The Policy Memo
A Bi-Annual Alumni Newsletter from the McCourt School of Public Policy
Spring, 2015 

Welcome to the spring, 2015 issue of The Policy Memo, a bi-annual alumni newsletter from the McCourt School of Public Policy, and a joint venture of the McCourt School staff and Alumni Board.

Table of Contents

You are receiving this newsletter at the email address listed in the Career and Alumni Database. Please take a moment to update your information to ensure you keep getting these and other emails from the McCourt School. 

McCourt School News


An Update on our Transition to the McCourt School:  As you know, Georgetown received a $100 million gift from Frank H. McCourt Jr. (C'75) to establish the McCourt School of Public Policy in the fall of 2013. Learn more about how the gift can be used and what we have accomplished so far. 

Alumni Mock Interview Program: The Office of Alumni and Career Services hosted an Alumni Mock Interview Program on March 17th and 18th, 2015. McCourt alumni from various years and policy areas returned to provide students with the opportunity to practice their interview skills and receive constructive feedback. Many thanks to the alumni that participated in this event!

McCourt School Policy Conference Hosts Local and World LeadersThe McCourt School Policy Conference hosted their 21st annual event, "Infrastructure as a Path to Development." The opening address was given by the Honorable Anthony A. Williams, fifth Mayor of Washington, D.C. (1999-2007) and the keynote speech was given by President Felipe Calder�n Hinojosa, former President of Mexico (2006-2012). 


FBI Director James Comey Visits Georgetown: In a speech titled "Hard Truths: Law Enforcement and Race," Comey said the recent killings of unarmed young black men by law enforcement, protests about the deaths, and the murders of two New York Police Department officers, has put America "at a crossroads." 

Professional Development Short Courses: Alumni discounts are available for McCourt professional development short courses. This spring and summer we are offering a series of short courses in Public Sector Management, Effective Fundraising and Relationship Management, Joining the Political Blogosphere, Conflict Management in the Workplace, Introduction to Data Visualization, Introduction to PowerPoint Design and Presentation, Creating Interactive Visualizations with Tableau, How Washington REALLY Works, and Negotiation Strategies. 

McCourt School Announces PMF Finalists: Congratulations to the McCourt School students who are finalists for the 2015 Presidential Management Fellows program: James Horne, Kevin Kelsey, Jamie Obal, and Alexandra Pomeroy. Thank you to our Director of Career and Alumni Services, Briana Green, who guided and supported our students through this process. 

McCourt Policy in Practice Hosts Annual Auction: McCourt Policy in Practice, the McCourt School's student-led sustainable service learning project (formerly Project Honduras), raised more than $6,000 at its annual service auction. This year, the student group has embarked on a new partnership with the DREAM Project, a Dominican Republic-based local NGO, to carry out an HIV/AIDS prevention project.  

Massive Data Institute Offers Seed Grants: The Massive Data Institute offered another round of seed grants to progress research at the intersection of big data and public policy.  Two types of grants will be available to Georgetown faculty and graduate students: mini travel grants to faculty or graduate students who wish to attend big data conferences or establish collaborations with external faculty on projects using big data and research seed grants to early-stage faculty projects with high potential to generate external funding.   

Customized Executive Education for Your Organization: The McCourt School now offers a full suite of customized executive education programs for your organization. Training can cover leadership and management, data visualization, policy analysis, program evaluation, as well as many other topics. We design the program to meet your organization's needs and budget.  
Upcoming Events

April 27: Whittington Lecture with Senator Richard Durbin: McCourt School alumni are cordially invited to the 2015 Whittington Lecture featuring Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL). The lecture will take place on Monday, April 27, 2015 at 7:00pm in Riggs Library.

April 28: Women in Public Policy Initiative Alumni Happy Hour: Please join current WPPI members and alumni on April 28 from 6:00 to 7:30 at La Tasca restaurant in Chinatown to talk about professional life after McCourt! Share tips for finding and building careers in the public policy sector with current students-and see some old friends. All members, friends and colleagues-of any gender-are welcome. Please RSVP here. If you have questions, feel free to contact

April-May: GPPSA's PolicyWonks Conversation Series: The Georgetown Public Policy Student Association is hosting a series of happy hours for McCourt students and alumni. The series is an effort by GPPSA to host more events with serious policy content and present McCourt students with more opportunities to learn from peers with their diversity of experiences and knowledge. Check out the full schedule of events.


Stay Connected

Call for Policy Perspectives Alumni NewsThe McCourt School wants to publish news about your career moves, advances in education, research, and books in our fall issue of Policy Perspectives. Please limit your submission to 25 words and include your name, degree, and graduation year. Deadline for submissions is Monday, June 1st and should be emailed to questions or feedback regarding Policy Perspectives, please contact Cristal Clark

For Generations to Come: Help us provide financial support for students and make McCourt more competitive with our peer institutions. Please consider making a gift today.

McCourt Career and Alumni Database: Keep your contact information up-to-date and check out job announcements in the McCourt School Career and Alumni Database. Forgot your username or password? Email Katrina Randolph or call 202-687-5542 for help.

Alumni Career Panels & Job Postings: The McCourt School recently hosted alumni panels on education policy and careers in consulting. A big thank you to all alumni who participated! Contact Katrina Randolph about participating in a GPPSA Alumni Career Panel or posting opportunities for current students or alumni!

Sign Up for Hoya Gateway:  Join fellow alums by signing up for Hoya Gateway, a platform for students and alumni to engage in one-on-one career conversations or job shadowing. Hoya Gateway has launched in DC, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.  Get more information or sign up here to share your industry expertise with current students!

LinkedIn: Join over 1,500 students and alumni on the McCourt LinkedIn Group.

Facebook: Visit and "like" the McCourt School on Facebook.

Twitter:  Follow @GUPublicPolicy.
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