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November 2015
In This Issue
Be strong, take heart...wait for the Lord
 by Susie Davis

Waiting is hard.
Makes you want to give up, walk out.

Living in expectation that God is answering your prayers when you can't see anything is difficult ...

As I was making breakfast this morning, I was thinking about how with spiritual matters I'm not always as confident. I pray and then I worry. Or I pray about something for so long, that I get tired and give up.

I pray for things and during the WAIT ~ I wonder if God even heard my prayers. I don't SEE or HEAR or SMELL anything really. No evidence of any answers. Nothing like the dripping of coffee or the aroma of toast. I can't see any transformation like the egg frying up in the pan.

when your life feels all wrong & your friend's lives look picture perfect

Did God love her and see her needs but not love me nor see mine?
My good friend was about to start a new job, one that was perfectly suited to her, one which she'd acquired - from my perspective - almost without effort.

We celebrated together, first by text and afterward, in person. Then I returned home and sat down in the darkened living room.

It's not that I wasn't happy for her; I'd told her I was thrilled, and I truly was.

I felt a little bad about having mixed feelings, but I needed a job, too.

Why wasn't anyone opening the doors upon which I kept knocking?

Pumpkin Spice No-Bake Cheesecake
by skinnytaste.com
An EASY Fall dessert, this no-bake cheesecake is light and fluffy, made with pumpkin and spices. Quick and simple to make in under 10 minutes, if you use ready made crust. 

Thanksgiving Prayer

"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." 
Proverbs 18:21 (NLT) 

I have some opinions.

I have some thoughts.

I have a plethora of words that beg to be spoken.

And if I'm not careful those words can be too much. Maybe you can relate.

Unchecked words that come too fast bring with them a rush of trouble. That's why it's important for us to consider three things with our words ...

1. Listening should take precedence over speaking.

Honestly, I think a lot of relationship troubles could be solved if we made the commitment to listen more than we speak. Gosh this is hard, isn't it?

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