February 8, 2014
What's Inside
Featured Article

Generalist Vs. Industry Centric

HR 2274 Passes the House


January CABBinar

Member Spotlight
Welcome New CABB Members:

J. Roy Martinez

Exit Strategies Group

David Moore

Charles Machado
California Restaurant Brokers

Donald Ross
Exit Strategies Group

George Sun
Business Team

. Todd Marrs
Andmar Capital Alliance

Thomas Reynolds
Reynolds Financial Group

Jordan Zweigoron
Sunbelt Business Brokers

Moti "Matt" Cohen
Business Team

Welcome New Affiliate Members:

Christopher Otto
Security Bank of California

Congratulations to our Newly Designated CBB's:

Steve Erlinger, CBB 

Robert MacDonald, CBB
Gottesman Company

 Volunteer Opportunity:

CABB's Communications Committee needs one or two volunteers to serve on our committee.

Lend your expertise in finding interesting articles for this newsletter, speakers for CABBinars, and creative ways to market CABB to the public.

For more information please contact Al Statz. Total time commitment is only 2-3 hours per month. Thank you.

If you are interested in getting involved email us at cabb@cabb.org.

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CABB members have two places to post listings: Access the CABB listserv or post them on the CABB LinkedIn page.

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Only Active CABB Members can use CABB Forms!  Protect the investment you've made in CABB.  Please do not share or provide these forms to anyone who is not a current and active CABB Member!

Welcome to Your CABB Connection
News and information exclusively for 
California Association of Business Brokers members and affiliates.
Featured Article
Generalist Vs Industry Centric
by Vasilis Georgiou, M&AMI, CBI, MBA

(Article first published in the M&A Source January 2014 Newsletter)

Middle market Intermediaries tend to be a hard charging, persistent lot, often thriving in a very challenging line of work. Anyone who tells you that what we do is easy and a sure way to make an insane amount of money is telling half the truth. This line of work requires plenty of patience, perseverance, and a skillful application of consultative sales skills, with deal cycles spanning many many months. At the same time, despite the fact that a good percentage of deals can die a myriad ways, very few professions give you an opportunity to make a year's worth of a corporate salary in one swoop.


Another characteristic of professionals in our line of work is the constant strive to improve and elevate the game, which is the reason for writing this article. After over 10 years in this profession, and multiple middle-market transactions, I am pausing to reflect on a topic that I am sure has pre-occupied plenty of us in this space:   What's the most effective approach - To be a Generalist or an industry-centric Practitioner?


Have a question or would like to comment on this article? 
Please submit articles for publication in CABB Connection to Bob Porter. Share your expertise! 

HR 2274 Passes the House - Up next: The Senate
by Dora Lanza & Steve Wain
2014 M&A Source and IBBA Chairs 


Good News: H.R. 2274 (A Bill exempting main street business brokers and middle-market intermediaries from securities licensing) was passed by the House of Representatives on January 14, 2014, by a vote of 422-0. Congratulations to all who have helped to get this Bill passed.


Bad News: The overwhelming support for the House Bill (H.R. 2274) must not give us the false sense of security that this U.S. Senate legislation (S. 1923) is a sure thing for passage. Based on the unanimous bi-party support in the House, we should be able to conclude that this current legislation (the result of our industry's past seven years of efforts) would have a strong chance of Senate passage.


On the contrary, according to status of S.1923, the Senate version has a less than stellar chance of passing. Our industry has never gotten this far in the legislative process before, and we have momentum working to our advantage. We must have your efforts and/or continued efforts to facilitate passage in the Senate.


We have come so far, but still need your help. Here is what we need you to do: 

Education Schedule

CABB 201(2 days) Finance for Business Brokers & Advanced Recasting & Valuations
February 20-21, 2014 
Northern California: Campbell, CA


CABB 201(2 days) Finance for Business Brokers & Advanced Recasting & Valuations
February 20-21, 2014  
Southern California: Torrance, CA
Register Now!

Go Here to view the entire 2014 CABB Education Schedule.

To make education program suggestions or to get involved in the education committee Email Ron Hottes.

Save the Date: April 4-5, 2014
At the Fairmont Hotel - Newport Beach
Registration will soon open for our Annual Spring Conference, so reserve the dates on your calendar now and plan to join us!  Our business brokerage/intermediary community will come together in Orange County for several days of training, networking, education and relationship building.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran, brand new to the industry, or somewhere in between, there is something for everyone at the Annual Conference. Meet with the resource partners that can help grow your business and network with your colleagues so you are ready to Catch the Next Big Wave!


- The CABB 2014 Conference Committee

For the exhibitor packet CLICK HERE or visit the online page HERE.
February CABBinar
Topic: Appraising Small Businesses: The Relationship Between Risk & Valuation Multiples
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2014
Time: 9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.
Speaker: Darren S. Mize, GCF Valuation

In today's economic conditions many business intermediaries assume that valuation multiples for small businesses are a product of the economic conditions; as the economy improves so do the multiples and vice versa. Is this really correct? This presentation will offer insight on what valuation multiples represent, setting expectations for clients who are interested in selling or buying a business, and what causes valuation multiples to increase and decrease. It will also provide a brief description on how to interpret published databases that offer transaction data, and how appraisers use this information as part of the business valuation process.


Log in to CABB.org to review archived CABBinars. Email Karen
Christensen with your CABBinar topic suggestions.

CABB Connection is provided to members by our Communications Committee. If you have suggestions for this newsletter or would like to serve on this committee, please contact Al Statz.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, viewpoints or policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.

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