles for publication in CABB Connection to Bob Porter. Share your expertise!   

Register Today: April 4-5, 2014
At the Fairmont Hotel - Newport Beach

Registration is now open for the 2014 CABB Annual Productivity Conference, April 2-5 at the Fairmont, Newport Beach.

The Conference Planning Committee has been busy planning our program and we are excited to be back in Southern California with a location just a few miles from Orange County Airport. Register Online Today! Early Bird Rate expires on March 6th.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran, brand new to the industry, or somewhere in between, there is something for everyone at the Annual Conference. Learn best practices, meet resource partners and network with your colleagues so you are ready to Catch the Next Big Wave!


EARLY BIRD rates end March 7th - Don't wait- register today! 

Thank You to the 2014 Annual Conference Platinum Sponsor:
Education Schedule

CABB 101(2 days) Introduction to California Business Brokerage
April 2-3, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA


CABB 201(2 days) Finance for Business Brokers & Advanced Recasting & Valuations
April 2-3, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA
Register Now!

IBBA 301(1 day) Introduction to Mergers and Aquisitions Process 
April 2, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA
Register Now!

CABB 501(1 day) CBB Renewal 
April 3, 2014 
Southern California: Newport Beach, CA
These courses are being presented two days prior to CABB's Annual Conference which will be taking place on April 4th and 5th at the Fairmont Hotel - Newport Beach.

Go Here to view the entire 2014 CABB Education Schedule.

To make education program suggestions or to get involved in the education committee Email Ron Hottes.
CABB Connection is provided to members by our Communications Committee. If you have suggestions for this newsletter or would like to serve on this committee, please contact Al Statz.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, viewpoints or policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.

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© 2014 California Association of Business Brokers