April 20, 2013
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Froms Update

CABB Discount RX Card

CABB Chapter News

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As CABB members, you have two locations to post your listings. Access the CABB listserv or post your listings on the CABB LinkedIn page.
Do you have an article you'd like to share with the CABB membership? Send it to us! We want to feature our members' articles in the CABB Weekly Connection. Please send all article submissions to teri@cabb.org for consideration for inclusion in the next Weekly Connection.


Conference Testimonials

Great conference - you amassed an exemplary team; looking forward to next year's.

Robert J. (Bob) Heger,

BizReady Brokers


It has been a long time since I had such a good time as a 1st timer at a conference

You and the entire CABB Team made me feel right at home and I have you and Gary to thank for that.

 Steve Stovall, Benetrends


CABB management have really stepped up and done an AMAZING job bringing CABB into the modern century. The communication has been great and the technology even better. Cannot wait for the new website.

Robert Porter, Plumas Bank


I had a fantastic time at the conference. Thank you again for the awesome opportunity

Antoinette (Toni) Hardstone,

Commercial Expeditor Services


One of the best CABB conferences I've attended.

Andrew Rogerson, Rogerson Business Services


I have been telling all my agents about the conference and how much it would benefit them to attend.

Frances Meron, Sr. Escrow Officer


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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection


Business Plan Basics 

Edited by Russell L. Brown


The best way to show bankers, venture capitalists, and angel investors that you are worthy of financial support is to show them a great business plan. This is especially true for those who want to purchase a going-concern business. Even if you are expecting that the business seller will be financing part of the purchase price you will need to convince him/her of your credit-worthiness. Make sure that your plan is clear, focused and realistic.



Continue Reading:

 Have a question or want to comment on this article? Join the LinkedIn conversation!


April 25, 2013: CABBinar Save the date!

Time: 9 a.m.
Topic: How to Close More Transactions with Federal Financing 
Speaker: Jeffrey Hilderbrand of Fund My Business, Inc.
Jeffrey is a 20 year veteran of the financial services industry and is a featured speaker at Business Conferences.

Also if you missed any recent CABBinars, be sure to check out the archive section on the CABB site to catch up!

Forms Update

Please look for the final version of the Asset Purchase Agreement Tutorial form under the forms tab of the website.  It is labeled #7-T Asset Purchase Agreement Tutorial and is right after #7 Asset Purchase Agreement.


The Forms Committee is looking for suggestions for the Representation Agreement from the membership. We want the members to give us practical advice on what needs to be added or changed. 


Another Benefit of Membership

Insurance Benefits


CABB now offers health, dental, vision, life and ancillary benefits to all members and member companies!  Click here for more details:


CABB Insurance


Now through your membership with CABB, you have access to:

Discounted Prescription Benefits.


CABB Prescription Discount Card

CABB Chapter News


Orange/Riverside County


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

9:30am -11:30am


Meeting Location:

Plethora Businesses

2117 W. Orangewood Ave.

Orange, CA 92868







LATEST SBA CHANGES:  Jeff Hildebrandt of Fund My Business, Inc. will give updates on SBA requirements which are less restrictive.


1031 TAX FREE EXCHANGE FOR BUSINESSES:   Monty is an expert in it and will explain what it's about, the limitations, the alternatives, etc.   This is a topic that doesn't come up often, but something we should understand and have a brilliant resource like Monty.


Please RSVP to Cathryn Vallevieni at 714 389-6375 or vrbb@cox.net

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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