December 7, 2013
What's Inside
Featured Article

Annual Conference Save The Date

2014 Membership Dues Update


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CABB members have two places to post listings: Access the CABB listserv or post them on the CABB LinkedIn page.

Member Spotlight
Welcome New CABB Members:

Gregory Ketchum
Bakersfield Business Brokers

CABB Forms  Are Only for CABB Members
Only Active CABB Members can use CABB Forms!  Protect the investment you've made in CABB.  Please do not share or provide these forms to anyone who is not a current and active CABB Member!


 CABB Committee Spotlight

The mission of CABB's Conference Committee is to coordinate all of the logistics to conduct CABB's Annual Conference which will be taking place on April 4th and 5th, 2014 at the Fairmont Hotel in Newport Beach

Please join us in thanking the following members of this committee for dedicating their time and talents
to CABB!

Chrstina Lazuric
California Business Brokers 

Amy Cole 
ABI Business Sales  
Mergers & Acquisitions

Steve Zimmerman
Restaurant Realty Company

Darrin Davenport 
My Small Business Broker

If you would like to join this committee please email us at
Welcome to Your CABB Connection
News and information exclusively for 
California Association of Business Brokers members and affiliates.
Featured Article
It's December. Time to sell stock losers and capture the losses for tax return. 
by Mark Whisler, Whisler Land Company  

Each year, in December, I recommend that you sell any stocks you hold that have gone down in value in order to capture the losses on your tax return. Your stockbroker may not recommend that you do this because he does not want you to know you have losses in your account.

Have a question or would like to comment on this article? 
Please submit articles for publication in CABB Connection to Bob PorterShare your expertise!

2014 Membership Dues Renewal Update
Be on the lookout for emails and mailed letters to be heading your way soon reminding you to renew your 2014 CABB membership!

One major change to note is that the Board approved a update to the annual grace period. Membership not renewed by January 31st will be expired. 
Education Opportunities

CABB 101(2 days) Introduction to Business Brokerage
January 23-24, 2014 
Northern California: Campbell, CA


CABB 101(2 days) Introduction to Business Brokerage
January 23-24, 2014
Southern California: Torrance, CA
Register Now!

Go Here to view the entire 2014 CABB Education Schedule.

To make education program suggestions or to get involved in the education committee Email Ron Hottes.

CABB Connection is provided to members by our Communications Committee. If you have suggestions for this newsletter or would like to serve on this committee, please contact Al Statz.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, viewpoints or policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.

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