November 24, 2012
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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection
The Haircut: How to Stay Stylish Without Getting Scalped

By William K. Lange, CBI, CBB, M&AMI

In our office, we call them "commissionectomys" or "haircuts." But regardless of what you call them, once you've been in the business brokerage business for any length of time, you've almost certainly heard the buzzing sound of a seller's clippers headed towards your commission check. It's a fact of life for us brokers that deals are often "just a commission away." And in this recessionary economy, it seems that now more than ever before everybody is squeezing for everything they can get.


Unfortunately, it doesn't always matter that you've done everything right. Just a couple of years ago I had the demoralizing experience of working exhaustively for more than six months on a multi-million dollar deal that I pulled back from the brink of death a dozen times or more only to have the seller ask just before the close, "What are going to do about your commission?"



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November 29: CABBinar Save the date!

Time: 9 a.m.
Topic: TBD
Speaker: TBD
More info.
Also if you missed any recent CABBinar's, be sure to check out the archive section on the CABB site to catch up!

CABB Membership
It's that time again! As we look to close out another year, CABB would like to invite you to join us for another year of great membership benefits including free legal services, education and networking! Renew your membership today, and don't miss out in 2013!

The 2013 Education schedule has been posted!

January 24-25
CABB 101
Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet

Click here for more information on CABB's upcoming events!

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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