October 6, 2012
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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection
Value vs. Price

By Clyth MacLeod, originally appeared on September 18, 2012 on http://thebusinessbroker.com


We appraise every business we list so that the owner knows the "most probable selling price". Often we will take the opportunity to market at a higher price to allow for a "premium buyer".


Many businesses we sell settle at more, or less, than the appraised value. This may result from the different motivations and negotiating skills of the parties. A seller compelled to sell urgently through illness may not maximise the price received because we are unable to carry out a full marketing program.



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October 11: CABBinar Rescheduled!

Time: 9 a.m.
Topic: Break the Rules & Close More Deals
Speaker: Douglas Kolker (President and CEO of Summit Selling Systems inc.)
More info.

October 25: CABBinar Save the date!

Time: 9 a.m.
Topic: Professional Secrets to Negotiating Rent Relief and Lease Concessions from Landlords
Speaker: Aaron Weiner, CCIM, CPM®, LEED® AP (Senior Vice President)
More info.

October 12: CBB Renewal Course

Southern California/Plethora Businesses- Instructor: Steve Benson
Register today!

October 19: CABB 201

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes
Register today!

November 7-9: 2012 M&A Source Fall Conference
Las Vegas
Register today!

November 8-9: CABB 101

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes
Register today!

November 16: CBB Renewal Course

Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet
Register today!

Click here for more information on CABB's upcoming events!

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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